mondsy, cprll 11,1077 I i 1 4 I 24' Cabin to be moved. $372, Will deliver. 474-CSSO. 1970 Chevrolet Caprice Coupe. Excellent shape. $350. 432-5721 after 6:30 p.m. 1370 Sports Van 103. 350 V-8, automatic. 77.CC0 highway miles, no rust, new tires. $1200 or best offer. Call Joe, after Spjn. at 432-1143. 1971 Votkswagon Fastback. 79,000 miles, $800 or best offer. See after 2 p.m. at 3700 Cornhusker, Lot 37-C. 1973 Opel GT. 20.000 miles. Excellent condition. 432-6327. 1973 914 Porsche. Perfect condition. $4,800 or best offer. Call 472-9712 after 6 p.m. 1974 VW Convertible. Make offer. Ask for Jim, 432-7751. MID-CITY TOYOTA We have 70 cars & trucks in stock for immediate delivery. All models - 4 speeds, 5 speeds and automatics. The selection will never be better Come in. Mid-City Toyota 12th St Q 74 Yamaha 360 Enduro. 2300 miles. Must sell. 475 8590, evenings. 2 THQRENS TD-1S5 turn tables. $100 each. Serious Inquiries only. 472-9730. NAKAMICHI 700 CASSET TE DECK. LIST ISO. YOURS 650. MINT CONDITION. CALL PHIL: 423-4342. Radial Tires, HR70-14". 5 for $150. 475-6579. Sat Eureka Backpack Tents The Mount Katahdin's, made of 1 XI oz. breathable rip -stop nylon. The wrap around fllor & fly are 15 oz. K-Kote water proof rip-stop. 2 person model -8 ft x 5 ft., 42" center height. Regular price - SS3.S8. Special sale price $54.85. 3 person model - 3 ft. 9" x 6 ft., 0" center height. Regular - $79.93. Special Sale $23.95. 4 person model - 8 ft. 9" x 7 ft., 72" center height. Regular $34.50. Special Sale $73.95. All models include Aiumninum pules, map pocket, rear screened window, iippered screened door with storm flap. Ail tents set up for your inspection. No layawaysat these sale prices. Surplus Csntar 1000 West O Backpacker's Mummy Sleeping Eag. Rip stop nylon shell St liner. 43 oz. CM down filled. Finished size 33 x 3 with stuff sack. Made in lefrs or rights, 2 bees zip together. Regular sale - $47X3. Special S3e price -CC3X3. - f'ra Cntr 7t O : I n Si J AetHaa Co. F urni?urt. Appliances & Am Itjs Euy a Cosed Eatiirdsys C"en Sunday ed cU!'y Corr.?v.;sr Wrmty OY8ASTr.3X2 P&al Cuss I to 10 ff n :. Dynawoke pool cuss now I stock. Thssa cuss art hsnt t-spsred and finished, They ,hswt a lifetime guarantse or 'iht Joint and wrap. Priest' from $23 to $75, C3Ja Cut j 1J37 O Strest "Going Overseas" Sale A 1972 Ventura, 3 tpeed, radial s, excellent stereo. Very clean, $11 0, A complete stereo tystam. Fisher receiver (23 wts). Dual 1225 turntable, Panesonlc Doiby cassette deck, Sansui Speakers. Extra's. $453. Camera Equipment: Vivitar 4XSL, 0 mm 1:1.9 tens, 233 mm 1:3.5 Telefoto, 2 x Teleconvertar. Carrying cases and extras. $3001 Call Dino. 474-C371 after 10 p.m. AUCTION GALLERY General line of Merchandise Buy & Sell Sale every Wed. night Anituqe Sate 3rd Sunday of each month 11th & Cornhusker Highway LINCOLN THRIFT STORE Lowest prices In town on cloth ing for students. Also furniture, televisions, appliances, bric-a-brac, and ail household items. Support your disabled American Veterans. 1745 "0" Street Lincoln, N Hours: Mnday through Satur day 9 to 9. 1 bedroom furnished apart ment. Off-street parking, central air, carpeted. Close to Campus. Alt utilities paid except elec tricity. $145month. 432-35SS. 483-7000. ' ; Room available in large, turn of the century Lincoln home. Kitchen privileges, or family style meals. 15 & Z. 432-5663. 2 bedroom with fireplace. East campus area. $210. After 5 p.m. 467-1737. Summer Housing Acacia, air-conditioned, off street parking. As low as $15.75week. Acacia Alumni Association, 212 W. Lakeshore Dr.. Lincoln. 435-4678. Available May 1. Large one bedroom apartment. Fireplace, air, near 14th & South. No pets. $155. Call 475-9479, mornings or evenings. Clean spacious two bedroom duplex, near 21st Si Washington. $201. No pets. Call evenings or , mornings. 475-9479. 1 bedroom, furnished aprt ment. Off-street parking. $165 utilities deposit. Close to campus. 475-2847 after 5:C0 p.m. Newer 1 bedroom, close to campus. All appliances, A.C. 432-6206. New apartments for rent. 2 bedroom, air conditioned, fire place, dishwasher, range, re frigerator, disposal, tub, shomr, and storage shed. $215month plus utilities. 