The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 18, 1977, Page page 2, Image 2
i mcnday, cpril 10, 1977 p-:2 2 f a 0 a Coathued Cross p. 1 Lincoln Regent Edward Schwartzkopf said students should support student organizations and student organi zations should support other student organizations. Schwartzkopf then asked why tiizD&lyNcbrssksa did not support the Athletic Dept. Me was referring to the Daily Nebraskan's sale of First Down progress for 10 cents, which he said cuts into the sales of the Athletic Dept. programs. Christofferson and Greg Johnson, ASUN president elect said the Dtziy Nebmksn was providing a service to the students. Students cannot afford to pay a $1 every week for a foothdl program, Johnon said. Schwartzkopf, Kermit Wagner and UNL student regent E21 Mueller asked that the Daily Ncbrzskst be one of the student organizations reevaluated by the task force for their allocation of student fees. r Author flV if of fho Month . V &s looio John M alone, University of Nebraska at Omaha student regent told the resents to "stay away from cutting the Ddfy Ncbrsskcn's funding. The Daily Nebrssken was recently heralded as the midwest's outstanding student newspaper and it's the best newspaper I have read." Malone said the Dcily Nebrcskan receives $35,000 a year in student fees and is published four times a week. UNO's Gstewcy receives $46,000 a year and comes out twice a week, he said. Felllnham said students are being asked to carry a greater burden of education cost. A constant rise in student fees cannot be tolerated without a resulting Increase in the level and quality of student services," he said. In other business, the board rejected a position taken by medical center physicians last week against their outside income. E w !' - - ii 1 O off oil Lewis titles during April to 9-9 dally MHEiwbXre 9-6 Sat 13th a P or 70th & A (f O 1227 'R' Street 6 a.m. -10 pin. All niht Friday Open 7 Days 04Slh & Holdrcgo Til 6 pin. Sundays O Fresh Ground Coffco O Freeh Psstry Everyday f7hcre qizsSsty sti.'l counts.) Use these coupons and prove two can eat cheaper than one! niB COY VN t 1 r'AJ.Am ' iig Boy Combo Present this coupon et any of tha jsA CZ:r gssj V:rj ?y 15, 1277. Ckis 9 o S u. i DN Spcsheili Dinner (P"bB Present this coupon st any cf tha psrtdpAg Big Dcp in your srsa. C.Tr gsci to fir? f 1177. Ct 8 u 2 r.nch Tcrt, Present fills coupon cl zrrj cf tho patle!png Ocys b your crra. c:- fca 15, tZTT. C& 2 vcr ' ! 2 c r ' -1 ; " I I I If.' JT2B-fT,,TTr w -V . y bvi Li iy The board had asked the physicians to consider a confidential disclosure plan for outside income from private patients referred to the center. Grand Island Regent Robert Koefoot asked that the board initiate immediate implementation of the plan despite the physicians' rejection of the plan. McFadden asked the board to consider the legtl tech nicalities involved before implementing the program. Neal Vanselow, medical center chanccllor-desnate, agreed with the confidential disclose plan,, Kccfoot said. The board also approved the appointments cf S Welch as chairman ot the UNL Political Science Dept., Robert Cast as chairman of the UNL Agronomy Dept. and Nick Stinnet as chairman of the Human Development and the Family Dept. short stuff The Union Program Council's Jazz and Java pro gram is sponsoring a People's Concert from 7:30 p.m.. to 10;30 p.m. in the Nebraska Union South Crib. Practices are currently being held for the Booster Yell Squad. If interested in tryouts, come to Coliseum 20 at 3:30 p.m. ' .. " . Any student organization interested in inserting information in the Student Alumni Board's' new Student Information Packets should contact Kim Hachiya, Student Alumni Board, Alumni House, 1520 R" Street by April 30. The Prayer and Praise organization will meet tonight at 7:30 in St. Marks Church, 1309 R St. The UNL Tolkien Fellowship organization will meet today at 6:30 p.m. in the Union. Room number will be posted. The Baha'i Association will meet at 7:30 p.m. in the Union. Room number will be posted. The College - Career Christian Fellowship will have a picnic at Bethany Park beginning at 6 p.m. Food will be served at 7:30 p.m. The UNL Table Tennis Club will meet from 7 i JO p.m. in the Union mt! v South Conference K .-. The ASUN Government Liaison Committee will meet at 7 p.m. Tuesday in the Union. The committee lobbies for student interests on local, state and national government levels. The Tassels meeting has been postponed until 5 p.m. Thursday at' Valentino's North. (oclfailit'rM Entertainment No Cf Phons: 474-CCOQ UPSTAIRS - GLASS MENAGERIE Tir.i: Bring Your Car m for tranwniision work on any mska & moetet. 1 Competi fluid drckt Driin canycrtsr Rptac f tr Adjuft trsnjmisaicHi RjjIc fluid CfiLV if f r Rspak RteooditioRtna Cesrtrs Clzsri Transmiubn Cprcislii J tit L j I FCI12r 0