The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 14, 1977, Page page 11, Image 11
mortday, msrch 14, 1977 J&'crijy mcrrir.3 to 'Ilaoola CeEsrel Ibrj'td. l&Cdls, who Ktirtd frora ths WodlJJxsU la 1SG7, i! wicta for tha Uncoh Stzr tr.i wa a f leaser la tfcs net cfh?-jh school sports. lis started Top 10 retinas for ILbnda kl! ichoch end dso was ths tint to select tH-cUta teams la Nebrsa. sports shorts Sophomore hurdler JcfT Lee highlighted UNl?s perfor nance ia the NCAA Indoor Track and Field champion ship! in Detroit Saturday njght, winning the 60-yard hurdles hi 7.1 7 seconds. Lee edged favorite. Dcdy Cooper of San Jose State University to become the first Husker to win an NCAA championship since Lennox Burgher won the triple jump in 1963. UNL placed fourth in the two-mile relay, Scott Poch ling, Ron Fisher, Matt Reckmeyer and Paul McClainwere on the Ilusker team. The University of Oklahoma won the event. Two other UNL entries in the meet failed to qualify for the finals. They were the medley relay team and the mlle-rehy team. UNL head football coach Tom Osborne announced Saturday .the hiring of Gene Huey, an assistant coach at the University of New Mexico, to replace EH Myles who left last week to become offensive line coach for Ohio State University. Huey, whose appointment is subject to approval by the NU Board of Regents, will coach the tight ends and wing backs. John Melton will move to linebacker coach where he served under Bob Devaney from 1 967-72. ; UNL's women's tennis team remained unbeaten Saturday after three matches this season, downing Kansas State University, 8-1 at the Lincoln Racquet dub. :- Winners for the Huskers included Joyce McVkker, Sue Sloboth, Kathy Hawkins, Dee Pavelka and Lori Kochea in sire-! riay. McVicker and Sobcth, Ilawkfes and Kcchea, ar.d hrccSca and Ruth Anderson teamed up to win all three double! matches. Retired longtime Nebraska tpcrtswriter Creg I'cSriJe Shamrock Pants s6.00 (coxali Green Carnations LG0 Cash & Carry See our front door specials (weather permitting) Danielson's &fp 1Z O. 13 WZ-iOUA T Ths Fees Aliccsika Derrd w&l lioM fcesiiss ea Cs felloes Unremty Department fcssis far Uses! yesr 1977-78: East Union Stsdsst Devdc?:scnt-Itecreatlcn: . &!srch ICS, 6:C3 pja. Ncfcr . City Udca UuA 17 th, 6:C0 pxa. Esst Union Uriverdty Ilcdih Center: r.Irch 31st,6:C3pxi. tHccim All you can eat.. 1.S9 Monday-Tuesday nights ARBOR INN LINCOLN HILTON mx? r.ft -.,.-, v . Q 0 a o o o Q 0 Q Q 0 Q 0 0 i isi a ca a ca ca ca G3 ca i Spr i ng Break Rebate 25 Edited by WILL VJEKG crossword puzzle a VQj J on 10 or more gallons of gas With this coupon Ml C&Dsuo SojvIco Cofttor 17th Q Vfc 474-9253 (offer expires 31377) IOOOOOOOOOS3C3I ACROSS 1 s -noire Cookbook direction 19 Waterbed mishap 14 Exclamations in Bonn 15 Singer John IS French notion 17 Ham Fisher's pug 19 Fairy-tale heavy 29 Mountain 21 Canifrs gorge 23 Old- 25 nous 23 Ascots 39 Fodder 24 Sharpen -35 Road for Sen Hur 28 Slaves of yore 33 Height: Abbr. 49 Charles Schulz fare 42 Drinker's problem: Abbr. 43 Watery mire 45 Between Phi and Kappa 43 Kind of horn 47 Instant 49 U-boat repair places 51 Eayes and Helmer 54 Galley-slave's" burden 55 Willard satellite D Family members 3 Concerning 4 Zack M os ley card GS Assortment of type 67 Implied eajai C3 Worry 79 African trees 71 Fast planes DOWN. 1 California 2 Earth science: Abbr. 3 Lee Falk apparition 4 Sixth-sense initials 5 Wallop 6 Medicinal plant 7 Hot league 8 T-urnstile activator 9 Portrays 19 Barrymore et al. 11 Irritable 12 Flying prefix 13 Wail 18 Movie dog 22 Zodiac sign 24 Salutation 23 Abyss 27 Psychologist May 28 Overtime situation 23 TJirust at 31 Sterrett's "Polly 32 Make progress 33 Curves 33 Compass point 37 Dirt-road features 49 .Penh 41 Greek letter 44 Hollywood's Mack 45 Resort 48 Hopes 59 Naval warrant officer 52 Egyptian dancer Var. 53 Golfer's miscue 55 Offend 5S about 57 River of France 58 Mother of Roman twins 53 Insect eggs CI -Was it 1 saw?" 2 Snow gear C5 Part of Madison's signature PUZZLE f "C 10 T I E I s r: M A P "fT R I it O B 0" I El jE I 1 H VEN LEX J NIG T 0" WJT I0 aIsI t 7TQT h eTTa rIe naJs sJjJnJs ajT eTJo v e "" JBiE!s. u M, 1 TiRlQlB 0 60 TosTt i bjs" 0. 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