434-6326. 477 6574. Luxury studio apt. Century House 1201 J St. $155 to $175 men. Call 8 to 5. 475-3512. ' 1SS3E ' Large 3 bedroom, recently re modeled. She g. laundry, off street parking, no pets. Avail able May 15. $225 utilities. Call 4-6 p.m. weekdays and before 2 p.m. weekends. 435 E234. 3 bedroom Townhouse, north f city campus. 1,350 square feet. 1 baths, tenant pays only lights. Monthly lease. $250. Office hours, 477-3443. Summer Housing Triangle, air conditioned, kitchen. On Campus. Rssson tt',9 rates. Call Kent. 433-7453 or 432-0434. AT THE CASTLE Grand acsla histarksHy irjfstsr ed apartment. & O. Comp'cts'y furnished with style. AveUsye to faculty or Grid, students. June 1 ta Aug. 15, $2S3. 435-5315. Close in, 1 end 2 bedrooms, appliances, caret sd. air eondi ticv?3, best pry. $125210. 4 74-1 4 3, 43-Cw7. Plush, ne tftSeiancSss aw!!sde now with air, tA'ncn, carpet, drives, bed, carr--. $140. No Fs. 475-C523, 477-1 1C3. C3 1S33, East Campus, dsSuxa, now 2 CR apt., unfurnished, fire pss, sir, ell rnlbncps, laundry, parking, $210, 4i3-7313or4S9-C;::3. Houses for Sssmmar & F!l 3 bedroom Ag area $2S3 utilities. 2 bedroom 433 N. 23 - $175 utUltlss. 3 bed room - Northeast - $250 utilities. Call Osilas, 474-1156, 432-CCS5. Century 21, Custom Perirv. tj: Hsiatrfa Apartment 32 a o . Available now, 1 & 2 Bedrooms, dishwasher, disposal, air, pook, no pets. 4354733 433-1 C32 Western Realty Part-time delivery, 9-1, Monday-Friday, Saturday 9-5. Part-time warehouse work, daily, afternoons 3-6, Monday Friday, Saturday 9-5 or morn ings 9-1. Aea Furniture 2429 "O" 432-4463 Nebraska Book Co. 6433 Cornhusker Highway Job openings now and summer, both full- and part-time. Call Dick Egger for appointment, 434-9161. The DoNut Stop Sales Girl needed. Saturdays, 6 a.m. to noon. Apply in person, before noon, 27th A O. Union Insurance has a part tjrae opening for ricy typist. Must be.abla; ) 50-63 worn. Hours ... in. to 6 p.m Istodsy-Fridsyl Must call for appointment, 432-6133. Need experienced baby sitter for toddlers, part-time. Call 4SS-7839. Person to operate automatic dishwasher, noon meal provided plus pay. Monday Friday, 12 noon - 2 p.m. Apply Personnel Department, First Federal of Lincoln, 1 235 N " St. An Equal Opportunity Employer, M-F. Experienced cook need 3d, full-time for noon meals, employee cafeteria. Excellent fringe benefits. Apply Personnel Department, M-F, First Federal of Lincoln. 1235 N St. An Equal Opportunity Employer. Amy's at 56 &0 Help wanted. 13 and over pre ferred. Schedule flexible. Call 437-3300. Personality Plus Door to Door and phone can vassers wanted. Hard work, high pay. $3 to $3 per hour for those who qualify. Full- or part-time. Call 433-23S5. Downtown Lincoln's newest restaiirant needs part-time help, now and through the summer. Hours: 10:30 a.m. to 2:30 pjm.. line workers and kitchen help. Apply in person after 2:30. Frenchie's Hamburger Joynt. 1315 "U" St. Service Station Attendants Afternoons -Evenings St Weekends We need attendantscashiers for Mini Serve Stations in various locations. Starting immediately. MAPiPCEfl Petroleum Services ' 122 North 11 ( 2441 H. 4Eth 12-6 j n r "x 1 IJ !i -; : ow inww .i Summer vvcrk C3.50 per hour 4C3-1227 Halp Wantad. Full- and pait time positions. Apply in person. J.O.'s C:g Boy. 701 North 27th. $$$$ Summer sales work. Great money opportunity. Must be rmt appearing. V train. Call needs volunteers to parti cipate in clinical testing of pharmaceuticals. Must be in good health with no known drug energies. Age: 19-55. Excellent pay. Call 474527 or 474-CCC3. Monday-Friday, 9 a.m. 3:30 p.m. IBaiii'Tr-Ciirt iiiiiliL iji'iiii . i, , i-f Live in wanted by wheel chair vet, littla help. Free room end board, own room, male or female, starting mid-May. Call Bob, 475-5223. Needed: Someone that can read and write Italian to trans late peronal letters. 