tuesday, march 1, 1977
third dimension
p23 3
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(Continued from p. 2)
night you're getting your work out of the way when
everyone else is sleeping.
"It seems like I have a lot more hours to use. I feel
freer. I feel like I'm in charge of myself and in charge of
what I'm doing.
"Ijhosi the streets ere
empty you --fool IHto .'.
w ; - tli : town is y tirs.1
"Even driving to work, when the streets are empty,
you feel like the town is yours."
"Night Moves"
. . . woke last night to the sound of thunder
How far off I sat and wondered
Started hummin a song from 1962 .
Ain't it funny the way the night moves
When you just don V seem to have that much to lose
Strange how the night moves '
With Autum closing in .
Midnight to six:
Michael, 21, KFMQ announcer
Michael, a UNL broadcasting student talks to Lincoln's
night people over the air. LPs from his s'tock choosing
he brings them music to match their moods.
Enclosed in the small radio office he is alerted by
blinking "on the air" signs.
"As far as radio goes I don't think there would be a -time
I'd like better to work.
"It's more personal. You're dealir; with a smaller
audience. It allows you to lay back and be real. Music be
comes personal to the person on. I'm very much a part of
the music I play.
"The night shift tends to be mellower and that's really .
what makes it personal. I've mellowed. There's a slowness
at night. ,
'There are a thousand natural tensions during the day
you're not even conscious of. During the day you think
about what ycu have to. During the night you think about
what you want to."
"I think the wuid breathes at night. It's quiet
"It's easy to be reflective and it's easy to let your mind
go. Your conscious and unconscious mind come together.
It opens you up. ,
"Everything makes an impression on you. Things
happen to you during the day and it comes back to you at
night. Not only things (that happen) during the day but
three years ago.
"Nighttime is as close to eternity as you're going to .
get. It's the closest you can come in the city to some sort
of natural state.
"At night the sound of humanity is missing. It's mostly
the sound of untouchable things.
"I love the whole mystery."
" ttho world breathes
at night. It's quiet."
...I thought how strange we grow when we're alone.
And how unlike the selves that meet and talk.
And blow the candles out, and say good night
Alone .... The word is life endured and known.
It is the stillness where our spirits walk
And all but inmost faith is overthrown.
Siegfried Sasson
Eight to eleven hours, six nights a week:
Ucinda Langenberg, 22, ambulance dispatcher for
Lincoln;; Shuiucff Ambulance Co.
Langenberg has the calm and soothing voice that
readily answers the nighttime 911 emergency ambulance
"I love it. I wouldn't work anytime but night. All
through high school I thought there just has to be a way
of getting out of this getting up in the morning.
"(there is) tee mush
"Nobody understands how I can sit in here and talk
over radios. That's not the point There's a different kind
of responsibility working alone at night.
"The calls that come in at night are usually true emer
gencies. If it's not they wait until the day to call."
"I've often said if you have any problems in your life
you couldn't work these hours. (There is) too much time
to think. If I've had a bad day I try to keep busy so I
don't think about it.
"Actually it's never perfectly quiet. I do a lot of book
work at night so I don't really notice it Sometimes it's
(the quiet) nice.
"When I first started working here, everyone said,
You're going to become one of those night people
wierd. "I've met a different kind of people. Basically the only
people you meet here are other night people. Sometimes
people from Lincoln General (hospital) will call to talk
and cops drop in.
"We have our parties at eight in thr morning, just like
anybody else would have (them) at eight t night People
who go out and drink every night try to buy themselves a
good time."
"I think youll find night people don't go out a .uuci.
They dont have to-they 're happy." J)