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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 18, 1977)
ddly ncbresk; frlday, march 10, 1077 Marsh Lincoln Sen. Shirley Marsh said earmarking money for a business course requested by a UNL student is a possibility. Marsh, a member of the Nebraska Legislature'! Appro priations Committee, said the committee reacted favorably to a Monday presentation by Bill Jackson, a business major from La Jolla, Calif. She said no decision would be made until at least after next week. Jackson requested $24,500 to establish a small business management class at UNL. Jackson left for California Wednesday and was not available for further comment. Gary Schwendiman, associate dean of the College of Business Administration (CBA), works with Jackson on want ads - 1SS3 Ford Station Wagon, air, radial tires, excellent condi tion. Call 433-4529 after 3:30. '69 WV Fastback - Run Bood. $250. -432-2255. ' 1971 Pinto, air, automatic, 31 00 miles, ra-Mly nice, $1350. Tel-432-218S. MJD-C1TY TOYOTA We have 70 cars & trucks in stock for immediate delivery. All models - 4 speeds, 5 speeds and automatics. The selection will never be better) Stop by, Mid-City Toyota, 12th & Q. Whssl City Auto Sales Customized Vans Sports Cars Fiats kiGB's New 4 wheel drive Pickups Cutlass, Camaros, Firebirds. Monte Carlos You have many to choose from. V.'hssi Chy Auts tdzt ' - 2231 Sa. 43 : Everything and Anything Sale FrkLry & Ssturday 10-6 1E37 South 33 Wedding Dress, size 5. Cal ftsrS, 423-1 32. eff - Csssal Guitars. Tr? week only. 03 r.est P It. Cpcnf.fen.-Eat.13-S 42 3523 111 i ' t f U-U t j i n I i; i a-t. " AUCTION GALLERY General line of Merchandise Buy & Sail Sale every Wed. night Antique Sale 3rd Sunday of each month 11th & Cornhusfeer Highway Dependable 1970 350 Honda Street bike. $300 or best offer. Cell 474-1 252. 1S7S Yamaha RD 400, 20C3 miles. Will take 1st reasonable offer. 4S4-33C8 after 6 p.m. 1400 Kenwood Receiver, 8 months old 474-C023. HAK3 GLIDER - - MUST SELL 9 month old, mint condition hang glider. You save $300 and I'll even provide lessons fret. Sacrifice $350. Mike Mitchell -471-2501 (office) 437-1034 (home). LEAVE MESSAGE IF I'M GONE. Electro-Voice speakers $250 pr., indash car stereo $150. 4S3-8S38. W ATE REEDS Our best lap seam mattress, heater & liner. Special intro ductory price - $119.95. Layawsys, BankAmericard or MasterCharge. Sale ends March 31st. Golden Cue, 1907 "O'St. Loving Pets & Companions. Champion Sired A KC Irish Setter Puppies. Very speciai little beauties. Call now: 423- 5SS4. . Diamonds, jewelry, waters, turquoisv,- fd & silver. Whole sale & retail, also buying & selling. Klein. 6009 Vine, 466 . 1337 West Bend & related products - dealerships available, with minimum investment to sincere qualified people Klein Enterprises. 60C9 Vine, 466 1337. 29 gallon aquarium complete with accessories; 5 string banjo with case; Mike, 475-63S3. The Country Store Antiques end C!l8ctsis!es 2Z5 So. 7th (on block south of South St.) 'Naurs: dsly 10:23-4:23 Sunday 1-5 432-2254 "Bfri...,j.iii'' "-rr j aim r1"1' it We need kitchen help. M-F or work around your schedule. Flexible hours & wage negoti able. Call 4CG-2323 for manager of The Drover, or step by 301 North Conner. Summer Jobs: Our fifty ststs - 2X0 plus summer employers catalogue (America's larjsst) with Master eppifca tion form -only $2. tumdhcUm, Cax C43, State CoSIejt, FA. Live in houssScsspar for ' hendfeped veteran. Good ex perience far nursing student. 437-1C73. SVsnted: Dome?tjc travel counselor for summer ernfsy ment. tio essper fence nactwasry. filH tnln sharp inc-uai. Avtrfy Cornhisker tlctor Cub. 2.