mond:y, cpril 4, 1977 dally ncbrc:kn pr;3 13 By Jim Williams Baseball. Critical scholar George Grella was talking baseball to about 15 members of the UNL English fac ulty Friday. if! o M MIDI I (T1 IMG IU V fill Vi'J W 1 5ofi Ira ability a" . )j f X "I've done a lot of work with the aesthetics of games," the University of Rochester, Rochester, N.Y., professor said. "Baseball is i remarkable, almost unique sport. "Baseball has only 2 lines. The game opens up into infinity. It's timeless, it has no clock." "A game with a lot of lines, it seems to me, would come out of a culture that's in a state of totalitarianism. Football, of course, was most popular during the Vict nam war, when Nixon was the number-one fan." "Football doesn't involve much athletic ability. I know if I say this in Nebraska it could be tough. But the aver age football player is only intended to be en obstacle. If you don't bclicvf this, watch a pro game and watch them try to pick up a fumble. Ford obstacle "President Ford was the classic example of a center on a single-wing football team, which meant his job was to get rid of that ball and be an obstacle, which seems to define what his whole political career was like." Political football may be a strange subject from an English professor probably best known for his book Murder and the Mean Streets, an analysis of Raymond Chandler's detective novels. Grella is a scholar of popular culture and his submachine-gun mind emptied a full clip of ideas into the infor mal pre-lunch meeting. "My interests are mostly aesthetic and literary, and if I'm doing detective fiction or baseball in American cul ture or whatever, it has to be the same sort of study as if I were teaching Milton or Henry James. I'm interested in the way things are alike, rather than the way they're different." Grella read a paper on Edgar Allen Foe's detective stories, The Murders of the Rue Morgue and The Pur loined Letter, giving evidence that in both stories the actual criminal was the dective hero and that the whole Sheldon to show Fhoto by KtvJn Hifitey I J 1 George Grdla: "Football doesn't involve much llRQ LOI olo athletic ability. I know if I say this in Nebraska it ' could be tough." I - fell maturing relevant to women and to today's world.. Ccpr3 with community attitudes, kids, jobs. . . YVtt Gutsts: Csrcl RBey and Shirley Malty TUESDAY NOON AT CENTENNIAL 540 N. 16th -SUN ROOM BROWN BAG LUNCH TEA SERVED SPONSORED BY STUDENT Y King Lear, a 1970 version of Shakespeare's play direct ed by Grigori Kozintsev, will be presented this week at the Sheldon Film Theatre. Screenings will be Wednesday through Saturday at 7 and 9:30 pjn. with Friday and Saturday matinees at 3 p.m. Admission is $2 . Xala, a 1974 release from Senegal is this week's Foreign Film. Admission is by scries ticket only. Screen ings are tonight and Tuesday at 7 and 9 pan. Director Werner llerzog's 1968 film Even Dwarves Started Small will be shown for the film studies classes this week. Screenings will be 10 ajn. and 1:30 pjn. to morrow and Wednesday. There is no admission charge. fuiisfison spsclEis. Monday ...Oscarburger with everything $1.50. Tuesday...Roastbeef and a cup of soup $1.65. Wednesday ...Rueben and a cup of soup $1 .65. Thursday-Prime Rib open faced sandwich $1 .95. (off r L. JAZZ 9-9 Daily 9-6 Sat. thing was one of Poe's literary hoaxes. Psychology He showed a video tape oF baseball psychology he made for a New York public television station, with scenes such as the brooding, introspective outfielder read ing Ulysses while being pelted by fly balls. Grella analyzed present trends in literature. "Because we're approaching the year 2000, 1 think we're starting to repeat what people were thinking about in the 1900's. In those days people stopped building permanent struc tures because they thought the world was going to end. What we do is all write books about it." "I dont like pimping for despair," Grella said. IBs own writings arc about subjects such as murder mysteries or sports, and he said this has made it harder to get other scholars to take him seriously. "I think I've had my problems with that, quite frank ly," Grella said. "I think there are still people in my department who think I probably do these things be cause I'm dumb." . unm rid "YOSEMITE: AN ECOLOGICAL VISIT" With Producer . Eben McMillan T"-MK F"," J 7 Nebraska Center for Continuing Education 33rd & Holdrege Sts. Tickets Available At Door Aissricsn CcncerSocfety i s.A -C tVt.Lt t HI V T WCTUHES imrataMi Ptrfornwd by: dOMA IE0NAR0 MRU3t WftlOUOHIT DOWNATMk AIWH.IIAV Introducing: JEANETTI SilWUW lOISUJV IN EASTMAN COLON X RATED FOR lAWtj H ttNTtrxtWOVH 1 Plus v rt i r-. acini neuHi raure iy "BAD BEULAH" hi Howard Rod Datty Sttel m LRod Howard Joanw Smitrl wonnnuoui irom I a.m. p4 Mustb ia-Mava ix. 1730 "O" St. 432842 "' " r: U7 1 Daily At J 5:15 ,..7:25' 9:35 Gens Hsckmsn Ccndico jJSXD EMSASSY Rtee FromSENTiRlA!ftNTC5p 1 n f3 Tl Sheldon Art Gallery, ptli 1 biilij 12th &R I Villiam Shakespeare's 9 j! -1 KING j ! ; j 1MB j I Directed by i j Gricri j i Wednesday through Saturday April6,7,3S9 Scrrrnings at 7 & 9iS3 p.m. Friday & Saturday matinee at 3 p.m. i f I - t; A XJt tagt tew3 (mtmJty im tmm bmt km i 13th El P cr 70th, & A 1..,- .- - """ " "