434-7763, GARY. Houseparsnts Married couple needed to super vise 6 girls. Excellent salary room board 66 hours off per week. Apply at Y$S 2201 South 11th. Housepsrents Assistant Live-in situation to supervise 6 boys in houseparent's absence. Excellent opportunity for oolSesa student. Room 4- board salary. Apply st Y.S.S,, 2201 South 11th. Wanted: Mature female roommate for summer. Own room. $75 plus utilities. 475 332, ask for Msrcia. CATHY cant vote for you. . you. . .unless you vote for her. CATHY KOUSEK Home Economics Senator PERSONS INTERESTED IN RESEARCH. LOBBYING, AND ' ACADEMIC CREDIT - CALL NUPIRG - 472-2443, MV.'F BETWEEN 12:30 and 1:15 or after 5:00. 435-50S3. ASK FOR DON. OR SIGN UP AT RM. 205. NE. UNION. Lemaze prepared childbirth classes for couples and single mothers. Chikfcirth Education Association, 435-4045. Ninth Floor, April is International Maynard Ferguson Month I Good listening Maynard Ferguson Pfetsa, return stolen HP-4S & charger. No questions asked. 477-7525. Mil: dx(4u) means Enjoy Spring like I enjoy your company. Squad Leader Wemhoff - Your smocks are red. 1 Your smocks are blue. But there's no better Boss then you I H:Fri Sit. 5 V H:n h Thsrs til 9 I! Learn ta let tfta Ser.tWne, no trr-rci-ch to Christianity. Putiic C!sss Tuesday. 7:33 p.m. 2343 Q St. Sponsored by the Christian Community of Lincoln. Ort- Would it help if I sent a free album ta you? M.F. . Monday and Tuesday: Pop Wagner, one of Minneapolis' top falk artists. At the Zoo - 9 12:33 .No cover. GsrsSdina You're going to FLIP when you try our easy recipes for making wine 6 bsar. Gerry The Winemaker Shop 433 South 13 435-6710 Pregnant? B Irthright is con fidential helping hand. 477-C321. 4 V? DIPORM ATI3N - B0RBI10, IMS. enLL US FREE 112-S00-S23-S350 21 NON-PROFIT' RGHKSZATI3N oocoooo Used help on Income Tax? If so, VITA offers fret assistance in Rooms 225. F-G-H, In the Nsrsska Union. Monday thru Thursday from 7. 'CO to 10.-C0 p.m. Sponsored by Ssta Alpha Psi and Community Involvement Sarvicss. Why take wvaryW tome for the summer? a 6 x 9 prhste corvwe store" room. $20month. BANK ADS accedptsd. 4-6345. . Going Somewhere? Or want to go? Come sea us for Youth Hostel Cards, International Student ID's, ideas arid dis counts. We have plenty of information on cil parts of travel, work and study experiences. Overseas Crportunitiss Canter 345 Nebraska Union Will tune cars for $5-$10 depending on car. Also do other Mech. work. Cell 472 8153. For &osa of you craxy anotfi ta est marrkij - Titk to w about out unk'Ja ftasding Phetsgrsv. 435-2:31. Gary or Duncan. V I b i i j i k ! SCHEDULED ELECTIi -April13,1: A S City Union Ec:tUnbn !i . NcbrcckaH!! , n You ntsd a pri.?i:5?c'!y written resume ta land tN j; of your choice. For csn- fidsnt! iMtrvlsw and reason able prkM, cill 4733777. POETRY WANTED for Antho!0y No tr!5s or contsnt resti'lctions. InclcJa ttr.T-ad nvslopa. Contampercry Litera ture Prsss, P.O. Cox IS4S2. Ssn Francisco, - California 4123. A? StwsSIa nevv tcccptlrg addtlomsl students for r&w spring achedula. Cclnning or 1.3.75 psr lson. Experknc-sd Painters nzi work. Irtslda and outs!Ja. RsTar. ertccs cvai3aib!a. Fret estlmctss. Day cs;i 472-23"3, ask for Doug. Days csSI 472-IC3, cik for Oou. Aftsr 5 cs.'l 4C3-C370or432-37S3. Why take avsrythlng home for the sumnw? Rent 5x9x8 ft, hish storey room,- $13 par month. Econo-Storesa, 4 3333. DICK'S r'ATCH SIRV5C2 Wsteh falr Wstdi Emit itd) Osmriss Vk. S. of fr. CaiH ttora SSrj.12tii 422-SI14 ACADEMIC FSISAnCH . , PAPERS Thousands on fila. Send $1.C0 for your 132-psga, mail ordar catalog. 11322 idJiO Ave.. No. 2ZZH, .. Lot AraJiJ, ' CaJif. ?UM77-S474. . it If you plan ta use a pro fessional mover for long dis tance or lees! moving upon graduation, plsssa consider Uncle Dudley. We have served the public for half a century and if you want to compare rates and other criteria, please call: 433-4343. Oestslt Workshop fer Pm&nal GfowsSi" ',. Saturday. April 13. For mart information contact Ksthy Stein. Coun seling Canter, 472-3461 . Lost: 1 set of ksyi on a black disk chsin with needle pointad "KAT" in center. Lest somewhere between Men's P.E. and Smith. Call 472-C3C3. vAMi tea & iiVWtf siwwal yb i ft J KU 11 F t4iai d f V SUiM iJ 4 if I A p i 9a.m.to0pjn. 0 a.m. to 0 p.m. rj U It I i 3 cm. to Op jn. 1