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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 27, 1977)
FAB hems, allegMl t . By Gail Stork An alleged overpayment of three former ASUN execu tives was brought to the attention of the Fees Allocation Board (FAB) by FAB member Paul Morrison Monday night.' According to Morrison, payroll advice forms show ' former president LIU Mueller and former vice presidents Jos Stavas and Tony Williams received April sahriss in violation of the ASUN budget's provision . for. salaries ' only through March 30. . . He also said Eill Mueller received $65 more than the $910 maximum presidential salary allowed by the ASUN constitution. Stavas and 7illiams are still under the maximum vice presidential salary, but Morrison said he does not know how much since records show they have j been paid irregularly. Morrison proposed that the FAB require these indi viduals to return the money before their grade reports and diplomas are released. This money would be put back into the ASUN ac count to help alleviate the $1000 deficit projected by . Kent Thompson, campaign manager for ASUN president Greg Johnson, Morrison Even though the rescheduling of the ASUN election Stretched executive terms from March 30 to April 20, Morrison said they could receive no extra money because there was no government bill written to reaxranp ASUN's line item allocations. "... ;., Morrison's Vhite horse Mueller said this was the first he hid heard about the overpayment and said he doubted he could take it seriously. ' "If he (Morrison) was really concerned about the tight ness of. this, he would have talked to me about it," Mueller said. ."It's just Paul on his white horse again." Mueller said if the university wanted his money, they would have to come after him to get it. He added that he would get a lawyer if his diploma and grade report were withheld. Jay Matzke, FAB member, said he was convinced Morrison's proposal was "a little vendetta" against Muel ler. "Paul Morrison and Bill Mueller are archenemies They hate each other's guts," he said. Matzke questioned the power of the board to carry u'Ivq overpayment J O flO , LA 0 ft Wednesday, epril 27, 1977 vol. 100 no. 11 1 lincoln, nsbrsska out Morrison's susstioa. However, former FAB chair woman Sherry Cola said the board has control over any thing concerning student fees, and could recommend to Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs Richard Armstrong that the salaries be returned to the university. t The FAB tabled discussion of Morrison's proposal until Thursday's meeting. The FAB also made tentative allocations to five stu dent organizations including three that were tabled be cause of last week's lack of quorum. U?C budget 'bars bones' . ?. The Union Program Council (UPC)preseated what UPC member Shari Patrick labeled as "a 'bare bones bud get," which is a 6.1 per cent decrease from last year's allocation. ' Discussion of the UPC entertainment council and Talks and Topics programs cut in the original recom mendation led to the tentative allocation cf $56,003 for both the Nebraska and the Nebraska East Unions. Dave Rasmuasen,' staff . attorney for Student Legal Services, presented a request for $19,217 along with an alternative request for $29,110. ASUN recommended the $19,217 budget. He said the $29,110 budget request was his own version, but he said he thinks it was the rninirnum they could receive if they were to do more than, "apply band aids to legal problems after they've developed." The board tabled a decision on the tentative alloca tion until a definite proposal could be formulated. The FAB tentatively allocated $2,750 to the Student Bar Association, . and $265 to the UNL Rugby Club. No funds were allocated to the Cornhusker Debate Forum. Senators trying to resurrect death penalty measure By Paula Dittrick " : , .. .s. .. Capital punishment in Nebraska faces death row qualms awaiting a move to reconsider it in the Legislature. Monday the Legislature voted 23-22 tq kill the bill introduced by Omaha Sen. Ernie Chambers. The bill would abolish the death penalty. However, Falls City Sen. Nelson Merz, absent when the vote was taken, filed a motion to reconsider the bill. Merz predicted his motion will not be considered before next spring. Noting only 19 days remain in this legislative session, he said senators have "got a lot of other Mis to consider" before returning to LB 64. Some 25 votes are needed to revive LC64. This support is possible if the 22 senators voting against the til's death and if three of the four senators who did not vote Monday , favor the bill's reconsideration. . Senators absent - Senators absent during the Monday vote include Aurora Sen. Maurice Kremer, Omaha Sen. Warren Swigart, Big Springs Sen. Jack Mills and Merz. Mills and Kremer have said they would vote to recon sider LB54. Swigart said he did not know how he would vote. - ' Prior to the kill motion, senators voted 26-11 for an amendment which would ensure that persons convicted of what are now capital crimes would be imprisoned for at least 30 years. . ' v The only exception to the 30-year minimum sentence would be if the Board of Pardons changed the sentence. v Lincoln Sen. Waily Bimett said he is prepared to . propose a constitutional amendment to remove the" Board of Pardons authority for. first degree murder convictions. Strongest seppert ', Merz said he did not think much of the amendment although it received the strongest support cf any attempts to push the passage of 1X64. , . ' Omaha Sen. NcH Simon sponsored the amendment. He claims it will give the bill the support needed to berecon - sideredV - .'