The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 23, 1977, Page page 12, Image 12
Wednesday, february 23, 1977 pegs 12 daily nebresksn want ads r 1-, ,.j '69 WV Fastback, needs minor work. Best Offer. 432 2255. STUDENT NEEDS MONEY 73 Maxda, excellent condi tion, 42,000 miles, new tires. $1085. Call 472-2588 before 5, after 5 call 489-6670, ask for Doug. MID-CITY TOYOTA " has Toyota SR5 lift backs now in stock. , See our fine line at 12th &Q Yamaha 1975-streeMOOcc-carrier -looks new-$225-phone 483-1 193-see at Larry's, 3943 S. 48th St. Pre-lnventory Clearance All tires, GE and Zenith Stereos and TV's, 10-speed bikes and mag wheels reduced for inven tory. Credit terms available. GOODYEAR STORE . 1918 0 432-6521 Panasonic Quad. Stereo Set-up. AMFM, Stereo, 8-Track, Receiver EXTRASI 4 speakers. Never Abused. 477 8641. WHOLESALE AUDIO OFFERS OVER 150 LINES OF STEREO EQUIPMENT. I WONT BE UNDERSOLD ON ANY MAJOR BRAND. ONE PAIR ONLY: PHASE LINEAR ANDROMEDA SPEAKERS $900. Call Dan, 435-3375 or 432-4461. Total Music System by Electrophonic. AMFM turn table, and eight track player. Also - one pair of used Browning ALL WEATHER BOOTS. CALL 435-7371. . Introductory Sale. 40 OFF new shipment of Hohner Acoustic Guitars. HOGAN MUSIC COMPANY, 830 West P Street, 432-9429, Open Mon. Sat. 10-6. Top of the line rosewood ventura banjo $300, 466-9024 ask for Dave. T.I. SR BOA Calculator. $80 new. Sell $55. Console B.W. TV. AM & Turntable $50 474-4124. " "' '- ' - ' 1 I cabJotors STUDENT DISCOUNT PRICES 20-40 OFF REBATE From Texas Instruments (M M S83.S0 ' S 52 S1914S $10 00 NctxM S5t JO Ubrarw SA SI II $57 TI 30 S1I4S SR-40 S31 Si Tl 1600 SISJt PC 199 S16S.S0 TMSSS S33JO Tl Mima AnatyM S33.M 10 DAY FREE TRIAL AO 7 0Occf m..ld 3Ot4O0M OH IxKmmmii: Ptyashmgton Peculators po acwtM ftOCIMU tUMVUWOMMt Diamonds, jewelry, watches. turquoise, gold & silver. Whole sale & retail, also buying & selling. Klein. 6CC3 Vine, 4S5 1337. West Bend & related pro ducts dealerships available, with minimum investment to Sincere qualified people. Klein Enterprises. 6CC3 Vine, 455-1337. CHARTER ARMS UNDER COVER 38. EXCLLENT CONDITION HOLSTER. 475 9762. Nice long, FOX fur coat. Call 474-4777 after 8:00 p.m. 1133 South 15 1 Bedroom .stove and refrigera tor, furnished or unfurnished, laundry. $140-$1 55. 466-2341, 464-3628. Apartments and sleeping rooms now available for rent, blocks from campus. $95 $175 including utilities. Possible work management agreement for the right person. 475-9743, ask for Tom. Raintree Apartment 32nd & O Available now, 1 & 2 Bedrooms, dishwasher, disposal, air, pool, no pets. 435-4793 483-1092 Western Realty 2 bedroom, 14th & Adams. Tub,' shower & balcony. Heat, water & garbage paid. Rent starts at $165 to $235. Gov't program, couples only. Office hours 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Sat. 8 til noon. 477-3446. 'East Campus deluxe, new 2 bedroom. Unfurnished, fire place, air, all appliances, dish washer, disposal, carpet, park ing, $216. 466-7918. Room for rent, with kitchen privileges. K-Mart, Richman Gordman area, near bus line. Prefer female, no smoking or drinking. 464-2070, 466-1074. THE GLENAIRE 948-50 Q Street, available now, new efficiency ; with garage, appliances, carpet, -drapes, double bed, no pets, $1 50. 475-6523. 466-1 933. 3 bedroom unfurnished duplex. Pets OK. $175, utilities, deposit, available March 1.,924 South 29 Street. 475-1735. Furnished apartment for rent, 33rd & R, $105month plus utilities, heat paid. No pets. 466-9022. BRAND NEW 2 BR apts. Carpeted, fire places, all appliances. Close to Ag, Dent, and Law. $235 mon. 489-831 8. Luxury studio apt. Century House 1201 J St. $155 to $175 mo. Call 8 to 5, 475-3512. We need youl If you care about people and want to help, consider OUT REACH. $5.50 per shift. Pick up applications, and return them to Room 104, University Health. All applications must be in by February 25. MID-AMERICA COUNCIL BOY SCOUT CAMPS are hiring Summer Camp Staff Members. Resourceful, interest ed individuals are asked to apply. Positions open now include NatureConservation Directors, HealthFirst Aid Officers, Field Sports Director, Aquatics Director and Head Cooks. Boy Scout experience is not . essential. If you are qualified, call Jim Richardson, 472-8049 for application & interview information. Need person available for flexible part-time hours, week ends in small antique shop. Experience with public helpful. 