The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 28, 1977, Page page 11, Image 11
thurcdiy, eprll 23, 1977 If llVWtU.ltvll 1 J n 0 . its si n n o now. mm2'i ho it I X-asJI ftjwa The Hisskcr football squad has three returning starters in the defensivs bsckflcld but that is as far as similarities go when comparing this ycir'i end fcst year's squads. Monte Kifiln is replaced by dsferasive coordinator Lanca Van Zandt. Ha brought tho attack defenu with him. Tha dsfsnza, will future so.t.3 cover- Returning lift comerback Ted Ibrvcy sdd Husker fans will sse more na-to-mra covsrssa but the zona coverage still will be u::d most of the time. Harvey, a senior from Lexington, will not play in Saturday's Red-White scrimmts9 because he must take his dental school entrance examination. For Saturday's Red-White scrimmase, the depth charts list Harvey as the number one left comerback followed by Tim Fischer, Greg McQuitter and Paul Letcher. -r "i y r . I y The returring starter for the monster back position, Kent Smith, hzs been listed number two behind sopho more Jim nilcn, brother of former Husker linebacker Clete Fi!bn. Others listed are Steve Frei and Percy Keith. The safety position is retained by returning starter Lcny Vak:;k, followed by Dsnris Payne, Tom Dctt md Eric Stewart. Senior Rene Anderson is the top-ranked right corner back followed by Darrell Walton, Dan Cass and Andy With the n?w system, Harvey said, every player has i better shot at starting. "This system is something well enjoy once we learn it," he said. "Van Ziindt is a great coacn and once we learn ; the system, itH be good." it m W -u0 to tf? W ... t mm 11 Tf? Sl ftlAWAi llff UUSUJ 1 .GlUIJUi I lULIuw foreign car specialists 27th and T Lincoln. Nebraska 475-9022 Playing Nightly Thai May 1st The defensive backfield will be missing' last- year's All-Dig 8 Conference selection Dave Butterfield, but Harvey said the defense still will be good. However, Harvey said the spring practices are not com pletely indicative of how the team will look next fall. "We've (the defense) performed well in the spring, but it's hard to tell in the spring if we're doing a good job," ha said. "When we play among ourselves you can't reall. tell how you're doing. "We've got a lot of work to do, but well get there." Changing his defensive style has been a challenge, Harvey said. ' "I've been fairly pleased with my performance so far. But there are things I have to learn to do with the new system." "1 have to keep my shoulders down more and work on my backpeddling for the man-to-man coverage." m irf 1 mi MP U N. at J (formerly the Broken Arrow) Indian Creek Mall Show your college I.D. & drink for 12 Price during Young Country's engagement. GOO daikj nobrackan sonlor editorial openings: News Editor, managing Editor and Rssoclate News Editor elso Niht Nsws Editor end Photo Chief. Applications duo Tel., April 29, 4 pm. Also applications for sports, entsrtsinmsntv layout and copy editors, photographers end rcportsrs. Rpplications due Tues., fRay 3. 4 pm. Applications availabla at the ' r Daily Nebraskan, room 34 Nebraska Union 1 Edited by WILL TOG crossword puzzle ACROSS . 1 Jobs for musicians 5 Sleep slope. . in IUwait 13 Smdl ' 14 Care for 15 Nathan 17 Poker hc!Mng 18 Militaiy search, for short 19 Muscat's land 23 Have second thoughts 23 Kind of spin 24 Uses a certain machine 23 Goads 23 Piste!! tad .. swords, 32 Like Mr. SkelUsn 34 Upstrs S3 Answer to 23 Suffixes for threads 23 "Tl.z k:r- can wrosti 23 Honey drinks 41 New Yrck and Hew Jresey, e.g. 43 Mythical island 43 Tax deductions 43 Sulk 47 African weesht 43 Joins the political rins S3 Hawaiian , island -3 Yiddish deli offering 57 Grace or sour ' 3 Final word 3 Footpath. iaPiris C3 Lacking brightness 1 Aerie O Lip C3 Concert nunser DOWN Assna is Fsrcsss. nun Mu5ilftilWljT5 ; T ThT6 Th 1 1 G 'h 1 slj S 1 t n irt ;N A'M'E L vrsTE'sT 3Trg J MO.. "ff"sT rt aIn pUj iS T 0F C TTTT loMoWIH aire oTfK I Hw"? Y j G E T ORT L jAjl! e's 'GA 8 0 wr s H aTt TmTe wTs i ilclR j.M TTjojE? 8 uTT t e T m u s eWFl3TrIeIs1il .pieibit 1 Stare at 2 Oil land i 2 13 fi t "1 Is Ft 5 r ji To ti 12 f ,l I 13 I 14 f I ,16 ! -i I ! r 3 " :'i I. . 25 28 21 I ;3 ' 30 p 5 ' iT j 34 ! ! 23 J3T 41 2 j j 43 44" I 4S ". 1. z z jjlL zjszz sj 49 ) - SI i2 3 4 S "X" """" ' i7 I i I j .1 -( 1 -' I j j ,1 I j j j 1 1 3 Pace 4 Gave in a bit 5 Supporter "Let's make . t 7 Places S Old 9 Source of a salad dressing 13 Metrical foot 11 Off key 12 Swsejss 15 Through 21 Libartiiie 22 Is cl?z?i for 23 Aiistcdt&e - dock 27 Perfect .'. 23 Tnxfcs 23 Irudi dai&ss 23 Carta 31 Geolcfterm S3 Ilalf steps, in rnusic 27 Plays ia &e wu-tsr 43 Kinicf iob 42 UJS. auior PhS 44 Ivory sosrecs 47 Mucicil vrs 43 Govt, ejnpfejyee 43 Ilamtsscsrt Re-rtts Historic vessel Ccrridi he-SILner 3 Kir.i cf r;pe: Abbr. SI Ew!ical CKur.t -" S3 51 Ja no n (0 11 0 (0 (0 k-) :;0TI!S CHEAT AT LAIVLC.7S SCtSS fca, C. frd feny cJ Tix Tss, cj tr.3 lia rj, crJ c:L';:i fr 3- "7777 .S X 1 . UXZZll VOIZI S S-!H fcx U t, Sa. 13-1 r V. , 'I u J I.