p3 2 daily nebraskan Campaign on road to goa be The $25 million fund-raising campaign by the NU Foundstion is well on the way toward its goal. Although the .campaign officially will not be launched until September, two donors already have contributed $2.2 million to the foundation, according to the foundation! Vice President Ed ttlrsch. Hirsch said foundation chairman D. B. Varner has not identified the donors. According to Varner, the campaign money will help NU "achieve a new level of academic distinction" but will not re place tax dollars. . The first year of the three-year campaign will focus on identification and solicitation of major donors, or those contributing more than $100,000, Hirsch ssid. The national campaign committee first will evaluate prospective donors, he said. Volunteer foundation members then will visit these people and explain the univer sity's needs, he said. "We want to explain things to them and let them have some input," he said. In the second and third year, efforts will be expanded to alumni and friends living in and outside Nebraska, he said. Dortors may specify where in the univer sity they wish their money to go, he said. Some of the money collected will be in vested immediately for programs ready to be started, he said. short stuff Applications for Daily Nebraska senior editorial positions for next fall are due today at 4 p.m. in the Daily Nebraskan office, Nebraska Union 34. Applications for reporter, photographer, columnist and sports, entertainment and layout editor are due Tuesday at 4 p.m. Appli cants should sign up for an interview time when apply- calendar 11:30 a .m .-College of Engineering Construction luncheon, Management Union 202. Noon -Engineering Union 243. College of luncheon, "C o R R I E" Behind tht Scenes with i "Hiding Place" 1 hr. film NEXT SUNDAY, MAY 1. 6.15 P.M. Free-will Offering UNIVERSITY LUTHERAN CHAPEL 1510 Que 'The Chapel on the Mall" Noon LaVista School, Union South Conference Rm. 12:15 p.m. - Arbor Heights School, Union North Conference Rm. i U :t i 12:30 p.m.-Muslim Stu- Society, Union 242. dent Association, Union 2 p.m.-Dai!y Nebraskan, 337. Union 216. 2 p.m.-Chancellor's 7:30 p.m. -Inter-Varsity office, reception with Afro- Christian Fellowship, Union American Collegiate 202. n SPRINTS Coinpbta Pnnrcni si (1 II MIDWEST SPEEDWAY M. 27th G Supsrior St MAY DAY SPECIAL '6,000 PuiX3 SUNDAY, MAY 1st 7:00 pm LATE MODEL STOCKS Compbb Prcarem i! ii ii si Rcr Admission $4.C0 Students Willi I.D. $3.C0 n Children 6-11 $1.CD Children Under 6 Frcs n I! U H (1 ii W-" V-- LuJ -TVA ...j "'mmmJ II 7 .... .1 -ir I Its V 1 L GOLD OR SILVER JhTr'7;H'4 V. t "vV. TtOULAJALtSCOS SI LOWS MO KIWOC VA ff 4 4 Our contacts corns in 33 eye-matching, eye-catching colors. We have the color contact lenses you want f rom 8 shades of green to violet to absolutely clear. 0 PEARLE vision center The "Happy Face" Place. LINCOLN-1132 "O" Street, Tel. 432-7583 and Gateway Mall, Tel. 464-7416 fX C2M H( HZ( ) Rdvbrtlclng Q . mar holing majors. Positions now opon for: Advertising manager fidvertiaing Salespersons Gain practical work experience and earn up I to $4SO per month vhlb I going to school Rpp!j at tho Da!!y Nebras!ian between 9 6J5pm, 7 &1 KoMj; t 5 W i 7 friday, epril 23 1077 The UN L Army ROTC Dept. will sponsor a rappell- ing clinic Saturday at 9 a.m. RappeHing is tht skill of descending a wall by rope. Participants will be given the opportunity to rappel. , The ; Chinese Student Association is sponsoring a transition party at Congress Inn, 2001 West O St., Saturday at 8 p.m. Admission is free. ODnaaDDaaaaanaaan 2 American pra-meds now hava an exciting new fcty to da- j Q velop their carers-a unique biomedical BuEtt program , y 0 which combines: n ii ni mainr Kinw Ynric eo!!a" which H - . one-year, jo-crwwuwuisw t i " -" 0 leads to a M.S. degree In medical biology or bactsrictejy and IMMillfVk niAnTAtt with reparation for admission byond tha first ysr to an RaSan medical SChOOI. AiSO veronnary wfw.. ins- " AIChE members meet today at 2:30 p.m.ln Avery 337 to hear Marc Nagele speak about flow to Evaluate a Prospective Employer. The UNL Science Dept. ins a computer seminar from 2:30 to 4 p.m. today in Ferguson Hail l . Computer is sponsor- science o D n ChartenKl by trse Rms of me UniversSy of the St2s of Ssrk l. Wli lvn ' .w-w r Eaaqaraan a a a a a 6otinlry 'swind rasl is becoming more and'Esore. popular. Southbound is country swing and will be appearing at scar's this Friday and Saturday, TP.: SSfdt t "This fantasy, as enchanting as it is enchanted, will fill appreciative readers w ith the 'same joy in youth amidst . surging nature .1 Midsummer Sight's Dream still weaves. "Seamus Cullen has created a world similar in some ways to that of Tolkien: it possesses that certain shim mer Yet he has done Tolkien one better by making his world deliriously erotic. "The tale is both classic and fresh, the story of a quest beginning "once upon a time, many years hence when our world has been reduced to atomized ashes. "But to give more than a hint of A Mm unit FbnJrix wtnild be to diminish its magic -Houston Clmmk te ( S3.V5. paper, ixm ai xour KkMtrc JL-X PANTi i EON 1" IV Astra if f i f; i ; 1 I I Room 34 K!cbfe:!;a Un!on. Decd'nes for epptcants. 1 GK5 O St. A ?C3-7n? y hio'i 4. 5dju cm. y