Wednesday, &prii 27, 1077 daily ncbresksn nana f . I as t eiah't da 2 1 i 4 wa T minus eight days and counting. Eight days of classes. That's all that's left in the semester schedule before Finals Week. Eight days. That's 192 hours, more or less. 11,520 minutes. The subject of this column is how to most effectively, waste those minutes. Don't kid yourself by thinking that they will be spent studying and writing papers. First of all, you can knock warp nine off at least one-third of them for sleeping time, so the number is reduced right away to 7.6S0. And at least another 500 minutes will be spent during meals. So if you're at a loss figuring out what to do with the remaining 7,180 minutes, read on. First let's set some ground rules: : , Putting things off - Rule lrDon't do anything today that can be put off until tomorrow,-, XXJL. OJLLL Wr-a i VI KAil . V WW ) 15 DLSCOI INT with valid student ID. includes everything excep livestock purchases LnV 11 ll VIA 2 QUALITY PniCE VALUi H1IZXICO: . piJ .-.coo mm i n I : Hows EdnOf, filanoiQfno Editor 1 and Rsccclats Hcvs Editor - ; nppL'cal!ons-.'du3 . ." FfL, flpfl 29. 4 pm. . ;. A!;3 rkstf &3 fcr 'spats, . cntsrtlsn?35fc Isycut end copy : . c-Itsrs, ptsThrj'cid reporters. Rpp!!cat!crt3 duo "" : Tu23 fpay 3, 4 pm. - Wife W i- 1 1 A Rule 2: Any form of activity is preferable to construct ive activity. - Rule 3 : Vasted time is more rewarding when spent by groups of two or more persons, fci other worlds, dont go at it alone. Recruit others and waste their time as well. A necessary footnote to these rules is Crammer's Law: : Studying intensity is proportional to the square of the amount of wasted time that precedes studying. Example:' a person who wastes two hours will later have to study four times as hard. And so on. : One more thing. A distinction needs to be made at this point between procrastinators and bona fide time wasters. Time wasters don't just put things off until later. They creatively till the time with useless activity. There is a r difference. Now for the particulars. It: is suggested that time wasters, in order to increase efficiency, keep track of wasted minutes and record them on a tally sheet. Astop-. watch can be a big help here. " , Ways to waste time ' 1) Sleep more. This is such an obvious method of wast ing time that it shouldn't have to be mentioned. Minutes count as wasted time only if they're overslept. Going to . bed early in the evening is an extreme form of efficient time use and should be avoided at all costs. Go to a party instead. Now if you sleep an average of 12 hours a day, you're left, with only 5,760 minutes. That's a consider able head start. : 2) .Extend mealtimes with an extra cup of coffee. If Now Playing Nightly Thru May 1st at n n . i (formerly the Broken Arrow) Indian Creek Mall Show your college I.D. & drink for 12 Price during ; Young Country's engagement. Rnothsr Lightweight from Lincoln Schivinn Gijclsfij. Ths Ulns is teautifuHy dstsiJsd, shewing hii 'quaiity' and workmanship, this lltesigflt -ID ' !p;d f2iSire$ ' a fuUy lood .1023. Vit-t steel tubing frsa. SUM TOUR VGT Lufes dsraUScar, TOURNEY a!lcy cottcdess crsnkset wi-'i ctlc jpsrdr stsel rims with h!i pressure UlCiicUU tires tjsrcxisnately 23 lb." (Uncc!n Schv;!nn Cijclcnj (3321Pioncor Blvd. (PH. 483-2101 you drink slowly enough, that takes care of another 360 minutes. The drawback is that it'll be harder to get to sleep at night. But that time can easily be wasted by tossing and turning, if it is done well. : 3) A challenging way to waste time is to play two or more games of pihball every day. You're wasting quarters as weU, so count those. Even if a person is a consistent loser 300 minutes can be totally wasted this way. ; 4) Read the Rag every day. Don't forget the Personals ,column in the Want Ads. That takes care of another 105 ., minutes. ' 5) Try to place a couple of calls each day through the University Centrex system The wasted time gained by doing this is truly calculable. 6) Talk to your roommate, whom you haven't seen for three weeks. Chalk, "up another 500 minutes for this. 7) Sit on the edge of Broyhill Fountain in the Union Mall and wait for the Physical Plant to turn the water on. If you spend two hours each day at this perfectly mean ingless activity, that gives you another 960 minutes. A big chunk. - . 8) Spend another hour each day in the South Crib listening to the tasteless music that's pumped out of the juke box. This one is for fully conditioned time wasters only. . ' y That should do for a start. I heartily recommend them all. But even if you follow all the above suggestions, you're still left with 3,000 minutes - minutes that could be well spent if you don't watch it. So start counting. ( ;J. 1 - - ' Our Confcsts Pfcn: If ycu don't lovo 'cm, eaw8 'cm. Within 30 days of purchase, if you decide contact lenses aren't for you, we'll refund , the cost of the lenses. C PEARLE . v vistop center The "Happy Face" Place. LINCOLN-1 132 "O" Street, Tel. 432-7583 and Gateway Mall, Tel. 464-7416 ' IDA ' B JSk Pjesenting our new "tube look NjUmoni solitaire bridal sets . ,T. - in 14 karat gold. ' ; See our selection of this sleek new look, and fall in love. Solitaire Set above, $325. L Sd;:cr f !, . $375 c f f.v Rstisml at Li f kn Om CV Carte bote Urur . 7 ' 1 Viz DLin-ond Slrs t accounts;.