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-friday, february 18, 1977
daily nebraskan
page 7
arts and entertainment
Nutritious diet includes
By Carla Engstrom
Sometimes desserts or late-night snacks add nothing
more than empty calories to diets. Eating sensibly doesn't
necessarily mean giving up sweets. Foods like fruit, eggs,
milk products and nuts in many desserts or snacks belong
in nutritious diets.
Desserts and snacks like Chocolate Fcanut Butter
Pudding and ice cream could be servings from the milk
group. Sugar and starches used in such recipes aren't bad
for a diet, but they should be eaten in moderation. If
diets we planned, desserts and snacks can play an
important role in nutritious diets.
One shouldn't think of desserts as a meal after thought,
but something that compliments a meal in terms of color,
flavor, texture and ingredients. For example, if carrots
are served at dinner, a colorful dish of Avocado Ice Cream
might be a better choice than Carrot Cupcakes,
If a heavy meal is served, try following dinner with a
light dessert like Quick Applesauce Whip or sherbet
Remember to consider the time of year. Don't serve
a hot dessert in summer, when a light cool one will
Cozy atmosphere
By Jerry DeLorenzo
For two and one-half years people have been slipping
into a Lincoln back alley to sit back and have a drink.
They go through a door into Barrymore's, at 124 N.
16th St., an eating and drinking establishment which at
one time was the backstage area of the old Stewart
Barrymore's is the brainchild of owner, professional
architect and designer Jim Haberlan. He said he heard the
Stewart Theatre was going to be remodeled in 1974, and
found that a large portion of the backstage would be left
empty. Haberlan decided to make it a restaurant and did
so with a different style.
Directly inside Barrymore's is the original lighting
out on the weekend
February 15-19
Sheldon Film' Theatre: Edvard Munch Friday and
Saturday, 3 and 7 pjn.
February 20
Film on the Arts: Margritte-A False Mirror Sheldon
Film Theatre 3 pjn. "
Foreign Film: Black Holiday Sunday Sheldon Film
Theatre 7 and 9 pjn.
February 19
Prague State Chamber Orchestra Friday, Kimball
Recital Hall 8 pjn.
KFMQUPC Jazz concert featuring Orion. The Chuck
Pennington Trio and the Omaha Jazz Society octet with
drummer Luigi Waits, Nebraska Union Ballroom 8 pjn.
February 20 n
University Symphony Orchestra Saturday Kimball
Recital Hail 4 p.m.
compliment better. Just as a baked snack or dessert served
with coffee or hot cider goes well in winter.
If one wants to add nutritious extras to recipes, try
sesame or pumpkin seeds for a crunchy, nutty flavor.
Nuts and dried fruits give protein and a sweet flavor to
recipes. Carob is vitamin-rich and can be used instead of
cocoa or chocolate, which lack calcium. Other nutritious
additives such as whole grain flours, eggs and honey can
be used.
Honey , can be substituted for raw sugar, cup for cup.
However, use it warm when cooking. Warm honey will
mix better with other ingredients.
To substitute carob powder for cocoa or chocolate,
replace one square of chocolate with three tablespoons
carob powder plus two tablespoons milk or water. If
substituting semi-sweet chocolate, use three parts carob
with two parts honey. For sweet chocolate, use equal
parts of carob powder and honey, then add vanilla and
Snacks prepared in advance are always better choices
than vending machine candy bars. So planning is the main
ingredient in a nutritious diet. -
board that used to control the lighting for stage pro
ductions. The blue and red lights glow from the panel that
has large manual dimmer switches resembling something
out of a 1930's Frankenstein movie.
Walking to the backstage area, now a dimly lit room
with a bar on one side and a showcase full of plants on the
opposite wall, you get a feeling of intimacy.
The thick wooden tables are flanked by comfortable,
wicker-backed chairs. Mirrors cover the walls about four
feet above the floor but the most noticable thing about
Barrymore's is the 70 foot ceiling with the original cat
walk, cables and lighting batons intact.