477-7833. Scsnsyourlifs. American I EARN $2504500 stuffing envelopes: Homework-Spare-time. Send $1, solf-eddress-ed, stamped, envelope to: WORKFORCE ASSOCIATES P.O. Box 8609 U.T. Station Knoxville, TN 37916 Rewarding summer for sophomore and older college students In the Colorado mountains counselling children. Horseback riding, backpacking, ecology, many outdoor pro grams. Write now; include pro gram Interests and personal goals: Sanborn Western Camps, Florissant, Colorado 80816. F ranch ie's Hamburger Joynt , Downtown Lincoln's newest restaurant is now taking applica tions for full- and part-time employment. Top wages and paid vacations. Apply Monday Friday, 10 a.m. til noon, and 1 p.m. til 4 p.m., Saturday 9-12. Contact Dennis Seite or Gary Nelson. 1316 N. St. Equal Opportunity Employer. JOBS Earn $100week, part-time $60 guaranteed Summer work available Call 488-1227 ... 11 1 p.m.only Car required. HUMAN SERVICES Instruction Assistant Seeking individuals to live IN apt. with 2 or 3 mentally handicapped persons, teach ing and supervising home and personal habits. Past experience working with mentally handicapped per sons. Outside employment or school permitted during day. Share rent & food cost. Apply City-County Building, Rm. A132, 555 S. 0. Equal'Opportunity Affirmative Action Program Wanted: Part-Time Cocktail waitress. Apply in person at the Clayton House. HOUSEPARENTS Married couple to live-in girls' group home. Salary Room Board. Apply at Youth Service System, 2201 South 11. Wanted: Part-time positions available in sales. Sharp appear ance necessary. Ask for Skip, 466-8264. Driver Attendant wanted. College Student, part-time. CREST OIL 2801 'O' St. Kitchen help needed, Mon Fri, or flexible scheduling. Lunch hours. $2.75hr. Call manager for, appointment, 466 2339 or apply in person. The Drover. 301 No. Corner. BUS HELP NEEDED Scott's Pancake Shop 7:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m., week days. Please apply in person, 13th & L St. or call for appoint ment, 477-1391. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Stuff Envelopes $25X3 FEa i:i'r:::a Sesd $1.C3 To: Esrt!:;s C::t.27S 12 Chirks Street E:st:a,l!2ss. 02114 AG MAJORS WANTED FOR INTERNATIONAL PROJECTS Gain vsIuEbla exper ienca working in international 3 project. Lecm sbeut eg practices in Africa, Asia, Lstin America, end th3 S. Pacific, 2nd help others too by becoming a Pesca Corps Volunteer. Frca Trcvcl; hsdth dent csrs; smsH, comfort liv. sHow.; 43 dsys pd. ice; $3003 term, psy end 2 yrs. jcrvics; must bs citizen. SIGH U? NOW FOR INTERVIEWS. RECRUITERS ON CA.7.PU3 ON FEB. 23 AT AGRICULTURE HALL PLACEMENT OFFICE EAST CAf.TUS. Temporary production workers, electronic test technlcans. We have an oppor tunity for you to earn extra money while going to school. We have an immediate need for temporary employees to work from 6 p.m. thru 12 p.m.' from 60-90 days. We need electronic test technlcans to work this shift as well as from midnight to 7 a.m. Production wage $3.02hr. 10 shift deferential. Technlcans ' wages $355hr. 10 shift deferen tial. Come out to Interview today. Special Interviews will be held Feb. 14 thru 18 from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. Hy-Gain Electronics Corp., 8601 NE Highway 6, Lincoln, NE, An Equal Opportunity Employer M-F. .. Parachutest. No Experience necessary. Job Openings In Hawaii. We have Outdoor jobs for women. Army Recruiting, 1209 P, 432-2806. Part- or full-time salesman, choose your own hours, large commission. Call 432-6664. WANTED Stable, intelli gent persons who have been easily hypnotized in the past. Call LeAnn, 464-5236. Furnished House, 2 blocks off campus. $62 per month. Call 474-3828 after 5:00 p.m. Female to share 2 bedroom home. Would prefer graduate student. $75 plus utilities. Washer & dryer, etc. 472-1762 or 475-9301 . Female roommate wanted. $82.50 plus utilities. Own bed room. Call 488-5057. Roommate wanted. Own room, fireplace, $54 a month plus utilities. 