The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 14, 1977, Spring fashion supplement 1977, Page page 12, Image 28

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    dslly ncfarsskcn fr-fticn supplement
thursdiy, ipi 14, 1077
Every year you cn find at bast ens u
tide ca the vlt cf irirj ar.d
its effects ca the collate peprcixtfea.
The FiLdiee epidemic, fcur.taia-wtdi.-3 tr.d
bidding reassess hr."3 all btaa attributed
by writars at cne time cr another to the
plof rpring.
V.'i'Ja torrcch tttratica fecuaei ca this
nyateriaca spring fever syndrcsse, you
bsia to vender if that rss'daas fidgeting ia
daas is really a symptom of
other than hemorrhoids, or if there is sons
medicd rcasca why the bey ia ycer math
dsss got osier 1 of the sadden.
If there rea!!y is such a dieeaae as spring
fewr, the research team a 1 wosk ia the fcl-
lowing scene m!ht actually be on to some-
Scene: A sterile laboratory next to the
quarantined Ardmd Dept. La the ba::r.:r.t
of Duraett Hall. A balding rasa dztzz-i ia
a white coat steps up to the microphone
and addresses the group wiih a serious
"My fellow doctors, professors and di
tlriicd T.A.S, wdecme to the annud '
fonsi ca Vend Eiiicsd Pyrexia, better
known to the layman as (a pauae for em
phasis) Spring Fever." (The audience
"Yes, ladles and centlamea, this is the
tse which cuts freahsaea cowa ia their
prise cad recurs chroniaalSy throuhcat
their cellos years. It is the pest cripp!ar
j. j ... v:;-.,.
s -
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t -A
Kkfcj ia fee scainssr csa be the cost fsa, tccord lag to Kbt FfiLTer. Use boots sre
Rainbow Strip:
VV """"" "5-""' " "l'''","'w'p!Si8aMBMffiagMMiiii
, .
Springs, Eright Freeh
fcchbn Ice!; ovolfcb!
fn lops G dmsses.
Ccinb!n3 with a sc!!d
color ccordlmlo to ccmpbto
y cur f2aC .
3 - 10
Fhsr.3 4 5-6763
- ' v X i '
P,. , ' 7 - - - ; ;
of GPA4 sr.d sccorJ sin:t2ter finds at
mivenitks til over the world.
't hsvt bcia to fed the effects of
this ep:ir.i5 at UNL ria this yerr. Re
ports of ssnburn are' slresdy trkkliss ia
froni t'a University Uedth Center and the
Ahd-Cir.ici pool had to be clod 1
week be&uss of a Ccjpertone oil slick.
"The tinie to act is now, before the
syrs;tC3as rpres,d thro-Ksoat the cttpus,
bsfcie the prty tzlh end stresifes pt
. cct cf hsr.d. If the current drn ia ds coistlsses fccssse cf this fear
weither epiien, Hasls week my tzrs to
be csnallcd for Ixk cf stdeat psitkii
tica! X2c"j-s, let us examine the syra
ptcns cf this dreaded diase.
(lit pcHs down a chart reKealinj a male
cciate recisnea.)
"His dreas-jyra shorts, sandals, a tank
top and km visor-kdicates the 'sudden
ure for sun experienced by most raring
fever sufferers. Further evidence of the vic
tims search for rays is the vsue odor cf
Ccppertone Cocoa Dutter which surrounds
-him. .
.. "The victim also becomes cbserrd
with exercise as you can see by the racquet,'
skateboard 'and other roriirj eqrr.ent
the specinssn loads hfasf down with.
Joasg, tennis, bat-ill and FriJbte are all
equally resjons,!e for the eady death cf
any project tea within le last six weeks
The binocdars htnrs frcra the speci
mens neck are used for frequent scannir
of lawns and roofteps fcr feiile rprfcj
fever csfTerers, ua!!y dad cdy ia a swta-
' The Esith Ccys a!iu.a yea see ur.drr
bis tra ioz the strong need to identiTy
rsith yil; rcprectntinj sunnier. n:y
ir.3 ttbsrj cf Cis nature fidl blast off cf
the roof cf any crrprs rsaidentid bailditj
has been fcur.d to tllerlate this addictlca
for a shot pedal cf fee. A more
expends tieatsest-a trip to California
over spring break- can also have the same
relieving effects." -
The symptoms to far described by car
concerned physician are feidy coissien to
all forms of this diaeaae. However, UNL has
a few additiend sins of its own.
Where else" bat in Nebraska cosld
students suffer frostbite from wearlr san
dals on a sunny day ia April, or corse cut
of dass with only a bookstore win&reaker
to shelter them from a May blizzard?
acke cs on scene
By Ron Ruggless
As the red-breasted robin hops onto the
spring-time scene, the double-breasted
sport coat also returns from a several-year
migration away from the fachion scene.
The only thing new and exciting for
summer is the double-breasted sport cost
in lht and pastd colors," according to
Parviz Kamsr, manager and buyer for Ja
son's, 1346 P St. '
The double-breasted look, along with
other sport coats, is making its return, he
The sport coat look was not in demand
last year," Kamgar said, "but spring is a
little more casual and the coats are start
ing to come back,
Three-piece suits are stUl strong. Some
people may consider them too warm for
summer, but they stSl are being shown and
worn," he added.
JThe three-piece suits provide the dressy
look needed on many occasions, he said.
To make the three-piece suits cooler,
the polyester and cotton blends are woven
lighter, he said.
Colors of white, khaki and light blues
are proving to be the most popular for
summer and spring dress wear, he said.
The cool, crisp look of a white shirt to
go with a suit is the style this year and can
be accented with ascots, open shirts or
jewelry, he said.
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