paga 6
daily nebrasksn
monday, february 28, 1977
lusker wins Statehood Day Race
UNL trackman Steve Allen, with a time of 52:50,
led a field of 58 to become the winner of the second
annual 10-mile Nebraska Statehood Day Race Saturday.
The Lincoln Track Club sponsored the event, which
began shortly after 1 1 a jn. from the west side of the UNL
track. Contestants ran five miles north on 14th street and
Four of the top 10 finishers were UNL students or
faculty members. Following Allen was Dave Wishart
assistant geography professor, with a fourth place finish
in 55:40. Geography graduate student Steve Soberski
finished eighth in 59:18 and junior Vance Kramer of
Lincoln was tenth with a time of 60:55.
Other top 10 finishers were Ikrry Nolan, Omaha,
53:51; Kim Keuter, Omaha, 55:18; Jim McFadden,
Stillwater, Okla., 56:19; Duane MUlslage, North Hatte,
56:45; Dave Karus, Kearney, 57:44; and Bob Morley,
Tarkio, Mo., 59:53.
T-shirts with "Nebraska Statehood Race" printed on
them were awarded to the first place, first woman, first
junior and first over-40 finishers.
Track club member and UNL associate math Prof.
William Lewis said the club plans other spring races, which
also wZl be open to the public. A Wilderness Park Spring
Run in March, an Arbor Day Race in mid-April and a
Half-Marathon Race (13 miles of running) are scheduled.
Incident at Sandoz
A female Sandoz Residence Hall resident alleg
edly was assaulted in her floor's lounge early Sun
day morning, according to Linda Wilson, Sandoz
Residence Director.
Campus Police apprehended a. male suspect on
the Sandoz floor, according to Cpl. Ron Lundy,
campus policeman. Lundy said the suspect is being
held. Charges were not filed Sunday, but might be
Lundy would not release the name of the sus
pect ncr say which floor the alleged assault was on.
Chi Phi Fraternity and
KLMS radio are sponsoring
a dance marathon for Mus
cular Dystrophy Friday and
Saturday in the Nebraska
Union Ballroom. A dance
marathon registration and
information booth will be
open in the Union North
Lobby from 9:30 ajn. to
3:30 p.m.
Applications for Miller
Scholarships for College of
Arts and Sciences students
are available in Oldfather
1223. Deadline for sub
mission of form and
supporting materials is
March 14.
Applications for the
Medical College Admissions
Test (MCAT) to be given
April 30 and Oct. 1 are
available. Students may pick
up the MCAT registration
packets from any of the
following: Gerald Tharp,
Oldfather 442; John
DeMuth; Hamilton 728a, or
the Life Sciences office,
Oldfather 431.
The Bahal Association ,
will meet at 7:30 tonight in
the Union. Room number
will be posted.
The Table Tennis Club
will meet from 7 to 10
tonight in the North &
South Union Conference
The Concerned Pro-life
Students will meet at 7
tonight in the Union. Room
number will be posted.
The ASUN Government
Liaison Committee will
meet at 7 p.m. Tuesday in
the Union. The committee
lobbies for student interests
in local, state and .national
The UNL Gay Action
Group will meet from 8 to
10 p.m. Tuesday in the
living room of Common
place, 333 N. 14th St
The Lincoln Back
gammon Club will meet at
7:30 pjn. Tuesday in
Brannigan's Party Room,
Phfllippe Shubik, profes
sor at the Eppley Institute
of Cancer and Allied Dis
eases at the University of
Nebraska Medical Center
will speak on "perspectives
on the Significance of
Environmental Carcin
ogens'' at 4 p.m. Tues
day in Hamilton 102.
The Physical Education
and Recreation Dept. is
sponsoring Master Classes in
Physical Fitness at 8 a.rn.
Tuesday for "Fitness for
Life and Individual Ap
proach in Military and
short stuff
Naval Science tfidg. 203 and
Thyskal Conditioning for
Volleyball" at 9:30 a.m. in
the Men's Physical Educa
tional Eldg. 114. Philip
Allsen is the guest instruc
tor. ...
The Student Council for
Exceptional Children will
meet at 4 pjn. Tuesday in
Morrill Hall. Room number
will be posted.
The Union Films Com
mittee is sponsoring an
Alfred Hitchcock Film
Festival at 7 p.m. Tuesday
and Wednesday in the
Union Centennial Room.
The Medical Careers
Christian Fellowship organ
ization will meet at 7:30
pjn. Tuesday in the Wesley
Tassels will meet at 2
pjn. Tuesday in the Union.
Room number will .be
The UNL Horticulture
Club will meet Tuesday in
the Nebraska East Union
Student Organization Suite.
D.E. Hutchinson will be the
guest speaker.
Two grant writing
seminars will be sponsored
for graduate students and
research associates from 4
to 6 p.m. on Thursday and
from 3 to 5 p.m. Friday at
Lyman Hall 110.
, The UNL Campus Red
Cross will meet Wednesday
at 6:15 pjn. 2t the Red
Cross Chapter House, 17th
&E streets. "
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If you thought waterbeds were a fad for
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prised at the number of people who are
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Even persons with backaches have found
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Waterbeds have come a long way since
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Then come see us for the answers to your,
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