The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 22, 1977, Page page 16, Image 16

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    frSdiy, t?j 22, 1077
p:;3 10
Close In, 1 end 2 bsrooms;
trp'iancss, carpeted, air condi
tioned, htst paid. $123-10.
474-1 C3, :3-S27,
31 "G" Urea daluxa 2 t&d
room. 223. 432-5113 aftsr
Subiaaa' 2 bedroom enact
ment near ccpltol. Inexpensive."1
May 1st. 432-6233.
Avc!tc,!a f."sy 1
&43 P4, 41, fo, 17
Clcs to East Campus, newer
one bsdresm, central air, off-
itrttt parking, $150month
utilities. 434-1 SS3.
1 bedroom, fully furnished,
Inciting warn bed end color
TV, nearly now. May 1 through
July 31. 432-6315. Campus
Zeta Tau. Alpha will bt open
this summer for any collect girl.
Right on campus; air condition
ing, parking, cpan kitchen and
mora. Nsad not be taking
. summer clams. For more
Information call 4S3-C237 or
432S0S5. .
1 bedroom unfurnijhed
apartment. Off-street parking,
central air, carpeted. Close to
Campus. All utilities paid except
electricity. $145month. 432
35SS. 4S3-7000.
Brand new 2 bedrooms, fire
place, off-street parking. Close.
483-7200. -
Nice inexpensive apt. 12 &
. H. A-C. 1 person. May 1 Aug.
31. Call 432-8013 immediately.
783 South 17th
Attractive 1-2 bedroom
apartments, completely furnish
ed , carpet and draped. $163
to $205. Air conditioned. Avail
able for summer school. 432
8062. DFtAND NEW
2 bedroom 4-plex. -3 minutes
north of city campus. Fireplace,
dishwasher, tub and shower.
$215, monthly lease. Office
hours, 477-344S.
1 bedroom 4-plex. 3 minutes
north of city campus. Tub,
shower, $145, monthly lease.
Tenant pays gas & lights. Office
hours. 477-3443. "
Large house near East
Campus 3235 Starr) 4 bed-,
room. Available after May 15
for summer and next school
year. Cell 434-G223.
3 bedroom furnished house.
1910 U St. $175 plus deposit.
Available May 1. Call Eve,
Gretna, 332-3C33. '
Apartments available.
Efficiencies, 1 & 2 bedrooms.
Good locations. 474-2437, 423
C343. 3 bedroom Townhouse,
north of city campus. 1,330
square feet, IK baths, tenant
pays only lights. Monthly lease.
$2S0. Office hours, 477-3443.
Luxury studio apt. Century
House 1201 J St. $155 to $175
mon. Call 8 to. 5, 475-3512.
Close to East Campus: 1 & 2
bedroom furnished apartments.
$135 - $170 plus. Also 5 bed
room house practical furnish
ed. $275 plus. 432-3533.
1 bsdreom - $1 Z0. 2 bedroom -$203.
435-2475, 433-1C32,
Century 21, Western Realty.
Houses for rent, vtry close
to campus. Available after May
1 bedroom, rwswSy remedi
ed. Cost to campus. $133
morrth. 44-3443.
PluSh, new efrxfenewi ve3&l
now mi'ii sir, c"pl fences, carpet,
dreps, bed, rjws. $143. No
pets. 475-GS23, 477-11S3, 43
1333. Eest Campus, ds'uxe, mm
2 CI apt., unfumliicd, fire
place, ;r, e't errtfizicn,
laundry, psrkirg. 213. 4C3
7313or4C;i3. 1 tsdroem, twve & rtfrlwre
tar furred. $1 -3 plus. 432-
1 fccSrsom epm-f-snt,
rh, ciow to carpus. 432-
wmvj.e siii.'wr r :.
rent. Kitchen facilities avaitebla,
$13siws5t. Plomssr Houta, 474
31 S, t: for Ruts or C.W.
K'uht only,
N3W osrtmtnts for rant.
2 fcJroom, air conditioned,
f irtsca, diiwashar, rsn-i, re
f riprttar, disposal, tub, ihowar,
and ttors-t sfttd. $215month
plus utilititt. 434-CS23, 477
413 ttartit 3
Larjt 1 tsdroom, radacorcted,
fireplace, 1E3, hsst pi Id. 432
C573. after 6. .
