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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 24, 1977)
psga 18 thursday, fcbrusry 24; 1977 daily nebraskan want ads '69 VW Fastback, needs minor work. Best Offer. 432 2255. For- Sale: 1973 Plymouth Gold Duster. Price negotiable. Ptw,;; 472-6006, STUDENT NEEDS MONEY 73 Maxda, excellent condi tion, 42,000 miles, new tires. $1085. Call 472-2588 before 5, after 5 call 489-6670, ask for Doug. WE HAVE FANTASTIC BUYS! Just name it. . ,4-speeds, automatics, gas savers, sporty cars, family cars, pickups & vans. All reasonably priced. Come in, WE'LL DEAL!. ARNIE'S USED CARS 2240 No. 27th MID-CITY TOYOTA has Toyota SR5 lift backs now in stock. See our fine line at 12th & Q Yamaha 1975-street-100cc-carrier-looks new-$225-phone 489-1 193-see at Larry's, 3943 S. 48th St. i Pre-lnventory Clearance All tires, GE and Zenith Stereos and TV's, 10-speed bikes and mag wheels reduced for inven tory. Credit terms available. GOODYEAR STORE 1918 0 432-6521 WHOLESALE AUDIO OFFERS OVER 150 LINES OF STEREO EQUIPMENT. I WONT BE UNDERSOLD ON ANY MAJOR BRAND. ONE PAIR ONLY: PHASE LINEAR ANDROMEDA SPEAKERS $900. Call Dan, 435-3375 or 432-4461. T.I. SR 50 A Calculator. $80 new. Sell $55. Console B.W. TV, AM & Turntable $50. 474-4124. New shipment just arrived! Ladies and Mens Jackets and Bibs 'HUpHiUi' MMUtlMPM-imiliM4yljpi mil i ii. in. mi i 3 f ( fv 1 ; rw 1 V . i 'ii f JOTm .. ni i. -1.1?" ..ii .I... .in i-"'-"L'"p-' Clearing out sale Jesns 25 Blouses S0 Ocncn Oof iGat Sfcro 2117 0.2t Just East cf 21it on south tide of O St. I i Fender Rhodei, '75 Tele caster, 6-itring acoustic, micro phones, plgnose type amp., Magna vox stereo speakers, Ampeg powerhead 250 peak, 435-5774-best offer before Sunday accepted. Panasonic Quad. Stereo Set-up. AMFM, Stereo, 8-Track, Receiver EXTRAS! 4 speakers. Never Abused. 477 8S41. Realistic STA-84 AMFM Stereo, 2 Optimus 1B loud speakers brand new retail $500. Best offer. Call Brian, 472-9670. CHARTER ARMS UNDER COVER 38. EXCELLENT CONDITION HOLSTER. 475 9762. - Nice long, FOX fur coat. Call 474-4777 after 8:00 p.m. 1135 South 15 1 Bedroom, stove and refrigera tor, furnished or unfurnished, laundry. $140-$ 155. 466-2341, 464-3628. Apartments and sleeping rooms now available for rent, blocks from campus. $95-$175 including utilities. Possible work management agreement for the right person. 475-9743, ask for Tom. Raintree Apartment 32nd & O Available now, 1 & 2 Bedrooms, , dishwasher, disposal, air, pool, no pets. 435-4793 483-1092 ' Western Realty 2 bedroom, 14th & Adams. Tub, shower & balcony. Heat, water & garbage paid. Rent starts at $165 to $235. Gov't program, couples only. Office hours 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.. Sat. 8 til noon. 477-3446. East Campus deluxe, new 2 bedroom. Unfurnished, fire place, air, all appliances, dish washer, disposal, carpet, park ing, $215.466-7918. THE GLENAIRE 948-50 Q Street, available now, new efficiency with garage, appliances, carpet, drapes, double bed, no pets, $150. 475-6523.466-1933. 2222-44 Vine. Spacious 2 bedroom apt., 2 baths, extra closets, electric kitchen. Will summer lease, base rate, $215. Manager 435-6988 or 467-4591. 3 bedroom unfurnished duplex. Pets OK. $175, utilities, deposit, available March 1. 924 South 29 Street. 475-1735. Furnished apartment for rent, 33rd & R, $105month plus utilities, heat paid. No pets. 466-9022. Luxury studio apt. Century House 1201 J St. $155 to $175 mo. Call 8 to 5, 475-3512. Need , person available for flexible part-time hours, week ends In small antique shop. Experience with public ehlpful. 