466-6208. Desmoner-owner, Let's be cats, and howl tonight, getting back to the Roobz(er) of course. Happy Birthday, your little green bird feeder. HAPPY 20th KRISCO, The BEST is yet to COME I D 8i K Miss Milton, How may one procure the favor of a Goddess such as you? Solicitous Renee, never forget Jokersigexlkram a - lugallard duck's appendixfifthfloorAbel Sandy 'sbruises. Happy Birthday and see you at Sams! Jennifer An experience in living.Don't miss it! Overseas Oppor tunities Center, 345 Nebr. Union. x Wanted: Mature - minded male of legal age. Must be fun loving and energetic. No exper ience necessary but helpful. Reply via ads. Rosy . . .... Nancy and her sun are expected in the- Union Thurs day afternoon if practice sche dule allows. G. Jim's Roomies of TKE: to bad someone around there wasn't serious, cuz I was. Sue Gk'eafeMk Mtb"'afe aiat ' NEW SELLECK GRADS The surprise on March 5th will only cost you $1 . Bruce, J.B., etal, Nobody expects the Sponlsn Inquisition. CD.Gumby Desperate TKE, My "Shy Guy" didn't come thru, so "Shy but Cute" will do. If YOU'RE for real, give me a call tonight. Barb Prof. Lusk: My apologies for the Incorrect spelling of your name. I knew how to spell It, but apparently the proofreader at the Rag didn't. Thank you for playing my request. Larry: You're an art today. I don't like Jackson Browne either. Get Roxy Music's, "Siren". Ziggy Stardust I know these Woom-mates Two Who often have nothing to do and altho' they're ladies their motives are shady so one I chase and the other I woo. Betty, Sam, Mary Lou, and the New Boy in town': Look for the Daily Nebraskan Party issue in Thursday's Daily Nebraskan (Everything from Costumes to Cocktails). You'll love it. Selleck Friends and All, Thanks for making my birth day so memorable. You're the greatest) 8314 SASjuJ LINDA SMITH (Yes you!) Since we're tired of calling you Linda, we ' hereby dub thee "Rabbit". Frosch und Ente aka. Grenouille et Canard (souvent sauvage). .J.J- Hook line and sinker)! -Kai-1447. 1473, 1476 Save and bundle r I tl2-C:3-523-5353 I f QUALITY PHICE VALUE 1 cou ilr?; Grossed Out You have the personality of a dead slug. Your padded Maldenform is In the mall box. YOU need OUT REACH. M.C. Pig Mo vino this month? Have something to haul? Rent a cargo van from DeBrown Leas ing. Low daily rates. Closa to campus. Call 477-7253. ACAQtivHC RESEARCH PAPERS Thousand! on file. Send $1.00 for your 192-page, mall order catalog. 11322 Idaho Ave., No. 206H, (213) 477-8474. DICK'S WATCH SERVICE Watch Repair Watch Bands Watch Batteries tt blk. S. of Nebr. Book store 3335 N. 12th 432-3414 Experienced, accurate typ ing. Term papers, dissertations, etc. Peggy Briggs, 475 1837, Herman's Tax Service, by appointment, 118 So. 11, 475- 9062. BETTER TYPING does help resumes, term papers, theses, , dissertations expert, fast, but not expensive. Call Elaine Bullard anytime: 435-5879-432-2643. :1ittil!ll":H'tflifc ANTIQUES SHOW & SALE February 25. 26. 27 Villager Motel - 5200 "O" 1 1 to 9 Friday & Saturday 12 to 6 Sunday $1.50 Admission good all three days LINCOLN ANTIQUE SHOWS Clip Coupon for $9.99 Lube, oil and Filter change DX Campus Service Center, 17th and Vine. if Mr rSf llMllilll LOST: Black Ski-Doo Glove, Reward. 464-6566. LOST: Calculator SR-50, Nebr. Hall, 183W, 466-7968 Kevin. , Brown Wallet, contents needed desperately, REWARD. Call 423-0907. MOOSMAN. Set of keys found in the parking lot east of the Union. Black key fob with silver initial. Claim at the Daily Nebraskan Office. r r? old nsvspapsrs wrxico - uw i . n