The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 13, 1977, Page page 2, Image 2
wednesdtoy epril 13, 1977 ptzu 2 dslty ncbresk&n I short stuff Afchi Lttr.t'a D;!ta is Lr.s for entries is Friiay. awarding two $2C0 scholar' ships to 1977-78 jmior trd senior members. ArrHca- tions trs rolatls in Acrria- istrstion Elsfg. 103 from McJJy Cinrir.-hm. DciJ- Lns is April 22. Those interested in serv ing as RI1A secretary, treasurer, or committee chairman for Pood and Mousing, Student Issues, or Communications for 1977 78, should send their name, address, phone number and qualifications to the RIIA office, Neihardt 107. Dead- A representative from the Veterans Administration (VA) regional office will be in Nebraska Union 338 from 11 ajn. to noon to answer questions about VA benefits. - The Union Program Council and the East Union Program Council are spon soring a Marx Brothers Film Festival today and Thursday beginning at 7 pm. in both the Union Centennial Room and the East Union Great FUhsRoom. Robert Kroetsch, prize winrir Canadian novelist, will lecture on "The Impact of the Prairie on Canadian LiteratureM at 1:30 pm. to day in the Union Poltroon. The Accounting Club will meet in the College of Business Administration 119 at 3:45 pan. today for the election of officers. All ASUN candidate financial forms are due today by 4 pjm. in the ASUN office. Union 334. Professor Glenn Fuguitt, demographer from the Uni versity of Wisconsin will present a colloquim on New Trends in Non-Metropolitan Population Change" Thursday at 12:30 pjn. in Cvifat!::r HsU 707, , Ralph London from the University of Southern Cali fornia will present A View of Program Verification" Thursday at 4:30 pin. in Ferguson 217. There is an opportunity for students to learn more about the options available cn the Medical Center Campus in the areas of Medicine,. Nurskg, Hurm acy, and the Allied Health professions at the Health Professions Day Saturday April 23. Information on Health Professions Day is posted on the Pre-Medical bulletin board inside the north entrance of Bessey Hall. Students should sign up on the posted sheet by April 15, 1977. IE p3( c u 15 DISCOUNT U with valid student w. Mi includes everything excepts livestock purchases daily nebraskan Editor-in-chief: Sandy KSohr. Managing Editor: Pete Mann. H&n Editor: Rex Settne. Associate Naws Editors: Larry Lutz and Ron Ruiess. Layout Editor: Liz Beard. Entertainment Editor: Carta Engstrom. Sports Editor: Jim Hunt. Night Naws Editor: Sharon Armstrong. Photography Chief: Ted Kirk. Copy editors: Deb Eockhann. Ann Owens, Gail Smith and Becky Wiiiiams. Business fclancgsr: Jerri Haussier. Advertising"" Manager: Grejg Wurdeman. Assistant Advertising Manager: Dick VVorick. Production fttanager: Kitty Policky. The Daily Nebraskan is published by the UNL Publications Committee on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday during the fall and. spring semesters, Except during vacations. Address: The Daily Nebraskan, Nebraska Union 34, 14th and R streets, Lincoln. Neb. 6SSC3. Telephone: (402) 472-25C3. Copyright 1977, The Daily Nebraskan. Material may be re printed without permission if attributed to the Daily Nebraskan, except material covered by another copyright. Second class postage paid at Lincoln, Neb., 62501. QUALITY FiHCE VALU! 1 i . I) Blcck Activities. - 0 V A U Block Coalition ft Presents - . ' II . u Featuring lujJ A Friday, April 15!h . h 0:00 pm v A Ticltcfs: () UifL Admission S3.C0 Gen. Admission A4.G0 . a h SZ -d CL, J lijy tdlii viDvlUuLI- jyiiULIU , QL).C2lLy a 0 a a a a 1 0 F 0 a 0 a a .0 0 1 aanoaoaaoaoaa . tt 3 ' 1 . V L-J OU U Criy 1 coupon Clsmci per rmi jssn. CQpoa sscd Apr3 IS." C3 E3 C3 C3 a 0 E3 E31 S3 13 E3 If Only 1 eo&psn loed per new jsn. Coupon good thru April 13. Q 0 0 a o 0 0 Li ! H Y i j j CTjf tm4 Caty 1 crupoa sHjavcd per rssw jssn. Cocpn jocd thru Aprs y . y r :0' ":Q' . 0 0 : 0 0 0 0 0 0 Q 0 " 11- 0 0 C3c!3 OjOl 0 Q a o 1 i 10 o a o o 0 0 0 0 1 i 1 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 0 ion Q ?7 m 9M b tb tt3.K cf J. . 0?.ty 1 coupon siSowed per new jssn. Coupon good thru April tS. C3 E3 t3 O E3 C3 C3 CI C3 C!3 C3 I 0 0 1 D 3 7j? 3 U U b lh t:ra.S cf J. Onfy 1 coupon showed per new jssn. Coupon good thru April IS. A IZ3 E3 S3 C3 383 E3 (E3 C3 C3 E3 0 Til csa 3 t;L-cf ti 1 Q I I 0 h 1 f . I ; fi JO V b H3 tt::3.E cf 4. . Only 1 coapon !!owad per nsurt. Coupon 5rcd thru April 13. tannannaaaoraoi i- m i 0 0 . 0 1 . I .T?