477-7833. Frenchie's Hamburger Joynt Downtown Lincoln's newest restaurant is now taking applica tions for full- and part-time employment. Top wages and paid vacations. Apply Monday Friday, 10 a.m. til noon, and 1 p.m, til 4 p.m., Saturday 9-12. Contact Dennis Seite or Gary Nelson. 1316 N. St. Equal Opportunity Employer. Rewarding summer for sophomore and older college students in the Colorado moun tains counselling children. Horseback riding, backpacking, ecology, many outdoor pro grams. Write now: include pro gram interests and personal goals: Sanborn Western Camps, Florissant, Colorado 80816. JOBS Earn $100week, part-time $60 - guaranteed Summer work available Call 488-1227 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. only Car required. Wanted: Part-Time Cock tail waitress. Apply in person at the Clayton House. Wanted: Part-time positions available in sales. Sharp appear ance necessary. Ask for Skip, 466-8264. Driver Attendant wanted. College Student.?- -t rse. CREST OIL 2801 'O' St. Parachutest. No Experience necessary. Job Openings in Hawaii. We have Outdoor jobs for women. Army Recruiting, 1209 P. 432-2806, Part- or full-time salesman, choose your own hours, large commission. Call 432-6664. Temporary production workers, electronic test technicans. We have an oppor tunity for you to earn extra money while going to school. We have an immediate need for temporary employees to work from 6 p.m. thru 12 p.m. from 60-90 days. We need .electronic test technicans to work this shift as well as from midnight to 7 a.m. Production wage $3.02hr. 10 shift deferential. Technicans wages $335hr. 10 shift deferen tial. Come out to interview today. Special interviews will be held Feb. 14 thru 18 from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. Hy-Gain Electronics Corp., 8601 NE Highway 6, Lincoln, NE, An Equal Opportunity Employer M-F. Kitchen help needed, Mon Fri, or flexible scheduling. Lunch hours. $2.75hr. Call manager for appointment, 466 2339 or apply in person. The Drover. 301 No. Cotner. BUS HELP NEEDED Scott's Pancake Shop 7:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m., week days. Please apply in person, 13th & L St. or call for appoint ment, 477-1391. C Experienced Painters need work. Inside and outside. Refer ences available. Free estimates. Days call 472-2583, ask for Doug. After 5 call 489-6670 or 432-3766. A few good women needed for Women's Rugby Team. Practice 4:00 Tuesdays & Thurs days. WPE Field. Call 472-1709 or just show up. .itiMiMt;.l- Furnished House, 2 blocks off campus. $62 per month. Call 474-3823 after 5:00 p.m. Female to share 2 bedroom home. Would prefer graduate student. $75 plus utilities. Washer & dryer, etc. 472 1762 or 475-9301. Female roommate wanted. $32.50 plus utilities. Own bed room. Call 483-5057. Roommate wanted. Own room, fireplace, $54 a month plus utilities. 4S3-62C3. 71 Triumph Spitfire "Roadster", 4 speed, Radio, Only 14,000 miles, but needs body work $1145 71 Fiat Convertible "Spider", 4 speed, radi al tires, AM radio, bucket seats j jg 6 -A-wsslf? TRIUMPH SPITFIRE 1500 TR6, TR7, MGB, MG , Did you all remember to watch pro soccer on TV last night? We did. It was the great est. -The UNL Soccer Club. COFFEE LOVERS! Willing to try a rare experience? Clip the twofers coupon from page 2 of last Monday's paper and head on out to Grandmother's Lounge for some genuine espresso. SUN is Coming. To the Greenworm eater Happy 22nd! From Doody's faithful wife. Rosy, I fit the requirements to a T. How about some info about you! Ever Ready Sue S. in my Ed. Psych class. J am the shy type but am interested in a more personal relationship. If you are also, reply via ads. NRK Happy Birthday K.D., with lots of TLC from the dazzling Italian fireball. P.S. I think you're pretty couth; even if you do "lood" like a f