Haberlan said he went to a few of his friends with the
idea of designing Barrymore's and no one was interested.
So Haberlan decided to do it himself everything from
designing to owning and running Barrymore's.
Haberlan said he wanted to design a place where
different kinds of people could come and feel
"You can see one table with 19-year-olds talking and
right next to them will be 65-year-olds," Haberlan said.
Although it has limited kitchen capacity, Barrymore's
features a different soup every day at lunch time, along
with assorted sandwiches. From 5 to 10 p.m. Barrymore's
serves hot, open faced gourmet sandwiches.
Barrymore's bar is stocked with "fine call liquors and
liquers," according to Haberlan. He also said there rarely -is
a case when a patron orders something they do not have
at the bar.
Haberlan said he has a good business clientel without
doing much advertising. He said most of his business goes
by word of mouth from people that frequent
Haberlan said Barrymore's has a private meeting room
that seats up to 18 people banquet style. The room has
a private telephone to the bar and rest room facilities.
Haberlan likes to describe Barrymore's as a "topic
bar." He said people come there to talk and relax.
"It's the kind of place you bring someone whose
company you enjoy," he said. "Many places are so loud it
doesn't make any difference."
all ages
Quick Applesauce Whip
(offers vitamin A and
1 can (16-oz.) applesauca
V4 tsp, grated lemon peel
2 tsp, lemon juice
V4 tsp, ground cinnamon
3 egg whites
18 tsp. salt
6 tbsps. sugar or honey
Ground nutmeg
Combine . applesauce,
lemon peel, juice and cinna
mon. Beat egg whites and
salt until frothy. Add sugar
gradually, beating well. Con
tinue beating until round
peaks are formed. Fold
beaten egg whites into apple
sauce mixture. Spoon
immediately into dessert
dishes. Sprinkle nutmeg over
each serving. Serves about
Chocolate Peanut Butter
(has protein, vitamins A and
D, niacin, riboflavin , and
1 small pkg. chocolate
pudding and pie filling
(not instant)
1 can (1414 ozj evaporated
23 c. water
1 3 c. peanut butter
Whipped cream (optional)
Chopped salted peanuts (op
tional) Empty pudding into a
saucepan, then stir in
evaporated milk and water.
Cook -and stir over moderate
heat until thickened, about
five minutes. Remove from
heat and stir in peanut
butter. Cover and chill. To
serve, spoon into dessert
dishes and if desired, top
with whipped cream and
peanuts. Serves four to six.
Wheat Germ Ice Cream Bars
with Peach Sauce
(Offers vitamin A, riboflavin,
thiamine, calcium and iron).
1 cup toasted wheat germ
2 tbsps. sugar or honey
V tsp. ground cinnamon
2 tbsps. butter
2 pint vanilla ,ice cream
Peach Sauce
For ice cream bars, com
bine wheatgerm, sugar,
cinnamon and butter. Cut
each pint of ice cream in
thirds cross-wise. Roll each
piece into wheatgerm mix
ture to coat and put onto a
chilled tray. Store in freezer
until ready to serve. To
serve, spoon Peach Sauce
over ice cream bars. Serves
Peach Sauce: Combine
cup sugar or honey, 2
tbsps. cornstarch, tsp.
ground cinnamon and 14
tsp. ground nutmeg in a
sauce pan; mix' well. Add
1 pkg. frozen sliced peaches
(or fresh if possible),
thawed; stir. Bring to a boil,
stirring until sauce is thick
ened. Cool. Makes about 1
34 c. sauce.
Avocado Ice Cream
(contains vitamins A and C
and calcium).
3 ripe avocados
Plaza 1 : Superbug,
Superagent (G)-2, 3:50
5:45, 730 and 9:20 pjn.
Plaza 2: The Sentinel
(R)-l:30, 3-30, 5:30,
7:30 and 9:30 pjn.
Plaza 3: Thieves (PG)
and 9:25 pjn.
