The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 13, 1977, Page page 11, Image 11

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    Wednesday, cpril 13, 1977
dally ncbrscken
pc33 1 1
want o.
24' Cabin to be moved.
$372. Will deliver. 474-0SC0.
$395 -'67 Chevelle
$995 - 7? Fury
Phone 439-1 372
1970 Chevrolet Caprice
Coupe. Excellent shape. $250.
432-5721 after 6:30 p.m.
1970 Sports Van 103, 350
V-8, automatic. 77,000 highway
miles, no rust, new tires. $1200
or best offer. Call Joe, after 5
p.m. at 432-1 149. '' .
1971 Volkswagen Fastback.
79,000 miles, $300 or best
offer. See after 2 p.m. at 3700
Cornhusker, Lot 37-C.
1974 VW Convertible. Make
offer. Ask for Jim,432-7751 .
hdve 70 cars & trucks in
stock 'or immediate delivery.
All models - 4-speeds, 5-speeds,
and automatics. The selection
will never be bertert Come in.
Mid-City Toyota
12th & Q
Etfted by WILL WENG
1 Lover of beauty
S Big brother of
a handful
15 Killjoy
IS Invest
on Wall St.
17 Dale Evans,
for one
18 Of fice catchall
19 Salt formation,
in India
23 Erief note
- 22 Giggle
23 Formerly,
old style
23 Ervin or Spade
23 So, in Glasgow
27 Cut no
23 out
23 Flanged beam
23 Dutch city
23 Print-shop
27 Firm vow
23 own grave
43 One4ed astray
1 ji E p 5 3 j I 3 p hO 11 j!2 jt3 !4
!LZZZZZZi Izzzzzzz
17 i IF"
,19 a 21"
I J . , ! l
23 u i a i 21 1
;r j. ti" 1 31"' pi"
j t 3 i i
' f t j
5 ?
42 ( . q : 14 " r n
I . I i I I
! i J . I i 1 .
i 1 t s
I i J j J J
r 1 m 1 1
i !
1 I I I I I I I I I I I
Dspendabia 1970 Honda
Street Eske. $223 or best offer.
CsSI 474-1252.
74 Yamaha SCO Enduro.
2SCQ miles. Must soil. 475
evenings. MOW: Honda CBSSD twin.
3,7SQ miles. 9 months new.
Maintenance log up-to-dats.
$750. David, 474-C5S5 before 3
With Student or faculty I.D.,
1C discount on tires, 10
speed bikes d stereos, except
promotional models. Goodyear
Store, 1013 0,432-6521.
2 THOREW5 TD-1S5 turn
tbles. , $100 each. Serious
inquriries only, 472-9730.
4 large walnut Advent
speakers with stands; Dual 1218
turntable with ADC cartridge,
new stylus. 475-3002.
Pair of Pioneer CS-E3
speakers good condition. $225.
Call 433-6303.
1 pr. Yamaha NS-670
speakers, $300. Call 423-1034.
Must sell - PIONEER 12 v
DC Car Power Amplifier, 25
watts per. channel. Mint condi
tion. Low price. Call 474-1834.
PHIL: 423-4342.
Banjos -30 Off .
830 West P Street
Open Monday thru Saturday
Two, late Ford chrome rims,
14 x 7, with lug nuts $30.
Pair, no rust. Call 474-3357.
Radial Tires. HR70-14". 5
for$150.47&579. .
General line of Merchandise
. Buy & Sell
Sale every Wed. night
' Antique Sale
3rd Sunday of each month
11th & Cornhusker Highway
. Wilson Golf- Ctis: 1-3
woods. 3-5-7-9 irons, putter and
bag. Good shape. 472-9787.
42 Jumble
43 Here, in Brest
45 Blow a
43 Colonel's
superior Abbr.
47 Contemptible
43 Network
43 Freight gent
51 odds on
3 Center cf
"Main Street"
C3 Food fish
57 Common citizen
53 French or ssiss21
C3 Easy to venSilzte
C2 Joined, as a
class session
C3 Star's rsd!3
C3 Cabbie's query
C7 "I saw it with
my own
C3 Embryonic'..
T3 mrcss
R & J Auetio.1 Co.
k Furniture, Appliances
tk Antiques
Buy & Sail
Dosed Saturdays
Open Sundsy and dally
Cariift&ssJier Ht'ftway
2 to 60 off on a!.'