' Calmer .aSrj
KKchan, laundry, parking on
campus. Sira rooms &.Z3.
Double $15. 0,11 474C32,
tsk for Kerry, Doug or
Kelly, Dsita Sma Phi
Theta Chi Fraternity
623 N. 1th
Kltchan, Laundry, Farklng, Air
Conditioning, On Campus.
Single rooms: t20; Double:
$15. Call: 432-7S33, ask for
Pete, Duane, or Glenn, Mai as
Ralntree Apartment
32 & O
Available now, 1 Bedrooms,
dishwasher, disposal, air, pool,
no pets.
435-4793 483-1092
Western Realty
Houses for Summer & Fall
3 bedroom - Ag area - $250
utilities. 2 bedroom - 430 JN.
28 - $175 utilities. 3 bed
room Northeast - $250
utilities. Call Dallas, 474-1156,
432-6555. Century 21, Custom
Applications wanted: Sum
mer job working with a hog
operation. Agriculture or animal
husbandry major preferred. Call
(313) 325-2305, or write Dale
Keesecker, Washington, Kansas,
Heat, dependable young
man. part-time afternoons and
evenings. Apply in person.
. Mariana Texaoo
401 South 10
Approx. 30 hours per week,
4-8 p.m. daily, end 5 a.m. -12
noon Sundays. Must have car,
mileage Is paid. Knowledge of
Lincoln streets helpful. Call
Jerry Genrich. 473-7343 for
interview appointment.
Downtown Lincoln's newest
restaurant needs part-time
help, now and through the
summer. Hours: 10:30 a.m. to
2:30 p.m., line workers and
kitchen help. Apply in person
after 2:30.
French te's Hamburger JoynL
Reliable part-time service
station help need 3d immediate
ly. Flexible hours.
IflVCTlal CI Cofrrpsay '
14th Si High
Are you tired of working for
minimum wes? For a chance to
make $2,213 this summer, call
Mr. oilman at 432-4417.
Full- and part-tima kiteher
nd dinmg room help nestJsc
immdlsry - all shifts cvsil-'
able. Now is the time to-epp'y
to guarantee summit pb.
Apply in person to Bonnie
litxiu'ek, Kirva'a Feod Host
USA. 1CJ Comhutker
Uron Inswsrsc h intsr
vhrnrs? for the f&lkswng part
tlrna posifJom:'
1. A. Dkk S3 cffst
p-nss cpsistor. r.".:i train.
lio'jr ere 33-7:33 pjm
2. Prjrrting pfent &isimmt.
Hours wrtfetSe. Mon.HFri.
M-ist ce:j 432 CK3 for epclnt-
Fu'i- nd paa-tlme kitchen
arid dinirg room he'p nmdsd
rr.!7f and tVmi the summer.
App; in person to Bomfe
iBnr4ar after 2 pjre.
Feed Hast
Airport Standard now hiring
summer hs!p, fu31- end part
time. Calary plus commUcbn.
I-C3 & Airport Intarchaga,
Apply In person,
Full- & part-time employees
art being sought at all 3
Valantino'i locetlons. Posi
tions ere availcbie In both
tht kitchen and fining room
arsis. Savers day fobs, at
well ts night jsbs, art open
at our rtstsurants at 27th
& K 5th way 2 (Southwest)
and 73th & Van Dorn
(Couth). This Is an axcsllant
opportunity to make a
steady Income, dua to the
fact wt do not cut hours,
hasvs lay-offs, or cancel a Job
due to Inclimat wtsther.
Salaries are very competitive.
For personal IntsrvSsw, csll
Valentino's business office
(474-3312). Monday
through Friday, from 9 a.m.
to 4 p.m. Our office Is
located In the Terminal
Building, (825) 10th ft O
Street. An Equal
Opportunity Employer.
Waitress. Neat appearing.
Friday or Saturday evenings.
Apply in person. Cliff's.
12th &0.
" Self park garage needs night
cashier-ettendant, Mon.-Tues.-Wed.
nights, 5 p.m. - 10 p.m.
Good opportunity for study.
Phone Mr. Miller (mornings
except Sat. and Sun.) 477
4444 for appointment.
Permanent position on a
part-time basis. Opening for per
son with car in newspaper cir
culation department. Hours
include 4-8 p.m., Monday
through Saturday and 5:30 a.m.
till noon, Sunday. Please call
Jerry Genrich for interview
appointment 473-7343.
