The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 15, 1977, Page page 12, Image 12
ps3 12 ctelly ncbrnksn friday, epril 15, 1977 24' Csbln to be moved. 1372. Will dellvtr. 474-CC03. $333 '67 Chavalit SS35 '73 Fury Phone 3-1 372. 1970 Sporti Van 1C3, 350 V-8, automatic. 77,000 high way mllst, no ruit, naw tlrat, $1200 or bast of far. Call Joe, aftor 5 p.m. at 4321143. 70 J:?, 4 Cyl., 2 W.D., 27,000 miles. Crtat thspa. S11SS.4C3-3703 after 2. 1971 Capri 2300, 4 speed, priced to tell. Will deal. 4SS 2343, ext. 13-437-3144, Mark. 72 Pontlac La Mam, 9 passenger wagon. $1600. 4S3 8345 after 6:00 p.m. MID-CITY TOYOTA We have 70 cars & trucks In stock for Immediate delivery. All models 4 speeds, S speeds and automatics. The selection will never be betterl Come in. Mid-City Toyota 12th & Q 1371 Honda 3'53SU. Must sell. Make offer. Phone 434 5443, weekdays after 5:00 p.m. 1973 Honda 350 CL. Good condition. $550 call 464-5332, evenings. 1974 XL 125 Honda, good condition. 432-7759 after 5. NOW: Honda C8360 twin. 3,750 miles. 9 months new. Maintenance log up-to-date. $750. David, 474-0585 before 3 p.m. With Studenror faculty ID, 10 discount on tires, 10-speed bikes & stereos, txcept pro motional models. Goodyear Store. 1918 0.432-6521. 2 THROENS TD-165 turn tables. $100 each. Serious inquiries only. 472-9730. 4 large walnut Advent speakers with stands; Dual 1218 turntable with ADC cartridge, new stylus. 475-3002. BSR McDonald turntable & Sony cassette deck. Good condi tion. Reasonable price. Call 433 3176. 1 pr. Yamaha NS-670 speakers, $300. Call 423-1094. Must sell PIONEER 12 v DC Car Power Amplifier, 25 watts per channel. Mint condi tion. Low price. Call 474-1834. Early Sixties Fender Mustang electric guitar. Excellent condition. Must sell. Asking $175. Call 432-3763. Classical Guitar kvexceilem condition. Good for beginners price negotiable. 423-01 1 7. R & J Auction Co. Furniture, Appliances & Antiques Buy & Sell Closed Saturdays Open Sunday and daily 2S81 Cornhusker Highway WhTIsAuc AUOiO OFFERS OVER 150 LINES OF STEREO EQUIPMENT. I WONT BE UNDERSOLD ON ANY MAJOR BRAND. PIONEER SX 1250 $300. CALL Dan. 435-3375 or 4-"1. Banjos 30 Off HOG AN MUSX COMPANY 830 West P Street Open Monday thru Saturday 10-6 432-9429 Fraternities Dorms -Reconditioned Juke boxes $175 - call 435-7720 eves. B.F. Goodrich Radial TA's 2 - GRSO - 15's. Appliance wheels 2 - 15 x 8. 2 - 14 x 6. Call Ed. 472-8230. Radial Tires. HR70-14". 5 for $150. 475-6579. K fry's with attachment. Reconditioned and near new. $50 - $1 75. Mr: Sweeper Store, 2310 North. 43th, 457-3533. 1 bedroom - unfurnished epsrtmsnt, Off-strett parking, central air, carpstsd. Close to Campus. All utilities paid except e!ectrlc!ty. $14Smonth. 432 3S:3, 4C3-70O0. 2 bedroom with fireplace. East Campus area. $210. After 6 p.m. 437-1 737. Summer Housing ' Acacia, alr-conditloned, off street parking. As low as $1S.75week. Acacia Alumni Association, 212 W. Lakeshort Dr., Lincoln, 435-4878. Available May 1. Large one bedroom apartment. Fireplace, air, near 14th fit South. No pets. $1 55. Call 475-9479, mornings or evenings. Clean spacious two bedroom duplex, near 21st & Washing ton. $200. No pets. Call even ings or mornings, 475-9479. Good rental house. Close to campus. Available May 17. Mate, upper classman or grad. student. No pets. 423-9055. New apartments for rent. 2 bedroom, air conditioned, fire- , place, dishwasher, range, re frigerator, disposal, tub, shower, and storage shed. $215month plus utilities. 464-8323, 477 6574. Luxury studio apt. Century House 1201 J St. $155 to $175 mon. Call 8 to 5, 475-3512. 3 bedroom Townhouse, north of city campus. 1,350 square feet. 1V4 baths, tenant pays only lights. Monthly lease. $260. Office hours, 477-3446. Summer Housing Triangle, air conditioned, kitchen. On Campus. Reason ale rates. Call Kent, 435-7453 or 432-0494. Close in, 1 and 2 bedrooms, appliances, carpeted, air condi-, tioned, heat paid. $1254210. 