The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 29, 1977, Image 1

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    FAB makes tentative cuts in
ASUN President Greg Johnson received $930 less than
his amended budget request in the Fees Allocation Board
(FAB) tentative allocation Thursday night.
The board, disregarding last year's FAB recommenda
tion not to fund salaries, voted to accept the proposed
ASUN executive salaries totaling $2,695 for September
through March of 1977-78.
The possibility of unpaid ASUN executives was
compared by Johnson to old time England where Input
from the poorer, lower class was eliminated through
He said the lack of salaries would prevent students
putting themselves through school from becoming
involved In the higher levels of student government.
However, the .budget took a $400 cut In its administra
tive salary line which would have provided payment for
the current executives for April and May. The executives'
summer salary request was also cut from $600 to $560.
The board supported an amendment to delete the $250
requested for a task force to study student government,
but voted to accept Johnson's $5,000 programming fund
request, which he said included new ideas for student
services. '
An apartment service, uniform class evaluations, an
improved ASUN book exchange, information seminars
and a student loan program were possibilities Johnson
listed for using the allocated funds.
The tentative ASUN allocation of $28,385, afong with
the current overallocation of about $20,000 forces FAB
to either raise student fees more than the recommended
$6.04, or to drastically cut allocations to other student
organizations, according to Nate Eckloff, FAB chairman.
Greg Johnson said he could hardly advocate a greater
fee increase since he was elected to fight one, but FAB
member Frank Hallgren pointed out that axing other
organizations would be the only other alternative. The
board will discuss this further before making a final
ASUN vund reoiuest
Jay Matzke, FAB member, justified the boards alloca
tion by saying "ASUN is here to help the students of this
university, and I can't think of any organization that will
fill, or could fill the bill as well as ASUN."
Board member Mark Buchanan sai$ he felt the bene
fits of an effective student government far outweighed the
cost, and that this effectiveness would perpetuate itself.,
"Either fund it and back it all the way, or cut it out,"
he said.
After considering budget requests from eight other
student organizations, FAB planned to make final cuts
and recommendations late Thursday night.
A i n
friday. april 29, 1977 vol. 100 no. 1 13 lincoln, nebraska
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Photo by Ted Kirk
Lincoln Mayor Helen Boosalis made a brief visit to the Nebraska Union Thursday
afternoon and mingled with students attending, the city council candidate debates.
Beware: the book you buy
might be the one you "lost"
A few UNL students are making a lucra
tive living selling books to the bookstores,
according to Merle Howe, Campus Police
The problem is that the students making
profits are taking books from cafeteria
entrances, where students leave their books
while eating, and classrooms and selling
them for their own profit, he said.
"We average about two students per
semester being caught and going to court
for stealing and then selling books to the
two bookstores on campus," Howe said.
He said these students are charged with
petty larceny, and, if convicted, are
charged $60 plus $8 court costs.
Howe said the persons are caught when
they sell the books they stole.
Both University Bookstore and Neb
raska Bookstore require the book seller to
sign his name and show proof of his stu-
News, lincoln kids are getting their kicks
playing soccer this spring and so will
you p. 6
Entertainment: A CBS newscaster, a com
pose and the Lincoln Symphony Orches
tra will air their talents this Saturday. . p. 8
Sports: Husker football coach Tom Os
borne will separate the men from the boys
at Saturday's Red and White game . . p. 10
dent identification number, sources from
both bookstores said.
When someone loses a book, or be
lieves one has been stolen, he or she
should contact Campus Police and the two
bookstores immediately, Howe said.
"A lot of times a student says 'big deal'
when he loses a book," Howe said. "But
when you figure books cost from $10 up
that'salotofmoney." Persons who keep going back to the
bookstore frequently selling books are
under suspicion from bookstore clerks,
he said.
He said the signature and student iden
tification number used in selling the books
are used as evidence of theft.
"If the accused student does not admit
to the thefts, the clerk will have to go to
court and testify about the physical
appearance of the suspect," Howe added.
The biggest problem in catching thieves
is getting students to report thefts, he
added. . -
To help prevent the thefts and aid in
catching the guilty party, Howe said, stu
dents should put their name, address,
identification number and any identifi
cation marks they can remember in the
Not only does this help catch thieves,
but it helps get many books back to the
owner when the books are left in 'the
chssroom and picked up by custodians,
he Slid.