-0 O St. Equal Opportunity ErnpiCysr. the CBA academic planning committee. Me said Jackson was not representing the committee. "BUI did this without any encouragement from the faculty. It was truly a student action," Schwendiman said, "About four or five months ago, a group of students came into my office, asking for a course in managing smdl businesses," Schwendiman said. The students said many of them would graduate and go back to Nebraska towns to manage small business and that there should be a course on that subject. Schwendiman said he did not think Jackson was in the original group at that time, Schwendiman said he told the students the idea had never been brought up before and that CBA did not have the resources to add a new class. 2222-44 Vina. Spacious 2 bedroom apt., 2 baths, extra closets, electric kitchen. Will summer tease, bete rata, $215. Manager 435-E9S3 or 467-4591 . - 123 Q Plush, new efficiencies avail able now with air, appliances, carpet, drapes, bed, cares. $140. No pets. 475-C523, 477-11C3,4C3-1933. East Campus deluxe, new 2 bedroom. Unfurnished, fire place, sir, ell appliances, dish washer, disposal, carpet, park ing. $215. 4S3-7S1 3. Luxury studio apt. Century House 1201 J St. $1S3 to $175 mo. Call 8 to 5. 475-3512. 3 bedroom unfurnished du plex. No children. Pets OK. $175, utilities, deposit, available now. 924 South 29th St. 475 1735. . , Tico's is now accepting applications for full-time dining 'room and kitchen positions. Apply in person at Tico's 17th and M Streets. Wanted: Part-im3 tele phone solicitors. 6-9 p.m., pnday through Friday, $2,307 hr. For appointment call 477 7832. OVERSEAS JOSS summeryear-round Europe, S. America, Australia, Asia, Etc. All fields, $500 $1200 monthly. Expenses paid, sightseeing. Free inform. Write International Job Center, Dept. NA, Box 4490, Berkeley, CA. 94704. Help wanted: Part-time now, full-time this summer. Must have pick-up, van or station wagon. Call 432-0331. 4221 Holdrege. Spacious 2 bedroom. Across from Ag Campus. Available now. 4C3 3S50. Several nice 1 & 2 bed room apartments, good loca tion, no pets, deposit, 474 2437 or 423-C343. 1 bedroom apartment near campus, $112, utilities paid. April 1st. 477-9770. 1 ,703 square feet in one of Lincoln's finest 2 bedroom apts. Recently redecorated. Off-street parking. $235month. 483-037,474-1433. 1225 S.2Sth 2 bedroom, tub-shower, cable TV, air, carpet, remodeled, no pets. $178. 475-C0S7. 432 7342. I To all my friends end lovers in the Pub it's been an ex perience. I't) be down tome Sun. for a dozen ELTs, just to watch you cry. Keep on whidiRgl The Grouch Meet your next friend on the bus end ssve t- PiCX UP ST AH KO STTtlCS ATTACHED? whin tviLL Atxr.icsrr re tup. H? UJC. r ii - ti ,-r- ,- tii. --r-,i ! - i . Walking Instead of driving makes a man healthy, wealthy, and energy-wise. You are my most favorite person. S.M.P. Intatligent NU women shouldn't judge ail NU men by ad's run by NU boys like Vines, and I for one am tired of being judged by what others do. MGN DIPLCA Congrsdulationsl You have pessid the course. Signed, Boh Hewitt Eohunk - meet you at noon. Irish Come to Uncle Sam's Twi light Hours from 7:33 8:33. No Cover. Instant specials, prizes, contests and Fun I Be rich and wisa. Save gaso line. Pregnant? Birthright Is a con fidential helping hand. 477 B021. Star - You're so beautiful & I care so much, Thanx for everything. DLH For best gas mileage and good health; your foot - tron is the number one, Lamaze prepared childbirth classes for couples and single mothers. Childbirth Education Association, 435-4045. intramural Soccer Team Registration deadline today. Contact Recreation Office. Nol St. Patrick was Brazilian. Reward - information or return HP-45 & charger. Box 633. Hamilton, 477-7525. Bunky, Be good over vacation and remember the "P"i Love Yal Luker W turn V i4 1 tiwJ C LL o r H2 w3-i23- i 3 - a n:3-r::FiT KJC. the Golf Pro. Have a good Spring Creak, and even better skiing!! "Duffer Trevino Vote John Snyder Ag Advis ory Board. Animal Science. Candidate by Write-in Vote. Learn to let the Somhine, a new cporoach to Christianity. Pui!ic Osn ' TwfsJays, 7:33 pxn. 