474-1438,439-8067. 1S50Q Plush, new efficiencies available now with air, appliances, carpet, drapes, bed, garage. $140. No pets. 475-6523, 477-1188, 463 1933. East Campus, deluxe, new 2 BR apt., unfurnished, fire place, air, all appliances, laundry, parking, $210. 46S-7918or4S4-555. - ttJ....R HCUrjQ Theta Chi Fraternity 626 N. 16th Kitchen, Laundry, Parking, Air Conditioning, On Campus. Single rooms: $20; Double: $15. Call: 432 7C33, ask for Pete, Duane, orG j rn fMy Houses for Summer & Fall 3 bedroom - Ag area $250 utilities. 2 bedroom 430 N. 23 - $175 utilities. 3 bed room Northeast - $250 utilities. Call Dallas, 474-1156. 432-6555. Century 21, Custom P?!V. w Raintree Apartment 32 a O . Available now, 1 & 2 Bedrooms, dishwasher, disposal, air, pook, no pets. 435-4793 4S3-1C32 Western Realty Afternoon newspaper delivery. Close to campus, no car necessary. 60 miniday $100 every 4 weeks. Call Charlie, 473-7341 after 1:30. Lifeguard needed in Halsey, NE. $35hr. Contact Laverne Schuitz.Hals-ry, NE. Summer m'st Job. Earn $220 a week. Call Fred at 4-737, between 6 and 8 p an. Construction tVarfcsn For work en grain elevators at Ebnwood, PickreJI & Manley. Contact Steve or John at 43 3524. Young man wanted for camper and mobile homes parts man. Duties include sales, . inventory, and pricing. Ides! for business student. Lee's Propane, 625 West O. Port-time delivery, 9-1, Monday-Friday, Saturday 9-5. Part-time warehouse work, dally, afternoons 3-6, Monday Friday, Saturday 9-5 or morn ings 9-1. Acs Furniture 2429 "O" 432-44C3 Nsirt3sa Cook Co. Cw3 Crnhu.kir Highway Job openings, now and summer, both full- and part-time. Cell Dick Ecjsr for appointment, 4S4-9181. . Young man vvsntod for camper service and repair. Will train if mechanically Inclined. Lee's Propane, 623 West O. Vt-J: Jkimmsr Friea Instructor. Will teach begin ning and advanced throwing and also $$frm. Call Northeast YMCA for mora Information, 434-7431. Also nesd Swim Team Coach and Swim ling Instructor. Part-time male for sales. 10 nr. max. Must ba available days, 3-5:30, some Saturdays. Apply in person. Raven Outlet Store, 21 17 0 St. Need a good part-time job until school's out? Heavy - Eddy's Pizza is now taking applications. Must apply in person after 3:30 p.m. at 611 North 27th. Must have own car. Guaranteed $2.85 hr. plus tips. Work around schedule. Full- and part-time kitchen and dining room help needed immediately all shifts avail ale. Now is the time to apply to guarantee a summer job. Apply in person to Bonnie Houdek, King's Food Host USA. 1650 Cornhusker Highway. Broomehilda & Company needs someone for hosue clean ing on a part-time basis. Can work hours around your sche dule. 475-S343. Personality Plus Door to Door and phone can vassers wanted. Hard work, high pay. $3 to $5 per hour for those who qualify. Full- or part-time. Call 483-2985. Downtown Lincoln's newest restaurant needs part-time help, now and through the summer. Hours: 10:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.. line workers and kitchen help. Apply in person after 2:30. Frtn chit's Hamburger Joynt. 1316 "N" St. Help Wanted. Full- and part time positions. Apply in person. J.B.'s Bkj Boy. 701 North 27th. $ $ $ $ ' Summer sales work. Great money opportunity. Must be neat appearing. We train. Call 483-2334. , ' Permanent position on a part-time basis. Opening for per son with car in newspaper cir culation department. Hours include 4-8 p.m.. Monday through Saturday and 5:30 a.m. till noon, Sunday. Please call Jerry Genrich for interview appointment. 