City council candidates
debate issues in Union
By Mary Jo Pitzl
Nearing the home stretch before Tues
day's city general election, city council
candidates came to the UNL campus
Thursday afternoon to discuss election
issues with students.
Plagued by microphone difficulties,
the two-hour debate in the Nebraska Union
Main Lounge drew about 35 students. The
debate was sponsored by ASUN's Gov- ,
ernment Liaison Committee (GLC).
Following self-introductions, the six
candidates responded to questions from a
three-member panel representing city,
county and university governments. The
city council hopefuls then fielded
questions from the student audience.
City council candidates include T. R.
Allan, Joseph Hampton, Leo Scherer and
Dorothy Walker and incumbents Sue
Bailey and John Robinson.
. Debate topics ranged frorrj Unimport
ance of Lincoln 's ' downtown cen ter to
energy conservation.
Housing discussed
ASUN president Greg Johnson asked for
the candidates' opinions on Lincoln
apartment conditions and availability, ex
plaining this housing issue is of major con
cern to UNL students.
Several candidates offered little hope to
remedy the current situation.
"It's doubtful if the apartment dilemma
will be solved until demand decreases,"
incumbent Bailey said. She said the city is
responsible for supplying tax dollars to
support housing, and "we have not yet
seen the support to do it."
Allan admitted that there is a deficient
amount of apartments in the city, but
building additional housing entails high
cost. He recommended that the city apply
for federal loans to alleviate the high build
ing expense.
"The burden lies on the university to
provide off-campus housing for students,"
Robinson said. Acknowledging such action
is currently impossible, Robinson encour
aged students to work for this goal and to
pressure the NU Board of Regents for help.
Robinson also said it is important. for
students to understand Lincoln zoning
policy. Many areas of Lincoln will be re
zoned this year and Robinson said this will
affect students as Lincoln residents.
Support downtown
Candidates unanimously voiced support
for a strong downtown center.
Scherer said the downtown plays a vital
role to the city, especially with the uni
versity located so close.
Calling the Lincoln downtown core the
"hub of culture and the tax base for the
city," Hampton said the city must do a
thorough job in developing the down
town area.
"Let's not do it half way. Let's make it
functional," Hampton said. More
downtown parking is necessary to achieve
this goal, he said.
"We have to keep the population close
enough to the downtown to use the
downtown," Walker said. She agreed with
Scherer that this would entail addiifonal
parking on the edges of the downtown
An unidentified student in the aud
ience questioned the contradiction be
tween the candidate's emphasis on energy
conservation and their support for increas
ed downtown parking.
"Although I am strongly for energy
conservation, we will have to provide park
ing downtown because people will still
come downtown," Scherer said.
Hampton stressed a move toward in
creased conservation and better use of Lin
coln transportation systems.
In comparison to other cities, Lincoln
doesn't even have an energy problem,
according to Bailey.
"As soon as possible we ought to get
rid of the idea parking is essential to the
downtown core," Bailey said. She suggest
ed peripheral parking for the downtown
The Lincoln-Lancaster County Regional
Comprehensive Plan, was also discussed by
the candidates.
Other debate topics included the Lincoln-Lancaster
County Common, westward
Lincoln expansion, and widening Hunt
ington Road between 27 and 33 streets.
State senators may begin
budget discussion Monday
Explaining that state senators "just
haven't gotten to it yet," Waverly Sen.
Jerome Warner said Thursday the NU
budget bill may be discussed by the Ne-,
braska Legislature beginning Monday.
The NU budget bill, LB533, includes
proposed budgets for the four state col
leges and aid to technical community col
leges. The bill had been expected to be
considered Thursday.
The Appropriations Committee has re
commended an amendment which would
add some $265,633 to the committee's
original suggestion that NU receive
$100,663,540, said legislative fiscal ana
lyst Alan MoeUer.
The additional sum is to replace loss of
federal funds for the UNL nursing
program, MoeHer said.
The Appropriations Committee recom
mends NU receive some $100,929,173
in general funds.
Kearney Sen. Ron Cope said the appro
priation bills are "moving along much more
quickly" this session than they have in the
He attributed the delays that have oc
curred to amendments on bills which he
said "should have gone thrdugh without a
Cope said the NU budget is t "slow"
process because of the amount of money
involved. He said he knew of no proposed
amendments but said "it'll be a great sur
prise" if the bill passes without amend
ment. With only 17 days left in this legislative
session, there is "ho possible way" all the
bills will be considered this session, Cope