2343 Q St. Sponsored by the Chrinian Community of Lincoln. Frizzy haired Homa Ec mcjors d'rfjnt work out. VVt2d: G'm"!s from whc-3t farml and cirSs who drtr.k their tsr from bett'ss. Hopefutly, bcth chsroctsrlaks In ona. Vince, mm B n . at ai jn2e M st w m m However, Jackson put together a course outline and it was approved by the CBA faculty. He also spoke to Adam Brcckenridje, vice chancellor for academic affairs, Schwendiman said. Drcckenriie sdd he had talked to Jackson and advised him that the university already 'had made its budget request and would dcfcr.J its own budget request at a hearing with the. Appropriations Committee next Tuesday, He also said he suestcd that Jackson work to get the course in next spring's budget requests. UNL Chancellor Roy Young and Dreckenride prepare the budgets for the individual colleges after the Legislature makes its appropriations. However, the . Legislature does' have the power to earmark money for certain purposes, Drecken ridge said. Are you looking for a good courss to tska durino the first fiva-weck Summer Session? " ACTUARIAL SCIENCE 214 , mav be it Introduction to Life Insursnca Mathematics will hslp you becoms a better informed consumer end at ths sme time msy introduce you to an interesting end well paying career. Although presently scheduled for 3:00 MTWTF, the hours may ba changed to accommodate tha most pcopSa. Contact Cecil iyksrk, 1023 Oldfsthsr HsSI X26D3 for further information. r 1 i r ...,. ii t I i i ' 'i ri - ii ii i . -ii .-I i Male Roommate, off-street parking. Call after 6:03 p.m. S32.S0 utilities. 474-2743. Female to share 2 bedroom home. Would prefer graduate student. $75 plus utilities. Washer & dryer, etc. 472-1762 or 475-9301. Wanted: Keyboards player for working band. If interested, call Roxanne at 432-2434. . Experienced Painters need work. Inside and outside. Refer ences available. Free estimates. Days call 472-2583, ask for Doug. After 5 call 4S3-GS70 or 432-3768. LOST: Wallet & checkbook at County Squire party Fri. nite: If found, plea, tr" 472 96S7. . LOST: Car keys with leather chain, with letters NET - 2 keys - ANYWHERE between 501 Bldg. & Neihardt. Call 792 233S or 472-9718 after 5:03 To Whom it may concern: Please return stolen bill fold, with LD.'s, by mail. No questions asked. f Walter Brandhorst 435 NJW. 16th Lincoln. NE 63503 LOST: A chronometer - type watch in the stadium. North end of Astro-Turf. Need badly, REWARD! Erik at 472-9419. Yellow jacket with contact case in pocket lost at the Water Hole. If found call 474-9731, ask for Vance. . ii S f I . VW PARTS, Dual Port Heads, Manifold, Garb, Louver ed campus windows, 432-52S3. kttend a LIFE Saturday, V , i : ' ' a-n,,i.i.r,i.,..inrVr,minfc,v.aJ mi 12: CO nocn to 5:00 p.n. Esgistsr at ths Couasaling Center Third Flear of R??tT!Ti iTe-1 1 I CIO ICr Why take everything home for the summer? Rent a 6 x 9 private concrete storage room. S23month. BANK CARDS accepted. 4e3-345. Team Ehctronka Service Centar Specializing in Stereo Equipment, Auto Audio, And C3 Service and Installations. All Repairs Guaranteed. 21st and "Q" St. 435-44S7 DICK'S WATCH SERVICE Watch Repair Wsteh Bands Watch Batteries -54 blk. S. of Nebr. Book store 333 fJ. 12th 432-3414 BRIDES TO BE I'll design and make an original wedding gown for you at a price you can afford. Call Debbie at 433 2182 for an appointment. ACADDVIIC RESEARCH PAPERS Thousands on file. Send $1.00 for your 192-page, mail order catalog. 11322 Idaho Ave. No. 206H, Los Angeles, Calif. S0O25. 21 3) 477-8474. We'll do your Spring Clean ing over Spring Break. Call Sroomehilda & Company. 3 full hours of cleaning for only S14.S5. 475-E343. Garden plots available 23 x 50, includes water & plowing, $25 per season. Located at 2203 West Q. 477-351 5. Start treating your brothers and sisters like brothers and sisters. Vint An Opportunity To Work Up Your Ova lizzie4! PLAKSIKG W0EXSE3? April 2