rat rat. Desmoner-owner, Let's be cats, and howl tonight, getting back to the Rootz(er) or course. Happy Birthday, your little green bird feeder. Rosy: You found the fun loving, energetic man. Call 466 7063. it- Nancy and tier sun are expected in the Union Thurs day afternoon if practice sche dule allows. ' G. Betty, Sam, Mary Lou, and the 'New Boy in town. Look for the Daily Nebraskan Party issue in today's Daily Nebraskan (Everything from Costumes to Cocktails) You'll love it. Hey Wilki, How's it feel to be a two decade old landshark? Long may your fins flap! K.C. and the Sunshine Girl Itwiian?! Saiib C1LL C3 Vill TI2-C 3-52 3-E3I3 A Oil FkwFIT Why take everything home for the summer? Rent closet size or larger private storage. Reserve now. 4C3-6345. Econo Storage. Birthright offers a choice. We understand the needs of you od your baby. 477-8021 . Grossed Out - You have the personality of a dead slug. Your padded Maider.form is in the mail box. YOU need OUTREACH.- M.CPSg Moving this month? Have something to haul? Rent a cargo n from DeSrown Leasing. Low daily rates. Close to canyus. Call 477-7253. 66 MGB "Roadster", 2 door, 4 speed, gauges 975 72 Datsun "240 Z", 2 door, 4 speed, AMFM radio $3290 high trade ins easy terms low prices terrific savings British Liyland 77 KACS-1 and more ACADEMIC RESEARCH PAPERS Thousands on file. Send $1.00 for your 192-page, mail order catalog. 11322 Idaho Ave., No. 206H, (213) 477-8474. DICK'S WATCH SERVICE "Watch Repair Watch Bands Watch Batteries b!k. S. of Nebr. Book store 3335 N. 12th 432-3414 Team Electronics Service Center Specializing in Stereo Equipment, Auto Audio, And CB Service and Installations. All Repairs Guaranteed. 21st and "O" St. 435-4467 Experienced, accurate typ ing. Term papers, dissertations, etc. Peggy Briggs, 475-1837. Herman's Tax Service, by appointment, 118 So. 11, 475 9062. Congratulations are in order for the loser of the shoot out last night in the League 30 of Independent "B" Intramural Basketball. They managed to complete an entire Sa$on with out winning a single game. Let's hear it for the unwonl (Tough luck. Shot Takers!) ANTIQUES SHOW & SALE February 25. 26, 27 Villager Motel - 5200 "O" 11 to 9 Friday & Saturday 12 to 6 Sunday $1.50 Admission good all three days LINCOLN ANTIQUE SHOWS Clip Coupon for $9.99. Lube, oil and Filter change DX Campus Service Center 1 7th and Vine LOST: Black Ski-Boo Glove, Reward. 464-6566. Brown Wallet, contents needed desperately, REWARD. Call 423-0907. MOOSMAN. . Set of keys found in the parking lot east of the Union, i Black key fob with silver initial. Claim at the Daily Nebraskan Office. LOST - Brown Rimmed -Plastic lens eye glasses with green case. REWARD! Call -472-8016. Free Hairstyling At Sky Park Manor wc offer you a professional style at 50 our regular price). THEN, we'll make . ' 'an appointment for your second " style ... ABSOLUTELY FREE I Offtr mpim February 23 th, 1277. ' Sky Park Manor Suite I0l. 1301 J Street Ph. 477-3802 Don't Miss tho Fun February 24, 25, 26, 28 rJoofrGnd alt amsum Nebraska's Sports Car Center North tide, 50th & O Mon.. Wad. 8 9 Fri. & Sat. 9-5 Fcbrcsry 25, II UNLStsidsnta$3.D0 PgulrSS.CQ KIMBALL recital hall 11&R UNL Kimball Box Office 113 Music Bldg.,11&R Univ. of Nebr.-Lincoln Mail orders accepted Phone orders with Bankamer icard or Master Charge only. 472-3375 This program is made possible by support from Nebraska Arts Council as well as by support of Mid-America Arts Alliance from private and cor porate contributors and grants from the National Endowment for the Arts. MAAA it a re gional Partnership of the State Arts Agencies of Arkansas, Kansas, Missouri. in?; . stock America. 200 years at the tame location. K.,?n.JJ sT?Lf