The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 04, 1977, Page page 3, Image 3
i ): i. friday, march 4, 1977 daily ncbrsskan ASUN Constitutional Amendments ; .. . i v j i nnn 315 SatfhTlth Street Lincoln, Nsbr. 63503-(402)475-3325 I L 1 13 ..... I jilZsiir" Ca CMMfaBr CHS ' - n Vr'U ULb LJ Special ly featured in the Son of Ampzilla is its two-nhm operating capability. This feature is essential r multiple speaker installa tions. As with its Ampzilla father. Son of Ampzilla retains the traditional circuitry that made Great American Sound famous. The circuitry is uniquely elemental with just three stages input amplifier, driver amplifier, and compound output amplifier. The resulting reduction of distortion components is easily dis cernible with careful listening. For a variety of reasons. Son of Ampzilla is an extremely versatile power amplifier. See'Ampzil'a and Son at Natural Sound. Q; I TKS C;AT ALBICAN SOUND COMPANY. WC. crossword puzzle Navigational 2S " ACROSS 1 Dillon 5 Rulers 19 Large quantity 14 Skunk's defense 15 Ration IS King of the road 17 S. A. rodent 18 Missouri city 19 Drubbing 23 Unsuccessful stamp collector's lament, with 49 Across 23 Gas or electric company 24 distance Stephen V. and William R 27 Relative of "bon voyage" 23 Turkish decree . 29 Shankar Jets Garb Chiefs! Abbr. River to the E2be Perch 44 At the ready 45 Green iron 47 Scholars 43 Marsh gas 49 See 0 Across 51 OrdorDix 52 Swiftly 3 Insects 55 Draw the wrong straw IS Give gas (accelerate) 57 Gonerii's father 13 Something unique 19 Bonheuret&L C9 Thessily peak 1 Swab 2 Camera csdet 3 "... on a sicw boat " 4 Brought up the rear 5 Gem weights 23 31 34 3S 29 Edited by w 9 Polish coin 7 Auk genus 8 Does a doa trick 9 Remained at home 10 Prawns relatives Far-East laborers . . . and put through bis head" "I" part Metric quart 22 Common verb 23 supra 23 Sullivan etaL 27 Used Che Las Vegas facilities 29 Meets, as a cha-enge 22 Kind of missile 33 Verity 34 Certain records: Abbr. 11 12 13 21 ILL V.TNG 35 Cavalryman 23 Auto gear 37 Splash 43 Famous Moor 41 Eared seals 42 New York Indians 43 Italian number 45 At all 43 Small flycatchers 43 Coffee variety 53 Coleetal. 51 Ziegfeld 54 Historical period ASSnEI TO rSEVSS'JS PUZZLE SM UjSlT Sr "'WjAjSjlUlTjEl 0 N 1 A. C. li MS f 1 B H Tlo u c h otf Th cIpJo e 1 I Ejwj: IT JEW U C E Tp 0 W pjT TjTr; s j e t h ' s rrtfTpn a e o eIma .' yIa kc b. a li fi ' I sjL 3l CtOIIi I ulsP h "'" pus ' ITJJ w!o 'i sit rno" eTac" icts 1 1 iicM i y k,f niir.i s l ima a. JW is i t AjPr;;fsA uii i w c iZ 6 jAjiTo n e s pi m . jl ?1qTt'1i c Plait nic ijp" lTe H A E' iSITTn'l ElV sleiTlTkisisi.lMlAla'KilsiS i 5 p j s Js ? E S jio in 12 13 . I .I I I . 14 ! .15 i 116 i . i 17 .18 1 Its 23 j 24 " ZC 1 iM HHMM MMM mb. 3T" I j i 7 j j ,1.11 I,, in i IIII.IPI ll "I n j--MMHM MMMM OTMB I I lip iTTnTW 'Lf TM,1''! 1L Ji1 W- ' HmiHII' WIM I j :;31 22 33 r. i . 1 I 34 pS 137 I 0 HI f2 M3 44 pTl " f"4 It i TT : ,. '..3 ij3 i f j i I : j a l i i ! j j 1 to bs adrJscl to ths General Election Ballot on 16 March 1977: AMEN'DP.IXNT 1 Add to Artkle IV, Sectba 1, da-!ss wih the "Ppwrs Relists to C-p tiens, t!i fs!!owcig assendiaeat : D. To have final approval of the allocation of Student Fees to Student Organizations, without such funds shall neither be collected nor dispersed. AMENDMENT 2 Change Article VI, Section D, dealkg with the Electors! Commission Powers, from: v D. Duties. The duties of the Electoral Commission shall be: 1 . To announce filings and schedule election dates for all elections con ducted by the Association. 2. To publicize the dates and procedures for filings and elections, and to issue at the request of candidates advisory opinions as to the legality of proposed methods in election campaigns. 3. To establish polling places and to supervise the balloting at each polling place, either in person or through agents authorized and announced by the Commission one week prior to the election. 4. To tabulate the ballots, with at least three Commissioners being present and at least one of them being a faculty representative. 