The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 28, 1977, Page page 2, Image 2
monday, februsry 23 1977 32 dally ncbre:kan calendar 9 a.m. to 3 pjn. -Financial aids workshop, Nebraska Union- 202-202A. 11:30 ajn. to 1 pjn. -Outreach Films, Union Main Lounge. 3:30 p.m.-CSO Ex perimental Education, Union 216. 3:30 p.m.-Panhellenic Association, Union 232. 4:45 pjn. to 5:20 p.m. -Fees Allocation Board 6 p.m.-Towne Club, tion Dept.-Triil AUsen," 7 p.m. -Concerned Pro- Union Harvest Room B-C, Union Auditorium. Life Students, Union 337. 6:30 p.m.-Kappa Alpha 7 p.m.-Table Tennis 7:30 p.m. - College Psi pledges, Union 216. Club, Union Conference Career Christian Fellowship, 6:30 pjn.-Delta Sigma Rooms. Union 202. Pi executives, Union 232. 7 Pf.-Baha'i Associa- 7:30 pmMath coun. p.m. - . vmvcraiy uyu, viuvu Union 335 US' daily nebraskan (FAB) Subcommittee III, Union 203. frvr rh;Mrn ITninn 1 n m VoluntCM itl Board Subcommittee IV, Harvest Room A. come tax assistance, Union ju p.m.-Leita Sigma Union 203. 7 p.m.-Physical Educa- 225 F-G-H. Pi, Union 232, i ... Editor-in-chief: Sandy Mohr. Managing Editor: Pett Mason. Nwt Editor: Rex Sellne. Associate News Editors: Larry Lutz and Ron Ruggless. Layout Editor: Lz Beard. Entertainment Editor: Michael Zangari. Sports Editor': Jim Hunt. Third Dimension Editor: Terri Willson. Night News Editor: Sharon Armstrong. Photography Chief: Ted Kirk. Copy editors: Deb Bockhahn, Ann Owens, Gail Smith and Becky Williams. Business Manager: Jerri Haussler. Advertising Manager: Gregg Wurdeman. Assistant Advertising Manager: Dick Worick. Production Manager: Kitty Poiicky. The Daily Nebraskan is published by the UNL Publications Committee on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday during the fall and spring semesters, except during vacations. Third Dimension is published every other Tuesday of this period. Address: The Daily Nebraskan, Nebraska Union 34, 14th and R streets, Lincoln, Neb. 68408. Telephone: (402) 472-2588. Copyright 1976, the Daily Nebrsakan. Material may be reprinted without permission if attributed to the Daily Nebraskan, except material covered by another copyright. Second class postage paid at Lincoln, Neb., 68501. IN MEMORY OF THE UPRISING IN TAIWAN (FEBRUARY 28, 1947) On Feb. 28, 1947, the long suffering people in Taiwan heroically stood up and fought against the corrupt and cruel Kuomintang (KMT) Regime of Chiang Kai-Shek. The struggle was brutally crushed, and more than twenty thousand people were slaughtered. Among those who sacrificed were students, intellectuals and innocents. At that time, martial law was proclaimed in Taiwan. The martial law is still in effect today. The KMT Regime in Taiwan does inhumane and cruel things, suppressing any. political rights, v merely under the Great Banner of "Anti Communism". Amnesty International in London reported last year that there were possibly up to 8,000, political prisoners in Taiwan. In view of President Carter's stand on Human Rights, we urge you, the American Public, to take a closer look at the oppressive measures carried out by the KMT in Taiwan. We outrageously protest the intimidation of the Taiwan people by KMT Agents at home and abroad. Committee to stop Political Oppression in Taiwan J J J J J .0 Savs $10.69 to 59.9 if you act row.' Iff yenaVe Iksem tMmldog abouut m hMmmzMB urn spsriM effffer fe yam MM T3k T A. T Tit if it' tt'H V a if it ,1 . Choose two SR-56 $109.95 If you want an incredible slide rule calculator that's also programmable, then this is the one for you. There're 74 preprogrammed functions and opera tions. And it has AOS, Tl's unique algebraic operating system, the underlying reason an SR-56 is so power ful. It'll let you handle problems with as many as 9 sets of parentheses. Talk about memory. An SR-56 has 10 (11 if you count the T-register.). And you can do arithmetic with ail of them. Chances are you'll soon discover how really easy it is to program. An SR-5S has 100 steps. Six logical decision functions. Four levels of subroutines. Dec rement and skip on zefb. Compare a test register with the display to make a conditional branch. And this is just the beginning. Think about it. Can you really afford to put off get ting your SR-56, now? SR-52 $249.95 (New low price) If you want the computer-like power of a card pro grammable then choose this one. Techniques like optimization, iteration, data reduc tion, what-if matrices, mathematical modeling, need not tie up your mind - or your time. But learning to use it is a hassle, you say. Not true. Prerecorded programs are gathered into software libraries: Electrical Engineering. Math. Statistics. Finance. All you need do is load a mag card, press a few keys and you'll get answers that previously required a computer, You can make your own programs just as easily. In just a couple of hours you'll N??n to prove what a powerful asset you have- right at your fingertips. And there's not a better time to get an SR-52 than right now. I C2 n r Texas Instruments wilt rebate $10 .00 of your original SR-5S purchase price when you: (1) return this completed coupon including serial number (2) along with your completed SR-56 customer information card (packed in box) and (3) a dated copy of proof of your purchase, verifying purchase between Jan. 1 and March 31. 1977. M M Rebate Otter P.O. MH21I RiehanltMi,Ttm 75939 - fJatne Address. City. SR-56 Serial No Please allow 30 days for rebate. -State. (from back of calculator) 1 1 I I I I 1 I I 1 I I J Address I I C2 Electrical Engineering Statistics. Math. Finance. Choose any two and (1) return this completed coupon including serai number along with (2) your completed SR-52 serialized customer information card (packed m box) and (3) a dated copy of proof of your purchase, verifying purchase between Jan. 20 and March 31. 1977. SR-52 f im Software library Cifar P.O.BoilZia Rkfaartna. Teat 75081 Name ; ; , "; ,' V, ' I City SR-52 Serial No. Math .State. . Statutes . (from back of calculator) .Finance Et J L Texas Instruments reserves the rxjht to substitute software libraries of equal value. oasea upon avauoany. Please aiiow 30 days ur delivery . Offer void where prohibited by law Good in Continental U S only. 'Suggested retail prce 1977 Texas Instruments rngwporatm Texas Instruments INCORPORATED 558? ri u r Li ft It ii i AERICAN I inrrn ,?.VJ,-i- -. - ik,'. V. Jv 3 aa ) IMARGH 2i City Campus Union W4 MFCSiUjyi TOWARD A SANE FOOD WUiCY . . .- . . ... 12-2 PM 2-4 4-6 PM Films treating world hunsr and orcanic farming will ba shown in tha main lounga WORLD HUNGER: PEOPLE, ENERGY. FOOD - CHINA: A CASE STUDY Presentation and slidas of tha Pecp'a's Republic fo!!owod by questions and discussion TILT and RUTH STOUT'S GARDEN FSms dealing with world resources end organic farming followed by discussion MARCH 3 East Campus Union . 24 PM REGIONAL MARKETING, DIRECT BUYING Panel discussions 4-6 PM AGRO DEVELOPMENT IN CEYLON, GHANA, ENGLAND FHr.;; a.d discussion . .