friday, february 18, 1977 daily nebraskan page 3 George Plimpton highlights opening of new East Union Author George Plimpton, free movies, a free concert and a cheese smorgasboard will highlight the grand open ing of the Nebraska East Union, Feb. 19 through Feb. 27. Festivities will begin with a 2 pan. dedication and ribbon cutting Saturday, said Tony Warner, program and recreation director for the East Union. NU Regent Robert Raun of Minden, Hazel Fox, chairman of the Food and Nutrition Dept., student Kim Chace, and Charles Adams,' assistant dean of the Agri culture College, also will speak. UNL Chancellor Roy Young and Robert Simmons, chairman of the NU Board of Regents will cut the ribbon. Following the dedication, refreshments will be served and 'tours of the building will be given, Warner said. Also on the agenda for the week: -Sunday, 8 pjn., free movie. The Other Side of the Mountain, in the Great Plains Room and guided tours from 1 to 5 pjn. - Monday: food and nutrition day. Student Dietetic Association . members will be available with nutritional information. Dinner with live entertainment by 5 Easy Pieces, 4:45 to 6 pm. -Tuesday: North 40 Recreation Day: 1 pjn., bowling clinic with pro bowler Judy Soutar (free); 1:30, pinball tournament; 2:30, Judy Soutar vs. students in challenge matches (free); 3, foo shall tournament; 6, video games tournament: TV-pong and dominoes; 7, bowling clinic with Judy Sout?i; 7:30, billiards (eight-ball) tournament; 8, Judy Soutar vs. UNL bowling team. -Wednesday: 2:30 pjn. to 430, student, faculty, staff reception with the Scarlet and Cream singers, Great Plains Room; 2:30 pjn. to 3:30, conversation with Plimpton, author of Paper Lion in the Loft. -Thursday: 10 ajn. to 7 pjn., East Campus student organizationstudent services activities mart, Great Plains Room; 6 pjn. to 12, Women's Big 8 mid-states bowling tournament, North 40 recreation area. Friday: 8 pjn., Free coffeehouse with music by Earthworks and free popcorn. -Saturday: 8 pjn., Free concert by Kansas City group. Morning Star, Great Plains Room. Sunday: 4 to 7 pjn., Annual cheese smorgasboard spomored by the Food Sciences Club includes lasagna, salad, cheese and cold meat. Tickets available at door or in advance, Great Plains room; 8:30 pjn. Free movie, Tlie Reincarnation of Peter Proud and free popcorn, Great Plains Room. news digest By The Associated Press Bomb safe off Washington-President Carter announced Thursday he is canceling the sale of a controversial concussion bomb to Israel and may even ban the weapon from US. arsenals. Through Press Secretary Jody Powell, Carter said he has decided not to sell CBU-72 bombs "to Israel or any other nation" and that the United States is "reassessing the need to retain the weapons in our own inventory." The CBU-72 is dropped by parachute from a jet plane. Upon detonation, a highly volatile fuel mixes with air, causing , a powerful concussive effect. A commitment to supply Israel with the bombs was made by former President Gerald R. Ford and then-Secretary of State Henry A. Kissinger shortly before the November presidential election. Carter letter Moscow-Soviet Dissident leader Andrei D. Sakharov said Thursday he received a personal letter from President Carter that reaffirmed Carter's commitment to support human rights. Sakharov, a Nobel Peace Prize winner, said the letter was the first he had ever received from the VS. government and that it closed with the sentence, "I am always glad to hear from you, and I wish you well." Uuter s lour-paragrapn letter, dated reb. 5 and delivered today through the US. embassy here, also said, "you may rest assured that the American people and our govern ment will continue our firm commitment to promote respect for human rights not only in our own country but also abroad." Off-shore rights New York-Declaring that a former VS. secretary of the interior had ignored enviornmental law, a federal judge Thursday ruled that a $1.13 billion sale of off-shore drilling rights in the Altantic Ocean was null and void. U.S. District Judge Jack B. Weinstein, sitting in Brooklyn, rescinded the sale of the drilling rights to 39 oil companies on the grounds that Thomas Kleppe.when he was interior secretary, violated tb National Environmental Policy Act in the way he allowed the sale. Weinstein stayed his entire ruling pending any appeals. The judge ordered a halt to any activity involving off-shore drilling in the ocean. Live rounds Ft. Bragg, N.C.-The Army declined to suspend a live fire exercise after an 81 -mm mortar round wounded IS officers and enlisted men of the 82nd Airborne Division. . Eleven of the injured were hospitalized at Womack Army Hospital here, including a lieutenant colonel in serious condition. Four enlisted men were treated and released following the accident Wednesday. Maj. Gen. Roscoe Robinson, division commander, immediately appointed an investigative board to determine the cause of the accident, an Army spokesman said. Guard actions The chief of staff of the Nebraska Army National Guard has been removed from his post, another officer has resigned his commission and reprimands have been issued to three other men as a result of last summer's mock hanging of a black Nebraska National Guardsman. Maj. Gen. Edward C. Binder, adjutant general of the state Guard, reported his actions to Gov. J. J. Exon Thursday. The actions were taken as the result of investigations and findings in the "mock hanging" of black Guardsman Dan Briscoe of Lincoln during training exercises with Mississippi National Guardsmen in Georgia last summer. Jjj( Spaghetti Special MicLrj 'All you can eat 1.S9 .4 'ft OTCL Sunday nights 5-1 o p.m. ARBOR INN LINCOLN HILTON AG MAJORS WANTED FOR NEW INTERNATIONAL PROJECTS Gain wslusbla expsrtsncs working in -intern sliced eg projects. Lesrn sbotit 23 practices in Africa, Asia, Lstsn America, and ths S. Pacific, and help others too by becoming a Ptscs Corps Volunteer. Fres Travel; hsslth dent, cars; snis!l, comfort liv. sSlow.; 43 deys pd. vec; C2CC0 term, pay end 2 yrs. servica; must b& citizen. SIGN UP NOW FOR INTERVIEWS. RECRUITERS ON CAMPUS ON FEB. 23 AT AGRICULTURE HALL PLACEMENT OFFICE EAST CAMPUS. cvuoyrrwianri jewelers' DCZXnCXU & GATEWAY IXXCLfl A V ce?:rsTCGA eisil cnA3 t.LA.3 CorsiG our priog Fashions rcemainin winvr ciotimes lit SI U I i. J LiJ LJ I lsIa J v.1'. 144 N. 14th 1