473-7349. Journal Star Printing Company 926 P Street Going to summer school, need a summer job? Service station attendant needed. See Earl or Ken at Kraft Campus Service , Station, 17th ft Vine. f V .: Live-in wanted by wheel chair vet, little help. Free room and board, own room, male or female, starting mid-May. Call Bob. 475-5223. House parent Married couple needed to super vise 6 girls. Excel Sent salary room board 63 hours off per week. Apply et Y.S.S.. 2201 South 11th. Housepsrents Assistant Live-in situation to supervise 6 boys in houseperent's absence. Excellent opportunity for college student. Room board tiimy. Apply at YSS., 2201 South 11th. i Boom svsiia&ie in larja, turn of the century Lincoln home. Kitchen privileges, or fairs ih style meals. 15 & A. 432- fv43. Female to share apartment, own room. Cell after 6 p.m. Learn to let the Sonshlne, a new approach to Christianity. Public Clsss Tuesdays, 7:30 p.m. 2343 Q St. Sponsored by the Christian Community of Lincoln. To Carol In Wyoming: Greeting from the Rig Ad Staff. P.S. Tell Paul hello, too. Stuck-up, Been to any sad parties lately? J&D Oh, April Fool Thieves We're fools, they say, Or so it goes. You've got our trophy's and demand this prose. Our dearest thieves, With tongue In cheek, We've scoffed at your play Let's stop this hide and seek. Fools, you say, Knocking at the wrong door, Best you beware, We won't take anymore. A body of yours has told too much While partying et the bar. This April month is halfway gone. This joke has gone too far. In the early morning, While you wenches snooze We shall return from the Hole All full of booze. Ruthless and wl th no remorse. Revenge shall reign on you, We shall take our treasures back And you will then be blue. Fools are fools And we may be nuts - But; asses are asses And we'll have your butts. Your Favorite Fools PERSONS INTERESTED IN RESEARCH, LOBBYING, AND ACADEMIC CREDIT -CALL NUPIRG - 472-2443. MWF BETWEEN 12:30 and 1:15 or after 5:00, 435-5003, ASK FOR DON. OR SIGN UP AT RM. 205, NE. UNION. NEED: FUN DATES FOR TRIAD PARTY TONIGHT. CALL 474-1234. ! MECA, Beta Kappa Nu is behind you all the way! To the Mod. Lan. Lover: Happy Birthday - 3 days late! Signed, The Mod. Lang. Hater D.W., For being a boy from the sticks, Hotch, you sure are well equipped. You've got the brain of a genius and a body that makes our hearts stop. Lunch wouldn't be the same without you. Love, S.F..O.L.&K.H. P.S. You've got a nice butt! Come to Uncle Sam's Twi light Hours from 7:30 - 8:30. No Cover. Instant specials, prizes, contests and Fun! Irv. To one of the best looking guys I know. Irva Please, return stolen HP-45 & charger. No questions asked. 477-7525. Anyone who can't drink milk because of lactose intolerance, call Janet 472 2553 or 472-9127. FOR A GREAT TIME!! Attention l!sn!l 250 women playing with balls all deyl Attention Woman!! 250 desirable (available) men: all types! At the Coliseum; Saturday - 8:CO a.m. to Midnight. EE THERE Those who wear arrows beware - the UPJPS.'t are coming. .OO0OOOO mmnwu MF0RWATI3N EORsnu, me. 6 JILL US FREE B2-C00-523-535Q R KON-PiTOFIT REWARD $1C3 Rtward for return of, or Information which results In the return of, 3 desperately need ed fire hose hangars, fire hoses, and nozzles missing after Chi Omega Warehouse Party on Thursday, April 7, 1977. Call 477-8135. Pregnant? Birthright Is a con fidential helping hand. 477 321. C.V., You and your "box" sure make BEAUTIFUL NOISE. Stargazer. E.C.: Library Lounge 9 p.m, , Tuesday Dear Annoyed, OUTREACH hears, listens and cares. Give' us a try. Cell OUTREACH at 472-2200. There's: Metro Goldwyn Mayer, Golden Rod, Nebraska's Golden Wehat, and last, but also least, ' the Daily Nebraskan's "Golden Boy" or "Flash" Happy '8' Day, Andy, Nebraska's Crew meets Saturday, April 16, 7 a.m. Branched Oak Lake. Followed by Annual Spring picnic. Support Big Red Rowing! Good Luck Crew! To Clark: Happy 21st! Anything is legal. From LAKD Dear Sports