The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 28, 1977, Page page 12, Image 12
daily ne'breskan thursday, spril 28,1977 P23 1 2 want ado r n ii .ii..wniii.iii,ii.. ..i I"" 1SS9 GTO. Good condition. Inqulrt at 475-2717 or 141 No. 30th. 70 Jeep, 4 cyl., 2 WD. A great buy at only $1185. 429 3709 after 3. 1972 Camero. Excellent condition. Low mileaoa. Full power. Extratl DINO 474' 8071 -NIGHTS! 1972 Intsrnational Scout II pickup. 27,500 miles, economi cal, top condition. 1837 S. 8th St. 474-1293 for appointment 472-1220 Crew Boathouse, leave message. 1974 V.W.. 15,000 mileage. 16" Zenith T.V., 2 door refrigerator. Call 464-7820. 75 VW Scirocco, silver, AM FM stereo, 22,000 miles. Runs great, $3400. 530 N. 54, 464 7302. B.F. Goodrich Radial TA's 2 GR60 - 15's. Appliance wheels 2 -15 x 8. Call Ed, 472 8280. Four black Cutlass Sport Rims, 14", Must sell. 472 9784. 1969 Triumph Tiger. 650 cc. Excellent condition. Come see 3240 South 40. Call after 5:30 p.m. 489-9292. 1973 175cc Kawasaki dirt bike, low miles, very clean. Call after 6 p.m. 464-6595. 1974 Suzuki 380 GT. Many extras, excellent condition. $700,435-0427. 10 speed men's bike. 26" frame. Good price. Call 472 8936. Scott. For sale: 10-speed Free Spirit Bicycle. Excellent condi tion. 475 6070. Must Sell by Friday Nitel Akai Cassette Deck $120, Peugot 1 0-Speed $115. See at 4318 Madison, Apt. 3 from 6 to 10 p.m.. Wed. thru Friday. 2 Utah speakers, 3-way, handles 60 watt peaks. GOOD Condition, $1 00. 488-9529. Girlfriend wants commit ment: stereo for sale, Marantz 1120 stereo console. Dual 1218 turntable, 2 Rechlinear III speakers, Sony TC-366 reel to reel. 464-5709 after 6 p.m. Must Sell: Early 60 's FENDER MUSTANG electric guitar. This 6 string is in ex cellent condition. Refinished dark wood grain body. Ask ing $175. Call 432-3768 (or 477-9307 after 5). IBM eiectric office type writers, standard carriage, $160; wide carriage. $1 70. 488-7972, 5 -10 p.m. Thursday. Hoover Constellation, near new, $20. Eureka Upright $35, excellent condition. Mr. Sweeper Store. 2310 North 43th. 467-3633. Refrigerator Freezer, Best offer takes. Call Tom. 472 0S49. King size water bed. Padded leather frame 2 sets sheets. 435-5528. OLD ENGLISH SHEEPDOGS 6 darling AKC puppies ready to win your heart. Excellent with children - $125 - Lincoln 423-5351 after 6:00 pjn G.I. J3C3) 334-7476. 2 mate part Doberman, 4 months, pups. 453-7S37. ""Lincoln's Discount Started Canter" S low price ttytes now In nock. CankAmarfcsrd, fe&star Charj oc monthly pay ments or tty-cwey plan avail tJs. Free Dslivery. Caliam Cue Home Ent3rtsuvnsfrt Centar i;c7 octrwt Sublease for summer: East campus 2 -bedroom house. Avail ale May 15. 3451 Starr. 467 2494. Brand new 6-plex. 2 bedroom units. Carpets, all appliances, parking, near bus lines. $210 $240 deposit. 1259 So. 21. Call 435-0219. Furnished 1 bedroom, air, tunporch, laundry, $125, June 1.474-1132. CORNHUSKER CO-OP , The In place this summer for both men and women. $15 wk. double room. 705 N. 23rd St. or call 475-6798 and ask for house officer. E50 North 23 1 bedroom $150. 2 bed room $200. Call about other houses and apartments. 435 2475. 483-1092. Century 21, Western Realty. Available immediately - 2 bedroom apartment. Extras - in expensive. 1910 J. 432-6236. East Campus, 2 bedroom, appliances, utilities paid, $185. 