The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 17, 1977, Page page 3, Image 3
thursday, february 17, 1977 daily nebraskan page 3 -A- ! k i v.TZifc '5,.. I'JJJ IL..- - : i - i ' - , !L."'-'-r Clogged traffic relief is near Construction clogging traffic near 14th and W streets should be completed temporarily by the end of next week, said Dee Rasmussen, public relations staff-assistant of the Lincoln Telephone and Tele graph Co. The final link of a phone cable has been install ed, and construction was to be completed last fall, she said. Bad weather postponed pouring the con crete, Rasmussen said. After pouring the concrete this week, L T & T will wait for city approval to cover the street with a temporary asphalt patch until spring when a per manent patch will be laid, Rasmussen said. ASUN blocks one, approves three board appointments By Betsie Ammons The ASUN Senate Wednesday right blocked the appointment of an East Campus Program Council member to the Nebraska Union Advisory Board because he told them he wouldn't be accountable to the Senate. EUPC member Loren Peterson said he would work closely with ASUN but added "I am not directly responsi ble to you. I feel I am responsible to EUPC." ' "The Senate contends that they have the power to approve all Union Board appointees, but they do not select the representatives from the Nebraska and East UPC's. Although the vote against Peterson's appointment was a tie, it was defeated because a majority of the senate did not vote affirmatively. However, the Senate approved three Union Board appointees interviewed by an ASUN selection committee. Steve Bruce, Mark Noble and Doug Walker were asked what they felt was the relationship between Union Board and ASUN. ; calendar 8:30 a.m.-Student Affairs staff, Nebraska Union 243. 11:50 a.m.-Emeriti Association luncheon, Union Pewter Room. 12:30 p.m.-Bowling exam, Union Auditorium. 2 pjm .-Bowling exam, Union Auditorium. 2 p.m.-Health Educa tion staff, Union 243. 2:30 pjn.-University Association of Administra tive Development, Union 202-202A-203. 3:30 p.m.-Teachers CollegeChess Ciub -William Marz, Union 242. 3:30 p.m.-Fees Alloca tion Board Subcommittee three, Union 337. 3:30 pjn. -Center for Students and Organizations Barrier Free . UNL, Union 216. 4 pjn.-Panhellenic, Union 232. 4 pjn .-Semper Fidelis -Dale Herspring, Union 222. . 4 pjn.-Council of Amer ican Indian Students, Union 343. 4:30 pjn. - Phi Chi Theta, Union North Con ference Room. 5 pjn. -Fees Allocation Board subcommittee four, Union 203. 5:30 pjn.-Eta Sigma Gamma, Union Harvest Room A. 6 pjn.-Fees Allocation Board, Union 203. 6 pjn. -Christian Science Organization, Union 222. 6:15 p.m.-rRed Cross, Union 343. 6:30 pjn.-Baptist Stu dent Union, Union 242. 7 pjn.-Voluntecr In come Tax Assistance, Union 225 F-C-IL . 7 pjn.-Council on Stu dent life. Union 216. 7:30 pjn.-Mexican . American Student Associa ' lion, Union 243. 7 p.m.-Beta Alpha Psi, Union 202. 7:30 pjn. Math Coun selors, Union 225 B-C. 7:30 p.m.-Nebraska University Public Interest Research Group, water issue discussion, Union South Conference Room. 7:30 pjn.-Chinese Stu dent Association, Union Auditorium. 8 pjn. Students Inter national Meditation Society, Union 337. All the appointees said they thought it was important that they reflect ASUN's opinions when voting on Union policy. They also said they would oppose any student fees increase to support the Union. Sen. Frank Thompson said he thought the Senate would be "missing the point" if they appointed them to Union Board. Thompson said he had heard the same responses from previous Union Board appointees and after being approved, they did not report Board decisions to the Senate. "We're playing Al Bennett's game," Thompson said. He suggested the Senate wait until the Union Board has been restructured to appoint new members, - Sen. Charles Fellingham countered Thompson's state ment saying the reason his committee chose the three appointees was because they were assertive. "What we need is some responsible action," he told daily nebraskan 'Editor-in-chief: Sandy Mohr. Managing Editor: Pete Mason. News Editor: Rex Seline. Associate News Editors: Larry Lutz and Ron Ruggless. Layout Editor: Liz Beard. Entertainment Editor: Michael Zangari. Sports Editor: Jim Hunt. Third Dimension Editor: Terri Willson. Night News Editor: Sharon Armstrong. Photography Chief: Ted Kirk. Copy editors: Deb Bockhahn, Ann Owens, Gail Smith and Becky Williams. Business Manager: Jerri Haussler. Advertising Manager: Gregg Wurdeman. Assistant Advertising Manager: Dick Worick. Production Manager: Kitty Policky. The Daily Nebraskan is published by the UNL Publications Committee on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday during the fall and spring semesters, except during vacations. Third Dimension is' published every other 'Tuesday of this period. Address: The Daily Nebraskan. Nebraska Union 34, 14th and R streets, Lincoln, Neb. 68403. Telephone: (402) 472-2588. Copyright 1976. the Daily Nebrsakan. Material may be reprinted without permission if attributed to the Daily Nebraskan, except material covered by another copyright. Second class postage paid at Lincoln, Neb., 68501. 0rr c J I Ol W 0? S Hk. m mam f 0X3 o Fcmobre o Bare Traps Tempo Chcrokeo , Bort Caricton Lamica tk eon if o iwoti j 01 a ho tor 1229 O Sr. Thompson, "and what you want to do is totally irresponsible." Thompson also commented on Bennett's estimate that the Union will have a $60,000 deficit at ihe end of the school year. ' . "When the Union is losing money, it's a student union," Thompson said, "and when Bennett wants some thing approved it's a community center." ; ' lAe Senate also approved a resolution calling for formation of a Student Government Task Force to study student government. : Task force members will be selected from UNL stu dent governing groups. The force is being created be cause of an ASUN controversy about who should allocate student fees. ...... . , 2 1 -LINCOLN'S LIVE COUNTRY WESTERN MUSIC HEADQUARTERS Ladie's Night every Wednesday OFF SALE ON SALE Lounn3 open Jpfe 7a.m. - 1a.m.-ifcSM l - mun.-oui. 25th d Cornhuskcr Hishway-4 ,: ., f; Michael F. 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