The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 28, 1977, Image 1

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The ASUN Government Liaison Committee (GLC) is Herman said.
making a concentrated lobbying effort supporting the pro
posed NU budgst which probably will corns before the
Nebraska Legislature today, sdl Mary Fejfar, GLC co
. chairman.
About 15 UNL students on the GLC are keeping close
tabs on UNL interests In the Legislature.
Committee members met Tuesday to "really get
members interested and psyched up to go talk with the
senators, according to Mike Herman, the other GLC co-
"Each GLC member has been assigned several senators
to talk with and stress the importance of university needs,
"Ve wast everyone to talk with their state 'senator
before they go home," Herman said. Ve are on top of
the wave now and going good.
GLC's primary targets this legislative session have been
lowering student fees and promoting support cf the landlord-tenant
bill, LB121, Fejfar said.
The projected student fee increase next year is about
$10.29. However, this figure would decrease by $3.18
if the state finances four programs currently supported by
student fees, Herman said.
The program, costing about $133,700, are career
thursday, april 28, 1977 vol. 100 no. 112 lincoln, nebraska
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Photo by Ktvin l-Jij'-ey
A UNL student takes advantage f .the wafra spring weather by studying and soaking up some rays at '
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sa-ji ssi' t law
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Dy Eztsh Amnions
The ASUI4 Senate Wednesday niht approved a resolu
tion supporting President Greg Johnson in his approxi
mate $ 12,000 increase over former President Ell Mueller's
1377-73 budtt propossl to the Fees Allocation Board
Johnson fdi the increase was needed to hire an S3JX0
per year Eesste rsaarcher and to implement new Senate
" Also included in the fecxease would be a $ 1 XX) a year
work study student to help with ASUN clerical work,
Johnson ssid. He -ddc4, however, tliat he is not sure he
will ask for tfie money. "
The vote was 23 to 5 in favor of the proposal with
Csnators Hie Eorsaa, Jcia Kamp, CHI Caaasl, Harley
Lcftcn var.J Z,za vctrj a"t the jrcpcsal.
The temters who voted ssjnst the prcpcssl qucstlca--'-:
cd the feaii!Ity cfhiiinj a fu3 time researcher since FAS
I juat crn't see how thfy crst rs.::e student f:::, arj
it would te 1 cur fault," Uriitr1 -
Arts end Cdnxs fa. ICan-p z&zi Johnn to justify
JJ.-.:;n r:'J the r:::rci.:r v. -ui tesaHt tt..r.Uani
rr.a!;e the ATU:i Etr.e a mere vLlIe c:; -:i:lion.
II: til'A th:t 1 :rl-j a fJ tlr.e researcher ncv would
"You have to remember that just being an active
organization will take more money," he said. ' .
After senate debate on the increase, Ugai proposed that
Johnson's budget be given to the Budget and Fees Com
mittee for review with the intent that the Senate would
approve any solution they devised.
Ugai told the Senate that she thought sending it to the
committee, would eliminate spending more time lushing it
'over at the meeting. -'
. . However, Easiness Sea. Jane Matzke said she thought
sending it to committee was not the solution since shs did
not know what else they could y ih-out it.
Ugd's propesd wzt C::ited ar,d the Senate gave it's
vote cf
pesd at tcriht's FAS rseetir.3. "
FAS adviser Jack Eaier, acting deaa cf student '
cevebpment appeared at the ir.etti"2 and urged the
In rttpenrs to Lzzt, Em. IZJby Znzrjzz prermtsd a
prepccil aih-g that FAS ccr.r.r rndig cuts b the
tuJ:2i cf other sfdent -cr; iiatbrj so the Zzzits
could have its new prrgnm mcney.
" Sar.cns rcx!uic-a pasi 23-5-1, wii tdie c-nj
planning, career counseling, new student orientation and
environmental health.
. The Appropriations Committee has recommended state
financing for these programs, Fejfar sdd, but GLC h
lobbying to ensure that this appropriation remains in the
Fejfar added that the GLC supports the Appropriations
Committee's recommended NU budget.
It is pretty good if you compare their figures with
those in the NU budget," she said. -
Herman said GLC also is lobbying for Grand Island
Sen. Ralph Kelly's landlord-tenant bill and amendments
and are pressing for the bill to come up on the floor soon.
The bill is "down the line quite a ways", Herman said,
but GLC hopes it will reach the floor while UNL students
still are in Lincoln.
The bill may not be reviewed during this session, he
added, ,
GLC is opposed to an amendment proposed to the
landlord-tenant bill by Scottsbluff Sen. William Nichol,
Herman said.
He said Nichol, a landlord, "turned the bill around"
and proposed that if the tenant fails to comply with his
obligations, the landlord would be able to recover losses
from the tenant.
t h Ft m m I I - I n m
p-ff fmi 11 i in iiWu1
The list of UNL housing director candidates has been
narrowed to six by a screening committee that is "running
a little ahead of schedule," according to Richard Arm
strong, vice chancellor for academic affairs.
Armstrong, former housing director, said Wednesday
he urged a quick screening process so final candidates
could visit the campus from May 2 through 13 to be inter
viewed by students before summer.
The 10-member screening committee which was
appointed March 15 and includes two students, narrowed
the list from 68 applicants, he said.
"The committee and myself have selected two de
finite candidates to visit the campus next week," Arm
strong said. "A third candidate will be chosen from the
remaining four," he added, narrowing the list to three.
"" He said "seven! -focal staff. members" were included
among the 63 applicants but.dsclbsi to say if any UiiL '
staff members were among the finalists.
The position of housing director has been vacant
since March 1 , leaving five assistant housing directors
with operations responsibility, according to Armstrong.
Glenn Schumann has been chairman of the group.
"We are extremely fortunate to have strong assistant,
directors," Armstrong said. "They have worked beauti
fully and have the ability to reach high standards and
maintain perfection." .
He said he has asked Mike Gibson, Residence Hall
Association President, to select four association members
to be on the interviewing committee when candidates
visit the campus.
He said he plans on appointing the new housing
director and "having him at work by July 1," which he
said "would be about as quick as any recent search
committee has acted."
Although the original act included Webb Bancroft, a
sophomore from Ralston, as the Force's chairman. Sen.
Ted McConneil amended it so Bancroft only is temporary
McConnia said this would give the Senate a chance to
see how Bancroft works out and give the Task Force time
to establish their -own leadership. The Senate will approve
a permanent chairman by Sept 15.
Johnson sdd his intent in appointing Bancroft as
permanent chairman was to separate the Task Force as
much as possible from ASUN. '.
He would have rather seen the chairman chosen by the
farce instead of ASUN, he said, adding lf the senate did
r.ct like what- the force -wis doing, they rr.:;t net
r appoint him." - - - .
The Senate alio apprersd a resciutioa iecor.a:?nfL:g'
'a $33 parkLng permit for tsxt year, and another a:!drg infonnaoa disrursd at a closed Parking Ad,iry
Lzzzi heirLng A?r3 21 be RTcaled.
i . - . r
2 en r.'J ctJ cv;ry
c:t. i v.
iliz tz9 i:zvi Or-nic. Act
Zsze, which istdlldics a tz force to tt'jdy stL-icnt
r:;vv3. Aa expected Msy in GI fcsilts wiU rule mcttey
t!-ht for UTL student v:ti p.
L!2rt"jr.crt: UNL's venioa cf V.'ocditock cemts to
ths East Campus Friday P-S
-f;t;rts:P.i'y htt Ccffey wCl end a Cve-y::r
chm at UNLS2turdr P3
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