. - ' Nelijh Sen. John DeC&mp made the motion to kSl the -bill. He Kid prisoners wO have no reason to behave in prison if they nave no chance for parole on good behavior. - Men said -he thinks the bill w0 be reconsidered and- -ssid he' would vote for the passage of LBS4. The mood cf . 'th Legislature is changing he said, noting the Lil vote urrbd more support for the till than had been seea .before.' - .-- . . have such V strong, legal program that we're confiding people .that aren't guilty," Merz said. He said incorrect convictions are "happening "again and again."-; linecla Sen. Id Asa liaxeythe mile cf a linecla . police detective,- voted against .the M3 motion Monday despite her votes in the past to preserve capita! punish- ' b c She add statistics show fcTlings of policemen are mere frequent in states havirg a death penalty than ix those wiiheat espial purishssnt. '- - .: . . '. Chambers often has refunded' senators durirg debate shout LC64 that they are net felling theory but are deter mining the fate cf four men now on death row. - His condemned nsea are Jc!.n Rust cf Omaha; Weslry Peery cf Lincoln; Richard Hcltaa cf Omaha; and Erwia Charles Simants of Sutherland. The vote to kill LB-54, maintaining the deith penalty: Fef-arnett( Burrows, Clark, DcCamp, Dms, Fnz- cl Fhoto by Td KkJc Omaha Sens. Pat Vcnditte and Ernie Chambers ere oat oppecte sides m the death penalty debate. ' . appeal requests permit fee be void the public. :.; t v. Young said, he did not know anything about the appeal filed, but he said he had heard from a lot of people con cerning the increase. : He said he would cot make any dmdon untl he met with Lilies Tcmmerasscn, vice chancellor of business and . finance, and the advisory board this week. llarienau, Gibsoa and an ASUN representative will meet with Young Thursday ' to discuss the situation. Besides filing the appeal, ASUN also has introduced two resolutions concerning the parking permit increase. ' EH! Skoneki, ASUN senator from BeHevue, introduced .two bills. One recommends parking permits be increased to $30,-'and 'the other condemns the' advisory board's action. . - : - "People think "the $35 rate is a 1etoiyfor the sta- dents," Skoneki said, That's not true. " . r "It's the eld game cf ask for more than you rued, he said, "then settle for lr.s and everybody's Lt-y. .e wont be ksppy tJ they (airjrtrslcn) zzt rrsld. Ccorre, Cocirlah, Iiascbroock, ilafnsr, Kaf Labedz, Lairib, k. Le'is. Murrhy. Kidioh iia-mussen. A',shst-Bereu:cr. Eoughn, Erennan, Cantm, C By JaRst LEierss-; ' An appeal asking that the $35 parking permit recom mendation be declared null and void was filed with Joan Wadiow, chairperson of the Council ca Student Life (CSL), by ASUti and the Residence UM Associarioa (RHA), Last -Thursday, the Chancellor's Parking Advisory'' Board met in closed session and voted to recommend fee increase to Chancellor Roy Ycjag. Mike Gibson, -RHA president said he believed the. action taken violated the Nebraska pea hearings law-oa four counts. ... -: ; ' ..- ; lis said the violations include: '-'. -' Adequate notice was not given announcing the mcet--fcg. . - -.. '... . ' .' - .- .'- . . A3 recos:isndatioss were cenddored and voted oa iadosesssdon.; -The. board failed to provide any justification for -It to c;J3 for a closed season by the required Gibson said' all students were taked to leave, but Jcha to remain. ' , Ken Llaricnaa, a sophomore from Kearney, presented the board with a 13-p zt pctiiioa sfaed by students mho disapproved oflhs increase. . The board did not ask Maxieaaa any quesiSocs or dis f -prse wilh his proporal, Gibson siid. e believe Duve attacked this (liancnau's proposal) n clozzi sesdoa, he said. The appeal to be considered later this week asks that the board's reccrrrnendatioa be declared null and void. It zZ j thai the bend be required to trxzt saia in cpei exactly what thsy m need $35. 4 v- d, "And they daa't The zi itors are happy, he said, hut the students bring everyths.! Lito tiie opca, lie i "I H ( ,, f 4T 4J 4 . h W W ;' I bers, Cope, Culi, D v Reatzd, Rumery, Savage, himon, vame J. !r llem: Saudis Arabian minister tells cf the advantaa cf rl!g oil prices in the UIL p. 1 1 Estartdsat: Garland Jeflisys new album reflects life in the ghetto today . . p. 9 pcrtt: iiuaker ruse must von tleix reanauung guars cr r,c.j, - ' ' home frcra the Etg 8 pyclls ?. 13 . . uture msstir be epea to i 1 1 i s