The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 18, 1977, Page page 5, Image 5
friday, februsry 18, 1977 daily nebraskan page 5 Paying mora for loss Specking cut I dont know who this Willie Walters is, but he made a good point in the paper last week. Everybody says that the bill, LB369 is a bad idea, but nobody ever said what to do about it. Well, I'm going to go and speak against it, and I thank your paper for telling about it. Greg Johnson Drinking b!!l I think that we all should go down and testify on the drinking bill, as well as others. This drinking bill may get people in the habit of exercising their right to work with the government. Thank-you for printing the original article, and all others on what's happening in the State Legislature. Student I am distraught at the fact that UNL's four-hour park ins meters have now been changed to two-hour meters I AjArc along with an increased rate. IwUUi O What about the student that schedules more than two hours of classes at a time? They go to class at 9:30 ajn. i and return to find a ticket at 11:50 a jn. . After appealing, Campus Police told me to either park somewhere else, buy an area parking sticker, or talk to my AbUDi representative. First of al there is nowhere to park on the streets greater than two hours which constitutes a. ticket from LTD. Secondly, most campus area lots are oversold by at least 1,500 cars so it is tough to find a place. Thirdly, to talk to an ASUN representative is a good answer except that he has the same complaints about the parking inade quacies as I do. He said administrators hear so many complaints about parking that complaints go in one ear and out the other. lhe answer administrators always seem to give is, "We need a greater turnover in the parking areas so the visitors have a place to park," he said.. I sure wish I was a visitor at this university instead of a full-time customer. I'm tired of the university milking the students for everything we have. I know I represent the feelings of many other students here at UNL, but the administration still wont put back the old meters and they wont do anything about the parking problem as a whole. If they did, how would they pay for our Cushman Task Force? Have A Happy Day, Officer Geary ! LeeChapin Lonesome guy My name is Wendell Hawkins and I'm presently incar cerated at the Federal Correctional Institution here at Oxford, Wis. My reasons for writing to your paper is be cause I was hoping you would print this article in your paper and maybe I could have someone to write to. I dont receive any mail here and maybe one of your girls there at the college would like to write to a lonesome guy. If there is a girl there that would like to write to me 111 answer any question she has to ask. Wendell Hawkins No. 003S3-124 Box 100 (Juneau) Oxford, Wis. 53952 EV3DDC3ET TimrBoi! Now Available. Ccrr.3 cut end sss this wida sslssticn, just in from Sooth Amsrica. Bssutiful 1GD Alpcca Rvsstsrs end rugs from Golhra end Chi! 3. Msny styles. Superior quslity, but limited quantities. Friday end Saturday only. Cell for an appointment today. ;: Gccrgo lllrtz C54-C370 NEW INTERNATIONAL PROJECTS FOR ALL COLLEGE GR ADS WITH 5 YEARS FARM BACKGROUND Gain, valuable international experience and help people in a country of Africa, Asia, Latin America, or the S. Pacific solve their food problem. If you have a good farm background you may "qualify to become a Peace Corps. Volunteer. Free travel; healthdent care; small, comfortable living allowance; 48 days paid vacation; $3000 term, pay end 2 years service; must be citizen. SIGN UP NOW FOR INTERVIEWS. RECRUITERS ON CAMPUS ON FEB. 23 AT AGRICULTURE HALL. PLACEMENT OFFICE EAST CAMPUS. A "" ' jf "Iftl, , a at Sfenarcls Focdlnsr ISIiiGIC opari til 1 fj ft r2l o) qd Sansu i 331 Receiver 1 2 Watts per channel Reg. Ret. $289.95 Sansui 221 Receiver S St 'J BSE 432 Turntable ...... .-. i : : Pr. of Utah Sansui 222 l unliable belt drive, ' S-curvo, Single Suspension 0 Tone Arm Reg. Rot. $179.95 4 psalters PV 200 or PV 300 bviJlJ2Av2)L(o - n "Bujsness is just not the tzms without the DONKEYJ" Terms Available Parking in Front