Journal Star
Printing Company '
925 P Street
Live-in housekeeper for
young paralyzed veteran. Nurs
ing experience not required.
WANTED: Good, used oboe.
,..4wJ ruomrnitte or room
mates to share present house or
try new location. 435-4S35,ask
for Brian.
Female before May 1 to
share 3 bedroom apartment
with 2 working girls. Day:
435-8354. After 5:30 - 475
0170. Wanted. Female roommate,
own room. $S2mon. Quiet
location, superior house. 454-
Gregg Classen, y
Seeing this beautiful blond
definitely brightens our day.
the Voice, the Hand,
the Obscure
Founding Mothers of HAD.
fraternity, Dottie. Shaii & Peggy
announce the first annual rush.
Cell 474-4530. 432-4320. 432
SCC3. Membership open to 3
f smalts, 6 msles.
Frankly Sharlette. we five a
damn. Happy Elrthdsyl
Connie & RoxAnn
Attention "Angsls"
The UJ.Ps are comming.
' " -' '" . 'ii
'ft ' V- 5 T V v. -
1 - --
Cilia, To my rfeKh
frssnd. firrpiest birthdsyl How
itct retching some snjpcs for a
ckmon? I'd say we're due
for another snipe ou!K3 soon.
. Usry Jo
Dssr L j.JC. Jrf,
Sorry we're a di trlment to
your studies, fci-t it's s-st our
fault Thanks far breskfast.
4 :33's awf u'!y ffiy I
your shy freshman girt
PS, ED -if you want cccyeny
rtsict weekend, ctil F3
P.S5. JVV4.V roommste's Issv
tr too. Your place or mi??
.. OrssffilestJmel
Ym f t cS!rct5d to prov!d
tht fs'Uswifta lrifmtlon W
tht AiUl 6fNc (234 N5r
Ur,!an) by t?;l 27, 1277:
1. CaiTtRt numbsr of
mambsrs as of data rib
mlttsd. 2. Amount of funding
rcqusiisd from FA3, and, If
kne-vvn, tita a.r.c-r.t rscslwd
in te pr-ij;. to ysrt,
3. A copy of your
orjpntotlon'i Constitution.
4. List cf currant
of'Hesrs, thsir it::3s, end
phom nyn'slsrs.
5. A ttstamsnt cf your
orprsteat Ion's gosl ts a
tudant organisation.'
6. Other tourcss cf In
come outskfa cf FA3 evoca
tion. .
Any orgsnlz&tlon falling
to provlca such information
will bt prcsscutsd in
Student Court for Violation
of uniform orlsstiontJ
guidelines for the purpose cf
removing student organiza
tional status from that
Dear Contemplative,
I'm confusad. Please explain.
Sorry about the lilacs.'
Mr. Ed,
You're recital stuck. H.
J Frank
Birthright offers free preg
nancy tests, confidential under
standing help. 477-8021 .
Bill, - '
Congrats on a good job I
Learn to let the Sonshine,
a new approach to Christianity.
Public Class Tuesdays, 7:30
p.m. 2343 Q St. Sponsored by
the Christian Community of
Dear WW.
Serious or is this a put on.
29 and counting
Please, .return stolen HP-45
& charger,' No questions asked.
Seems unlikely you hive
much time, but call 483-9240
after 5.
Have great
time on your
We need musicians & actors
for the summer season. Audi
tions will be held Monday,
April 25th at 7:33 p.m. in the
University theatre department
(Templa Building) Room 234.
Prepare two short songs. For
more information, cail 474
4572. Hey lonely men - looking
for a good time. Shaf is the
answer 1 1 Reply via personals.
To the birthday DOG:
With thj return of Furry,
all hell will break loose. Try to
make it "til midnight. Have a
good one)
Interested in a Professional
Home Economics organization?
Join A.H.E.A. (American
Home Economics Association.
Pick up application in Advisor
Ms. Sally Van Zandt's office
(104 F S N) East Campus or
caJI 472-1 57.
if. . .You were bom on an
odd ma mowed year you pt into
Uncle Sam's tonife FHEEI 3
cent Drinks, 25 cent Draws.
See you there!
Julie Ssattie:
Happy Ekthdsy "b-you-ti-tuTt
Your roomie
Nominate your favorite
TJV. in the A a S Co"?: for
t Outstsndirtg T. Award
U2C). Ask for nominttion
forms in 1223 CldTser fisJJ.
