thurc-sy, ipril 20, 1977 mil j ItvWv jw I ig more you joy, vug figer you- c 1 y V One tdvantss of getting a co'lcgo education, accord ing to a new computer program being used on the East Coast, is that it heresies your life expectancy. The computer, fed information regarding past tendencies for practically every piece of data that could make a difference in a person's life, says that the more education a person has, the. longer that person can expect to live. For a fee that usually is in the neighborhood of a quarter, depending on what state you are in, the computer will listen to your life's story and come up with a probable lifespan. Emphasize the "probable'' though, because as a UNL computer expert said Wednesday, it is not always right. fi "The computer, is ' based on' some ' tssymptions that aren't always correct," said David Johnson, associate professor of sociology. - The computer follows a linear regression formula in establishing life expectancies, which Johnson says is a simple system. "You could figure it out yourself," Johnson said of the life expectancy formula, "but it would take you 10-15 minutes. With the computer it takes less than a. second." Some of the data considered essential by the computer are: a person's age, education, sex, childhood diseases and what part of the country the person lives in , Other data considered are smoking habits, size of cay that the person is from and any other information the person might think is important. After it is given all the information, the computer figures the life expectancy for each of the individual pieces of data. Then, when everything has been totaled, a mathematical formula is used and a final total appears. (O) 'Yh& ( ( ) J v A : drier bur ycoro preparation and production T J A UNIVERSAL RELEASE a IFeHMmffb I I I I 1 j pais Sfl ins j X X HIS FIRST ENGLISH LANGUAGE FILM Wr A New Dimension in Entertainment surrounding you in a total Environment of Sight & Sound. Now accepting explications for Summer Help Bsrtsndsrs ' Waitresses ' . " Floorwalkers Call For Appointments or Stop in between 10em-1 .00 pm toon. - Fri. 402397-6471 72nd & Pacific n . a - A Film by FEDERICO FELLINI DONALD SUTHERLAND Produced by ALBERTO GRIMALDI Story mi Scmnpuy by FCDERKTO FELLINI ni BERNARDINO ZAPPONI Dirfctor at Photography GIUSEPPE ROTUNNOn I i Muwc by NINO ROTA TECHNICOLOR a a a a , a a a a a a a a YS 000 QMS i Mb: J?a 1 boo!& I ill 'ft j it If' Shc'Jsn Art Gsilcry 12fh Ct u KILLING'-w 12 I CHIN5SS Circtd by John Couavatas. Starring Gaziara. "Visually stunning, stylistically extrava gant, this film con verts Cassavete's excesses to a prod igal poetry." Newsweek Tuesday through Saturday j April 26, 27, 20, 29 & 30 J a I a I a I a VtMtL ; : ' CcnSCJOcdy t' Matinees J Texas Chainsaw M l) SH rrnPl A sex film" J . fevt'";' -TtMA 1 fS""?20' ' Massacre" - h . l ULLLSIxO only the : j i , ' 1211) ft -477-1234 J 3:2-5:2a-7:25- 9:A w ( O mlke!C0U,d , i IT'S THE MOST HILARIOUS : c e i n w stJ,n9 1 SUSPENSE RIDE OF YOUR LIFE! X Fnday and Saturday f f I MARYKcXCEM H . -,4 V! - rw ArmiHonJ'fst$1.00 f 1 fOCir) SEATRlCf HMtNOiS W " . , 0v . 1 1 I Q . f- . J'' J-i-.. ""' - ' II If fl fi cbntinuogs from 1 1 am if . c ,; ''VCJS-i "II ! ! VI must be 13 -have J.D. 4 . -I V I , LJ L. ...-j " lata show Frl. and Sat.- j ' , ; 4 3kQ 2 Nice NS. : V ar;:i ! AChsnse. r r n A; r rr-7nT 7 , r 5. ; . ' ; TC-9! c -T , 1 " '.'Vf ; , V " I 1 We r. going all out ' 'J ' TCI ''t ' ' Srr: takeoff i i '.w ? - j JZ. odntutha.only ' ' " - ' ' - OwVT:, w -j TV. h i n S-?!? i i j iiiii::.: sairry Ik i IJ iTJ 5 IJ fcvW IVW JK'I I ! - . f .gh! will do m Ihot. For only t!0 OC you U gal vo'irab tnstiuclion on the ground and an opportunity lu pcruojiy l:y an oirpian under th expf guidance ol a prcleuionai Ccssno Put Cntf (light msttucloc Com on out and itart a nw odwntur. J10.0C pay kx vfythirtg! When you have Kwnd your PrivaW Pilot t Ucn you r iig.bia lo nt h U0C.XC TcriwOfl Smvpstabw Sm im for compivt dKuii. No purchow twit tw coiurvro r.sf wr d JAQ'2E GLEASOn.c. -iHMaX KAKA-srtVfS BACHawi KEN F REDMAN -SHEUXJN SCHRGO? JONATHAN KAPIAN- Kf FWEDHAN end JDNAJHAN KAPUW-LWE GRUSPI A TO,M VA3LANS I A MAR US RAH30HOFT-FRANK YAEliS PX)UCT10N GENE WILDER JiLLCLAYBURGH RICHARD FRYOR "cwMory. Void whf ptohtbitad "SILVER STREAK" ty la u ; n if AN AfCTHUR HMa FIM OWL AVIATIOriiNC t Roger Drao p1 NCHTH CTTH STTIET Mvt by ft; rrr m-vjc? colcrsydsujxe-