The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 03, 1977, Page page 9, Image 9
thursday, march 3, 1977 daily nebraskan pago9 i fft- V- Jfr LM514 r Presents "Magical Mystery Tour" PLUS "Jimmy Plays Barkely" Friday & Saturday Admission Just $1.00 5 Ash tS 133 fo Pabllcatloa SSS. Tfct cnciN Frca 4 !! atlaa). la Present I r i si - "'" h 1 in concert with Nl LIS LOFGREN WED. MARCH 23 8 PM PERSHING AUD LINCOLN Tickets Available in Omaha at Homers (both locations) and the Daisy and in Lincoln: Brandeis, Miller and Paine (dtn. & gateway) Dirt Cheap, Nebraska Union Student Desk, - The Daisy, Pershing Auditorium BoxOffice. A Limited number of tickets will be a available for $5.50 and the rest of the tickets are $3.50 A BAM300 PRODUCTION ULl O 1227 'R' Street C a.m.- 10 p.m. All night Friday , Open 7 Days 048th & Holdreg? 6 axn. -1 pjn. Til 6 p jti. Sundays O Fresh Ground Coffee O Fresh Pastry ... Everyday (Whsra quality still counts.) '' .ilniiiii'miiii' Wait m m' w 'Mttii ill fcwsi u0 jr mm 2, it a it'-' I .jft's i V Every American ought to know what it says. For a copy, write: "Economics" ' Pueblo, Colorado 81009. ftlMMIMt ft thl. Lfti ' Ah rffc a gai;::s film t?iz zziz&zi 9 V(7 "I'm yauxf mrf wriM. HiHry W ftwfM. mi I Am M tW tut M mli tnf, tW fm wHIlni W rWy tar H. . . AU H". . If iirfll fpSNsjfB, I f?SM ;o -C 3 a Art Ssfisry . 12th ft R Sts. AVENUE OF THE AMERICAS A by C2:sr Iss ISsrssi & Visit er Locke "A silent Vietnam" is how President Salvador Allende characterized the United States-sponsored campaign of low profile economic warfare waged against Chile. On September 11, 1973, .this warfare climaxed with the death of Allende and the overthrow of democracy in Chile inThe bloodiest military coup in Latin Ameri can history. This is the fm -Mm to document those events and the U.S. role in Chile. r Tuesday thresh Friday 1 SMMNMai our imar' "fk MM SM" "Da nlili IIMIm' Siiim V1 n-i-Timn AWblv' if-'iliL cciea ai;iii:s. ait u t MUiwiWiiimw 2nd Feature: "Durtgsnof Lust' Must be 18 Adult Book & Cinema and have I. D. 921 0 St OPEN 24Hrs.i 7 I KCAyAPJ9r irtftfrfolfft SAOO 0 rt. . 464-7421 V - Ltfw'H.hy anrnng a I "RATED ' " sue ruKt Kiaif geen AND KA0AH BiiS AS GIGA Ail S? CST: CE0RGINA SmVIN HARiY RfAWS T?N russsu maec nivms TANYA I. TICKUI 6AVEY JCOS " 'Th Newcomers' is a whol ticw ball game. 1 . .J a. ,v y Hi IWiijrryy til UisJ cLJ tll'3 cig:::d k cwed featc TT3f -.. turn, mm r "1 t t .- a. i li' . A ; FOR ADULT SAILORS. MCRMMOt ANO FISH Lt 3 . 1 X rjfc 4.5.7. I A Romance iX 0,0,13,11 a12 II Js '' . si I , i I L 1 f urr I THCATPC !l I W I MM I 11 . IIMHk. iii"" 1 11 I . 1 (j 12th 6 R 472 2073 U . J Performances ct C 00p.m. Students S2.50 L GcnCfCi S3.C0 Robert DeNiro Tbny Curtis Robert Mitchum Jeanne Moreau IV f Jack Nicholson Donald Pleasence i I i I II D..ll,'1.liil nia Inilmvl i. L-.I.inil ILtnlfi.if II 1 m ULJ t , 1 1 vbuv vw w Mmnnf uitiu UUUUII ' I VI , ' 1 : V .... r. . ; ..rari jr -... " y e -ii t v.Lii-rr: uj..h. n - "fe!ii . VH . "" -- , mi,WlllWMlWtl P I r i ,1 4 V)Ul i gf& irww & -or 4320333 I 1 --trS v7 JULUFIUMXLIN Cyiriltit FiMeet Derby Uo RalMM PwdwcadtDbwtcdby: i . 1730 "O" Si. 431-94? Vl ::.w Chuck Pennington trio now playing at Wm HARRIS Icsrisa Csitsr Sclss Friday Hare!r 4 7:33 P.L East Union Temss FREE nDiiission