Oynestroke pool cues now I:
stock. Ths-se cues are hencf
'pered and finished. They
hma a lifatlme guarantee or
jst joint and wrap. Priced
Jrom $25 fo $75.
, GsSdanCua
1D37 O Street
- tsZm ' Eurefca Cackpack Tents
The Mount Katshdin's, made of
ID oz. breathable rip-stop
nylon. The wrap around fllor
ft fly are ID oz. K-Kota water
proof rip-stop. 2 person model
8 ft, x 5 ft., 42" center height.
Regular price - $33 .S3. Special
sale price - $54.S5. 3 person
modal - 3 ft. 9" x 6 ft., CO"
center height. Regular $79.95.
Special Sale 3 5. 4 person
modal - 8 ft. 9" x 7 ft., 72"
center height. Regular $34.50.
Special Sale $79.95. All models
include Alumninum poles, map
pocket, rear screened window,
zipper ad screened door with
storm flap. All tents set up for
your inspection. No layaways at
these sale prices.
Surplus Center
Backpacker's Mummy
Sleeping Bag. Rip stop nylon
shell & liner. 40 oz. QM down
filled. Finished size 33 x 83
with stuff sack. Made in lefrs
or rights, 2 bags zip together.
Regular ssia - $47.95. Special
sale price $39.83. -
Surplus Center
1000 West O Street
2 bedroom' with fireplace..
East campus area. $210. After
5 p.m. 467-1 737.
crossword puzzle
I CKi1 ' T 0 EJ ) L, A T E.
II lis, vchh iil A.
9 i eTrip oMf J i c TJoTr
JL ALB."! s ofii
ijojgTo" V sTu.s A i?,-M ft M
!. is iI3 4LA.fl A.
il? y oK i a' TeTw?wlY
51? f J UlS : S ?E
gl j Ja, iC H ft MM OR. E
sit wtsTb sa '? cr " I u o
e is s eTw t,lH ET.CN
lsigUlUTLPlAlultL,t Elslfi
Fire exit: Abbr.
Germ cell
Caul Newman
4 Prcm date
5 Wallach
6 Tiros in office
7 Gardner etaL
8 Body sections
0 dalafsix
13 Whodunits.
'II totsiisely - '
12 Awaitir3
later decisioa
IS tub
14 IiaO
21 Skirt style
24 Certain ae
23 Short fced
21 Soitto
22 Debater!
Vl as .
SI rcrturb
23 Golia
23 Toc'.s for
Dr. Ear&ard
4 1 Crsi!.li3 birij
41 TypEface: Atbr.
13 Cocnered
2 "have
ca bananas" '
S4 Ila&shu city
3 Dowsy, '
. ia Ecoikai
1 Cat's cry: Vsr.
5-3 Ctarcwsi rsti
CI nvcal J I T
, RsintriMi Apartment
Ave! labia now, 1 & 2 Bedrooms,
dishwasher, disposal, air, pook,
"0 . . v pets.
435-4733 433-1 C32
Western Realty
o n " i n n
ISlicLiLlCSlllCAj I
If you are graduating this spring, or if you know a
find every tiling you need at Nebraska Bookstore.
Stop in anytime during regular store hours to be measured for your cap and
gown. The rental price includes a special keep sake cap and tasslel
m r
We have beautifully engraved
package, with envelopes.
. nn
We have graduation cards, distinctive gift items, and beautiful Balfour rings,
for a lasting reminder of your college days.
Show a little class, -
...... ff 3
Have a few laughs."
Next time you're out,t
Drink some FalstaffsJ
v, ... -
1 PCl tl
Mou&s for Summer Gt FcSI
3 bedroom A3 area $250
utilities. 2 bedroom 430 N.
23 $173 utilities. 3 bed
room Northeast $250
utKlties. Call Dallas, 474-1 1S3,
432-CCS5. Century 21, Custom
1 iS!W
r j f -'
graduation announcements, one dozen in a
Open 8-5, Monday - Saturday
PM fl C; )
Clean tpscious two bedroom
duptox, near 21st 5 Washington.
$200. No pets. Call evenings or
mornings, 475-9473.
Newer 1 bedroom, close to
campus. All eppjiances, A.C.
spring graduate, you'll
-- -. f S
C1 U' D
... V v t v
C3 Asba fco'iiay ,