5. To seal the ballots, tabulations, and computations and deliver them to the senior faculty representative for safe-keeping for a thirty (30) day period. ' 6. To announce the complete results of the election to the press, including the number of votes cast for each candidate, and to be prepared, upon request, to issue a break-down of Presidential votes and votes cast on amendments and referenda by colleges.' : To: . " - . . D. Duties. The duties of the Sectorial Commission shall be to carry on the following functions with the advice and consent of the Senate. (Points 1-6 remain the same.) AMENDMENT 3 Change Article VII, Section 4, Paragraph C, dealing with Recall vote, from: C. Recall. 1. By a petition signed by thirty-five (35) percent of all the regularly en rolled full-time students enrolled in a college to require the Electoral Commission to schedule and conduct within fifteen (15) class days a special election for the Senate seat in question in that college by the final apportionment at the Spring general election. 2. By a petition signed by thirty-five (35) percent of all the regulary enrolled full-time students of the entire University, to require the Electoral Commission to schedule and conduct within fifteen (15) class days a special election for the Presidency, or First and Second Vice Presidency of the Association. To: ' ' C. Recall.' 1. By a petition signed by Twenty-five (25) percent of all regularly enrolled full-time students in a college to require the Electoral Com mission to schedule and conduct within fifteen (15) class days a Special Election for the Senate seat in question in that college by the final apportionment at the Spring general election. 2. By a petition signed by twenty-five (25) percent of all regularly en rolled full-time students of the entire University, to require the Elect oral Commission to schedule and conduct within fifteen (15) class days a special election for the Presidency and or First andor Second Vice Presidency of the Association. AMENDMENT 4 Change Article X, Section 5, dealing with Constitutional Conventions, from: A. A call for a Constitutional Convention may be originated by: 1. A majority vote of three-fourths (3A) of all elected members of the : Senate. . 2. A petition submitted to the Senate, signed by not less than thirty -five (35) percent of the regularly -enrolled, full-time students of the Uni versity of Nebraska. Signatures must be submitted with University identification numbers and shall be validated by the Electoral Com mission. To: A. A call for a Constitutional Convention may be originated by: 1. A majority vote of three-fourths (2i) of the membership of the Senate as recognized by the chair. 2. A petition submitted to the Senate signed by not less than fifteen (15), percent of the regularly enrolled, full-time students of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Signatures must be submitted with University identi fication numbers and shall be validated by the Electoral Commission. AMENDMENTS Charge Article X, Section 4, desllzg with vote required for Constitutional Amendment. Section 4. Vote Required. . " The amendment shall be ratified: A. By a majority vote with at least thirty (30) percent of the eligible stu ucuis voting in the election, or B. By an affirmative vote of fifteen (15) per cent of the eligible voters, when less than thirty (30) per cent of the eligible students vote. 'To:. " ' ' ' Section 4. Vote Required. The amendment shall be ratified: A. By a majority vote with at least fifteen (15) percent of the eligible students voting in the election, or B. By an affirmative vote of seven and one-half (75) percent of the eligible voters when less than fifteen (15) percent of the eligible stu dents vote. " Add to Article IX, Section 1, deaLh with Senate Meetings, the feSowfrg: A quorum sha2 be defined as two-thirds (23) cf the membership of the Senate as recognized by the chair. This definition supersedes all other definitions cf a Guorurn contained in this Constitution. f a