423-1421. For rent: First and second floors of house, three bedrooms, dining room, garage, patio. All appliances, includes washer and dryer. All carpeted. Near Wesleyan University and East Campus. Deposit required. Rent $260.00 monthly. Available June 1, 1977. Phone 466-0227. Southwood Village 4401 South 27 2 bedroom apartment, unfurnished. Available May 1. Call 477-4539 or 423-0193 after 5:00. Available May 15 2931 U St. 2 bedroom house, stove, re frigerator, $170 & utilities and deposit. 466-6642. Single summer rooms for rent. Kitchen facilities available. ' $13week. Pioneer House, 474 9015, ask for Russ or C.W. Males only. Summer Housing For men and women, air conditioned, carpeted, parking. Acacia Fraternity. 435-4673. 415 North 29 Large 1 bedroom, re decorated, fireplace, $180, heat paid. 432-9978, after 5. 2 or 3 bedroom mobile homes. As low as $150 per month. 477-5647. Close in, 1 and 2 bedrooms, appliances, carpeted, air condi tioned, heat paid. $125 - $210. 474-1496. 489-8067. NICE 2 bdrm. apt. near East Campus. 472-0042 after 6. Available May 15. Pay no rent until June. Unique large 1 bedroom apartment in beautiful old home on South 19. $145, utilities paid. 489-8589. 831 "G" Urge deluxe 2 bedroom. $220. 432-5118 after 4:30. 1 bedroom unfurnished apartment. Off-street parking, central air, carpeted. Close to Campus. All utilities paid except electricity. $145month. 432 3SSS. 483-7000. Large four bedroom close . in - May 15. $250 plus - 477 4350. 1S23A 1 bedroom furnished apartment. Air conditioned. May 5. $120. 477-8156. Furnished efficiency. Air cond. $135 inc. utilities. Call 472-951 6 or 474-0765. 7C3 South 17th Attractive 1-2 bedroom apartments. completely furnished, carpet and draped. $165 to $205. Air conditioned. Available for summer school. 432-CSS2. 2 bedroom 4-pix. 3 minutes north of city campus. Fireplace, tiltimttm, tub end shower. 215. monthly lease. Office hours. 477-3443. 1 bedroom 4-plex. 3 minutes north of city campus. Tub, shower, $145, monthly lease. Tenant pays pss & lights. Office hours. 477-3443. Apartments evtle. Efficiencies, 1 & 2 bedrooms. Good locations. 474-2437, 423- C343. 1CS0Q Plush, new efficiencies available now with air, appliances, carpet, drapes, bed, garage $140. Compltely furnished $150. No pets. 475-6523, 477-1183, 463 1933. 3 bedroom Townhouse, north of city campus, 1,350 square feet, IK baths, tenant pays only lights. Monthly lease. $250, Office hours, 477-3448. Newer 2 bedroom apart ment. $225 utilities, 2829 Holdrege. Available May 15, will rent for summer months, or longer. 474-0515, or 474-4611. Close to East Campus: 1 & 2 bedroom furnished apartments. $135 $170 plus. Also 5 bed room house practically furnish ed. $275 plus. 432-36S9. 18th & Euclid 1 bedroom, stove 8t refrigera tor furnished. $150 plus. 432 3689. New apartments for rent. 2 bedroom, air conditioned, fireplace, dishwasher, range, re frigerator, disposal, tub, shower, and storage shed. $215month plus utilities. 464-8928, 477-6574. Raintree Apartment 32 &0 Available now, 1 bedroom apartments, dishwasher, disposal, air, pool, no pets. 435-4793 483-1092 Call about other houses and apartments. Western Realty Summer Housing Kitchen, laundry, parking on campus. Single rooms $20. Double $15. Call 474-9802. ask for Harry, Doug or Kelly. Delta Sigma Phi Fraternity. if SUMMER HOUSING Theta Chi Fraternity 626 N. 16th Kitchen, Laundry, Parking, Air Conditioning, On Campus. Single rooms: $20; Double: $15. Call: 432-7893, ask for Pete, Diane, or Glenn. Males only! Houses for Summer & Fall 3 bedroom Ag Area - $250 utilities. 2 bedroom - 1612 No. 32 $225 utilities. 2 bed room - 450 No. 26 $175 utilities. 