DescSine - Apra 27.
Hay Gorrous,
Tf'.kt f g-r 9 CAlZi GOOD .
weks. Ther ml be t-ne-Trg
there tst keep oa1 faces sxB
ing, cur plms iv-vMr-a. and our
hearts growing.
tsfispp&r, your B A.
Citrus: Te Haircut's aJrit.
VS. tia ertd D-t!5y Csn-y
t-'OIHY stfANltD far
Arsshoio- tv cf con
mx restrict Ions. Includa
tta.'rs-'-d enwlcpa. Ccftm-
p-ar-ry, Lltrtwra Frs9, P.O.
Csx tlZ3. Zm Frsr?clsco,
California 4123.
Dr. Jcsn Tiil will ba cMng
a short presentation ent!C-l
"The San, Your Skin a You"
in t;a Main Lcun; today from
12:33 1:C3. Othsr shin
prcbtemi also dlscuswd. Talks
& Tcptes. .
Dear Diprastsd on 3rd Floor,
Thre era people who care.
If you cera, cell OUTREACH.
H;ppy 22nd on tht 2Cth.
And you thought I'd forjat.
Meet me at Toyota at 1200
Q for the best deals on a new
1 1 p
Good Luck at City, run your
short little legs off!
P.S. Dear MOM:
I'm SORRY I'm such a jerk!
Thenks for 21 years of guidance
and love! I do luv YOU!
Your darling daughter?
does help-resumes, term papers,
theses, dissertations-expert,
fast, but not expensive. Call
Elaine Bullard anytime: 435
5373. You need ai professionally
writtm resume to land the job
of your choice. For confidential
interview and reasonable price,
call 475-9777.
Will tune cars for $5 - $10
depending on car. Also do other
Mech. work. Call 472-8159.
Brides - to - Be
Have an idea of what you
want your wedding dress to
look like, but can't find it in
the ttores? Lr me make it
for you at a (. you can
afford. Call Deboie at 483
2182 for an appointment.
C:t 23rd
tf 9
-i j
rib : m i
V.;ti!i r,.:.--!r
V:,t. . tf lli-t, tack-
3 fi. 4H-:.m
Why t;.k tyarythlrtg home
for tha rimmtr? Ftnt 5 x 9 x 8
ft. hl tte;a mam. $13 pr
mentfi. Ec0oSan8, 423
3333. -
, Low ccst fn.ti to Europe
from Z2Z Irsal from SC3,
plus Africa end tfie Far Esst,
Call Tc!5 Fra fnrr-? I t'l, Lts.
U vtf
Experiancsd Fslntftrs mid
work. Ir.i'.l3 and cuts'a. Hsrr .
encfis cv5:.'..'-5. Fret c::'-T,stss.
Dys ei'l 4?2-2i3, tM for
Dowi. Af:r 5 cs!l -Cj70
cr 432-373.
ZsS'Sr Studio nc,v accepting
additions! ttydonts for nsw
spring tshsdula. 'Eaglnning or
Advanced. t3.75 psr Issson.
availssbia for pvt. parties, wed
dings, dinners, etc. Ftafsrsrees.
Will do baby sitting, ex-
A O M Polka Jamboree,
April 22. 7:33 p.m. Dillon
Club, Bennett, NE. Tickets
available at door. Proceeds to
Arthritis Foundation. Be there!
ECKANKAR: The Path of
Total Awareness presents 'THE
one day seminar Sat. April
23,, 1:00 p.m. Nsbr. Union
(Music; Poetry. Lectures).
- Fu!brlght-Hsys ;
for Graduate Study Abroad
informational meetings
Wednesday, April 27 at
2:30. 204 Oldfather or
Thursday, April 23 at
10:30, 305 Oldfather
An aquatic institute will be
held April 23, 33 and May 1 at
the downtown YMCA for
ratings in basic leadership,
swimming instructor, specialists
and lifesaving -instructor
specialists. $25 fee. For mora
information, 434-7431 .
. i - '- I
L , 1 J
aa mm
FOUND: Composite. Will
rent or sell. Call 475-1800.
i & t
,,u s Jiftf lJii -,
0:C3 - C;C3
m m m
a i
- jllwilf 0 w 4 i v! 4
you col erf !l
. fi
0 7 If:
1 fe? ;
nights s-to p.m.jl