Fans, NEBRASKA'S SOCCER TEAM descends on the Univer sity of Kansas this weekend to compete in this year's Big 8 Tournament. If you see a University Soccer Player today, kiss him on the foot for luck. Hugs. Jim Fullerton UNL Soccer Club President PlayerCoach, and Scapegoat Picture yourself making $S30 a month. Must be hard worker. Relocate. Foran ' appointment, call Mr. Wollman at 432-4417. Happy BD Tony I ForMCPandRFS Your candle late does burn, . But tonight for you There is some brew And other things you yearn. From your roomies at the barnyard. Attention females: Three handsome men, all 62", 205 lbs., looking for cute girls interested in becoming farm wives. Call 464-2354 between farm wives. Call 464 2354 between 7 - 8 p.m. week-, nights. Ask for Duke, Red, or Bear. VETERANS If under 33 and have at least two more years at UNL, you are eligible for AFROTC. Room 209. M & N. BLDG.472 2473. To my little -wee person Tom Thumb, We are known as nut and Boldt, Truckin' Ram and Pinto colt. Today you're 21 - what a jolt! Gray-haired, crotchety, stomach bloat. Old man, you may be "over the hill.- But don't worry babe, I love you still. Happy Birthday Sweetie! " With love. Your Taxi Cab PS. I'd pick you up anytime! POETRY WANTED for Anthology. No style or content restrictions. Include stamped envelope. Contemporary Literature Press, P.O. Box 25452, San Francisco, California 84125. Cuddles. Tell Henry no volunteer work at the office - he's needed & loved at home. lgJoo . Mr library Ccc!i Czlo 5 - 9 p.m. Thunder, April 1 4 9 - 6 pin. Friday znd C-iturdr April 15 & IS tto Sundsy hours Lower Level - Dcnnstt Kzrin PuLHs Librcry 14th & f J i t -??cnj2rtd by Lncdn City Library Fcandnicn Tuffy, I trlsd too hard and you, to me, not enough. I won't change you, and you can't change me. Happy holidays In the future. Tike care, I r-, Picture Yourself irsciking CCC3rncnt!i Must be hard worker. Relocate. Call for appoint ment. Mr. Wollman at 432 4417. BETTER TYPING does help resumes, term papers, theses, dissertations expert, fast, but not expensive. Call Elaine Bullard anytime: 435-5379. Will tune cars for $5-$10 . depending on car. Also do other Mech. work. Call 472-8159. You need a professionally written resume to land the job of your choice. For confidential interview and reasonable price, call 475-9777. For those of you crazy enough to cat married Tck to us about our unique Wadding Phetegrsfifty. 435-2301, - Gary er Pyfrpwi. -' 1 CHARTERS TO EUROPE, AIR FARE ONLY Kansas City London Kansas City; June 02-16, 1977. Only $415.00. Kansas City Paris-London Kansas City, June 04-August 09, 1977. Only $460.00 Includes all taxes, contact your travel agent, or Maupintour Travel Service, P.O. Box 807, Lawrence, Kansas 6S044. Guitar Instruction Zager Studio now accepting additional students for new spring schedule. Beginning or Advanced. $6.75 per lesson. 433-2053. Why take everything home for the summer? Rent 5x9x8 ft. high storage room. $18 per month. Econo -Storage, 4S3 3036. Brides To Ba Have an idea of what you want your wedding gown to look like, but can't find it in the stores? Let me make it for you at a price you can afford. Call Debbie at 483 2182 for an appointment. ' DICK'S WATCH SERVICE Witch Rspair - Watch Sands Watch Catteries JS Wi. S. of Nsfar. Book ttore 335 H. 12th 432-3414 If you plan to use a pro fessional smover for long dis tance or local moving upon graduation, please consider Uncle Dudley. We have served the public for half a century and if you want to compare rates and other criteria, please c!l:4v4343. A Death & Dying work shop will be given by the Lincoln Grief Center, April 18. at UWHE. 10 ajn. -3:30 p.m. Further informa tion: Room 115, Union, UPC. Thanks for your support in the A.S.U.N. election. I'm looking forward to working for you and hearing from you. 7!