3 bedroom North east $250 utilities. Call Dallas. 474-1156, 432-6555. Century 21, Custom Realty. ' 1 Downtown Lincoln's newest restaurant needs part-time help, now and through the summer. Hours: 10:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., line workers and kitchen help. Apply in person after 2:30. Frenchie's Hambruser Joynt 1316 "N" St. Waitress. Neat appearing. Friday or Saturday evenings. Apply in person. Cliff's. 12th & O. Daily Nebraskan is now tak ing applications for CIRCULA TION positions for FALL, . 1977-78. Need approx. one hour free between 9:00-10:30, MWRF; car required. Average pay is $00 month for 15 days work. See "Jerri" at 34 NE. Union, Monday through Thurs day. May 2-5, only. Deadline MayS. Part- or full-time salesman, choose own hours. Large commission, car required. Call 432-CC34. Thurs.-Fri.-Sat.-Sun. nights, midnight to 7 a.m. Oonut cutter, will train. Apply at Dippy Donuts. 1227 Ft St. Earn $3hr. plus tips on delivery, must have own car. Employment now & summer. Apply in person after 3:33 at Heavy Eddy's 611 N.27th Wanted: Summer school stu dent for part-time drive attendant. Crest 01 Co. 1 545 Cornhusker Highway Union Insurance has part time opening for a transcrip tion typist. Must type minimum 50 wpm. Hours are 5 to 9 p.m. Monday through Friday, Must call 432-6133 for appointment. Applications wanted: Summer job working with a hog operation. Agriculture or animal husbandry major preferred. Call (913) 325-2905, or write Dale Kaesecker, Washington, Kansas, ESSS3. Approx. 30 hours per week, 4-8 p.m. daily, and 5 a.m. 12 noon Sundays. Must have car, mileage is paid. Knowledge of Lincoln street helpful. Call Jerry Genrich, 473-7349 for Interview appointment. Underclassman For an opportunity to travel and earn $875 per month, call Mr.Wollman at 432-4417. mm Summer Work $5.50 per hour Car necessary 488-1227 Mite Female wanted to ride with male to Phoenix, leaving May 14. Call 466-5073 after 5 p.m. Living arrangements in exchange for part-time daily babysitting and light house work. 464-6030. Physically disabled student seeks a reliable male aide for academic year, 1977-78. Good opportunity for student interested in ( rehabilitation. Salary arrangements also include room & board. For further information, please contact 472-2486. .iiiiiiiisiti Roommate needed for summer. Share two bedroom Chareau Charleston apt. Clubhouse, pool, game room, 467-3144. Female roommate wanted at the end of the semester. $85 electricity. Call 432-0542. Male roommate wanted: Own room - furnished; washer, dryer, dishwasher. Utilities paid. $75mo.. 477-8314. Female roommate for summer months. Close to campus. Call 472-ESS5. 1 male roommate wanted. In newly remodeled house. Pri vate bedroom, washer & dryer, etc. Only 6 blocks from campus. Call 475-3885 ask for Gary. Wanted: Female roommate, own room. tS2mon. Quiet location, superior house. 464 5122. - Dear Anonymous - ' Thank you for the lovely flowers I received Friday, April 22. -5323SeHeck tYant Action? See to pauto racing this Sunday, 7 p.m, at Midwest Speedway. 27th and Superior St. Beaver It has been one hell of a week for you. I hope your jaw held out. Signed, H packed Gina- Congrats on the Mai Tai -drinking Pi Phis The Luau was . a balstl Hope the Muddy Muzo is too. Your Sig Ep riding companion FB it's only 4 days with the room and BD enjoy. JW and GG who's place was it? t mad oarsman. Learn to let the Sonshine, a new approach to Christianity. Public Class Tuesdays, 7:30 p.m. 2348 Q St. Sponsored by the Christian Community of Lincoln. Solicited Inquiry 3 frustrated sophomore women would like to know where nice, eligible upper classmen males are hiding. We know you're out there. Please answer via personals. No animals need respond. RB.BH.MM Take a peek. . . Streak Week, coming May 1-7 Try a new high protein diet that works. 