The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 23, 1977, Page page 8, Image 8

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    dsily ncbrssksn
Wednesday, february 23, 1977
Fleetwood Mac's 'Rumours' lacks
past quality, but sparkles in spots
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Daily Nebradcan photo
Christine McVie sings and plays the piano with
sensitivity in Fleetwood Mac's Rumours.
Review by Douglas R. Weil
Fleetwood MactftmoursWarner Bros. Records BSK
Fleetwood Mac is a relic, a survivor in the world of
rock music.
The band proved their status as survivors with their
last album, the critically acclaimed and platinum-certified,
Fleetwood Mac.
The Fleetwood Mac album represented what is
probably the final step in the style of the band. On Fleet
wood Mac, the band becomes a pop rock grou. Previously
the band was known for its California rhythm and blues
orientation. In the late 1960s the band was one of music's
leading English blues band.
Fleetwood Mac was a remarkable album especially
when considering that two newcomers to the band,
vocalist Stephanie Nicks and guitarist Lindsey Bucking
ham, had only been in the band for six months when
Fleetwood Mac was released in July 1975.
The relative unfamiliarity among the group's members
provided the band with a freshness, spontaneity, and
charm that seldom merges from the walls of a recording
Fleetwood Mac's new album, Rumours fails to capture
the qualities that made its predecessor such an appealing
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collection of mainstream pop rock. Rumours sparkles in
spots, but it lacks the overall quality of songs from the
last album, such as "Rhiannon", "Monday Morning or
"World Turnin'"
One of the group's basic problems on Rumours is the
refusal to experiment. While Fleetwood Mac was an
experimental album (though not particularly innovative),
Rumours embraces the physical appearance (album cover
and, photography) and musical approach of Fleetwood
Mac as if deviation would lead to confiscation of their
recently earned gold records.
On "Dreams'r, Stevie Nicks attempts to beckon the
listener back to the song "Rhiannon" a big AM hit from
Fleetwood Mac. Trying everything short of dancing across
the turntable, the husky -voiced singer coos out the
chorus: .
"Thunder only happens when it 's raining
Players only love you when they 're playing
Say . . Women . . . they will come and they will go
when the rain washes you clean . . . youll know.
One of the interesting aspects of the band is Bucking
ham's maturing as a guitarist. Playing with a confidence
that was not present on the last album, Buckingham
usually saves his best for last on the songs from Rumours.
Without doubt "The Chain" is the best song on
Rumours. Everyone is given a chance to put their talents
out front and along with Buckingham, bassist John McVie
and drummer Mick Fleetwood scorch through a rhythm
interlude that leaves little doubt concerning the talents of
Fleet wood and McVie, the only remaining original
members of the band.
Although the band doesn't break any new ground on
Rumours they do retrace some of their earlier musical
styles. "Songbird," a Christine McVie compositionis a
plesant reminder of the days when now-depraved guitarist
Bob Welch and Christine were the creative leaders of the
Dominated by Christine's piano playing and her fragile,
blues-tinged vocals she sings with a sensitivity and feeling
not present since Mystery to Me. "Songbird" is
particularly reminiscent of the McVie classics from that
album, "The Way I Feel" and "Why."
Taken as a whole, Rumours contains some of the worst
and some of the best from a band that has experienced a
similar range of ups and downs in their career, but the fact
remains they have survived.
ennessee Williams play affirms life 's importance
Small Craft Warnings is a play about survival, accord
ing to director Bruce Woodruff.
The Tennessee Williams play opened in New York in
1972 and will be the third play of the 1976-77 Studio
Theatre season. Performances are at 8 pjn. through
Sunday. Tickets cost $2 and are available at the Temple
The audience should expect to see elements of Wil
liams' life in the play, Woodruff said.
The play was written during the late 1960s. This per
iod was a difficult time for Williams because he drac!;
heavily and used drugs. '
1 expect on occasions he barely made it out of this
particular period alive," Woodruff said.
"I see the play as a very strong statement on the re
affirmation of life and living."
The play examines a group of regular patrons of
Monk's place, a watering hole for some of society's out
casts. The main character, Lcona Dawson, can't be
content to let day by day go by. The play becomes and is
an attempt by Lcona to open the eyes of those around her
and make them realize the importance of life, Woodruff
It originally was written as a one-act play entitled
Dragon Country, it was re-written' and expanded into a
full length two-act play, Woodruff said.
Williams made his acting debut in the play, he added.
"Williams, in my mind, is the greatest living American
playwright. On that basis, I think he deserves to be look
ed at. . '
"People come to the theatre for an experience to view,
a playwright's version of life," Woodruff said.
Cast members are: Sherri Dicnstfrey of Des Moines as
Leona Dawson; Paula Rcdingcr of Omaha as Violet; Bob
Doxtator of Chadron as Monk; Bill Kirk of Albert Lea,
Minn., as Doc; Steve Houscr of Benbrook, Texas, as
Bill McCorkle; Paul Heffelfinger of Broken Bow as Steve ;
Douglas Anderson of Dayton, Ohio, as Quentin; Thomas
Radcliff of Waynesburg, Ohio, as Bobby; Phil Kuhlman
of Ogallak" as Tony the cop; and Joe McNeely of Omaha
as the beaai cop.
The costumes and settings are by UNL Faculty
member Jo McGlone and the lighting is by Dan Proett of
Wayne. Stage manager is Susie Lahman of Omaha and
assistant director is Rita Miller of Nebraska City.
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