Plaza 4: Spanish JFly
(R)-l, 2:40, 4:20, 6,
7:40 and 9:20 pjn.
" CooperLincoln '.Twi
light 's Last deeming (R)
-1304:05, 6:40,9:15
Stuart: Silver Streak
(PQ-1:15, 3:15, 5:15,
7:30 and 930 pjn,
Sheldon Film Theatre:
ul$rd AIunch-3 and 7
p.m. .
Douglas i. Network
(R)-5 30, 7:40 and v:59,
Douglas 2: The Town
That Dreaded Sundown
(R)-l 35, 335, 535,
735 and 935 pjn.
c. sugar or honey
13 c. lima juice
1 qt. vanilla ice cream,
slightly softened
Halve, pit and peel
avocados. Mash avocado in a
bowl. Mix in sugar -and lime
juice. Spoon ice cream onto
avocado mixture and beat
until smooth. Turn into
refrigerator trays and freeze
until firm. To serve, spoon
into chilled dessert dishes
and serve immediately
Maxes aoout Ztt pints ice
Carrot Cupcakes
(add vitamin A and calcium
to snacks).
1V4 c. sifted whole grain
1 tsp. baking powder
1 tsp. baking soda
1 tsp. ground cinnamon
tsp. salt
, 1 c. sugar or honey
34 c. vegetable oil
2 eggs
1 c. grated raw carrots
c. chopped nuts
Blend flour, baking
powder and soda, cinnamon
and salt, then set aside.
Combine sugar and oil in a
bowl and beat thoroughly.
Add eggs, one at a time,
beating thoroughly after
each addition. Mix in
carrots. Add dry ingredients
gradually, beating until
blended. Mix in nuts. Spoon
into baking-cup-lined muffin
pan wells. Bake at 350
degrees 15 to 20 minutes.
Makes about 16 cupcakes.
Carob-Raisin Candy
(adds niacin, calcium and
34 c. dark seedless raisins
Vj c. carob powder
Va c. sugar or honey
1 tsp. vanilla
milk to mix
Finely chopped nuts or
flaked coconut
Mix carob powder,
honey, and vanilla, then add
milk to mix thoroughly. Add
raisins and chill. Working
quickly, form mixture into
1-inch balls and coat as
desired. Refrigerate before
serving. Makes about IK
dozen candy balls.
Granola Cookies with
(High in B vitamins, calcium
iron and add some protein).
1 c. enriched flour
1 tsp. baking soda
1 34 c. regular granola
1 c. firmly packed brown
c. honey
1 c. butter
1 tsp. vanilla extract
1 egg
1 cup dark or golden raisins
Combine flour and bak
ing soda in a large bowl. Add
granola, sugar and honey,
butter, vanilla extract and
egg. Beat until thoroughly
blended. Stir in raisins.
Drop by teaspoonfuls onto
greased cookie sheets. Bake
at 375 degrees about 12
minutes. Cool cookies on
wire racks. Makes about
eight dozen cookies.
Douglas 3: Rocky
(PG)-5:15, 7:20 and
9:25 pjn.
Cinema 1: The En
forcer (R)-7:30 nd
9:15 pjn.
Cinema 2: A Star Is
Born (R)-l:55, 430,
7:05 and 9:40 pjn.
State: Pinocchio (X)
-7,8:30 and 1030 pjn.
Hollywood: One Flew
Over the Cuckoo's Nest
(R)-7 and 930 .pjn.
Vine: Deep Throat
The Devil In Miss Jones
(X)-7, 8:05, 9:30 and
10:30 pjn.
Cinema X: Ape Ove,
Love (X), Nymphos
Secret Desires (X)- 24
hours continuous.
Embassy: Want You
(X)-ll a.m., 1:45, 4:30,
7:15, 10 and 12:45 pjn.
6, 8:45 and H30 pjn.
Jo yo : Norman is Tfat
You? (PG)-7:20 pjn.