464-01 86. Birthright offers a choice. We understand the needs of you and your baby. 477-8021. P.R., Fifth Anniversary and still going strongl Once upon a time. Love, M.W. OUTREACH We're not worth the trouble or time. JIM AND DAVE ADVERTISING MAJORS The Daily Nebraskan is now taking applications for sales positions. Time required: 20 30 hours per week. Leave college with practical work experience and make $0 $450 per month in doing so. APPLY at the Daily Nebraskan, 9 to 5, Room 34, Nebraska Union. The legislature didn't do it so H.S.S. did. The "Bob Devaney Pentathlon" Team competition, May 1st. H.S.S. Devaney may be present. POETRY WANTED for Anthology. No style or con tent restrictions. Include stamped envelope. Con temporary Literature Press, P.O. Box 26462, San Francisco, California 94126. Congratulations A.G.R., The Police appreciate your involuntary cash contributions. Excellent job of goo public relations for our fraternity. Proud Alumni To whomever accidently took my wallet and lock from the fieldhouse last week: Keep the cash and loc, but please ' return the wallet and other con tents. 472-0788. Attention I Big Louie is coming to H.S.S, cafeteria Thursday, 5:15 p. m. May mean trouble for Casino Night! ..l .i;av?.r . WAIT! I'LL JOIN YOU! Scott .-j 1 OCT Meet me at Toyota at 1200 Q tor the best deals on a new car. M.C.T. it THANK YOU JIM NAB. THE N.U. RUG8Y CLU3 c:;l REWARD $100 Reward, for Information leading to the arrest and con viction of person (s) who stole a Motorola 2 -Way Radio from lobby of Cather Hall the morning of April 7. Contact Captain Robert Edmunds, UNPD, 1024 Avery or call 472-3555. ABORTION INFORMATION BUREAU, 1N& CALL US FREE .12-800-523-5350 A NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION -ooooooo Econo-Storage office will be closed until May 3. Call then for your summer storage. 4' x V x 8', $15mo., 489 6345. Will type any material re quired. Past secretary experience in legal and financial fields. 489-7210 after 5 p.m. Experienced Painters need work. Inside and outside. Refer ences available. Free estimates. Days call 472-2588, ask for Doug. After 5 call 489-6670 or 432-3766. Guitar Instruction Zager Studio now accepting additional students for new spring schedule. Beginning or Advanced. $6.75 per lesson. 483-2096. Low cost flights to Europe from $250. Israel from $469, plus Africa and the Far East. Call Toll Free Europe Int'l. Lts. (800) 223-767S Brides to Be Have an idea of what you want your wedding dress to look I ike .'but can't find it in the stores? Let me make it for you at a price you can afford. Call Debbie at 433 2182 for an appointment. DICK'S WATCH SERVICE Watch Repair Watch Sands Watch Batteries H btk. S. of Nebr. Book store 335 N ITtH 432-3414 Summer advanced ballet classes forminfl For jnfo cal, Elizabeth Merey. 474-0877. FILM and Introductory Lecture ECKANKAR The Ancient Science of SOUL Travel (Dreams. Soul Travel, Karma) 7:30 Thur. 28th. 333 N. 14. r FREE! 10 mon. old cat. Loveable and well-trained. We're moving and can't keep him. Call 475-3515. U : .i H ' ' -LCST- 2 RirtfTi left in Wnmwi'i PP gym near unevens. PLEASE Return - call Lori -432-1570.