The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 11, 1977, Page page 10, Image 10

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    daily ncbraskan
friday, february 11, 1977
pc33 10
XSermonv. -what's vour problem?' a day. at AAUN
am m n m
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By Theresa Foreman
SCENE: Nebraska Union Ballroom. Meeting of the
Model United Nations 'Humanitarian Committee.
CHARACTERS: Chairwoman
Two pages
About 70 delegates from about 25 countries
TIME: 9 February 1977; Opening day of Nebraska
Model United Nations. Approximately 3 :45 p jm.
(As curious spectator enters ballroom, unidentified
speaker arguing about unidentified subject. Many dele
gates and others listening. Others milling, talking. Note:
Delegates identifiable by white cards attached to clothing.)
Chariwoman (to speaker): You have three minutes left.
Speaker: I'd like to yield the floor to. . .uh. , .Cuba?
(Cuba has nothing to say).
Chariwoman: I am looking for a con speaker. (Recog
nizes South Africa).
Teachers planning
Interview Fair
A second annual Interview Fair, sponsored by the UNL
Teachers College, is scheduled for March 10 and 11.
Nebraska school administrators are invited by Teachers
College Dean Robert Egbert to meet with students in the
Centennial Room iavl Ballroom of the Nebraska Union.
The purpose of the program is to familiarize students
with teaching opportunities in Nebraska. Graduates who
have received their teaching certificate may actually
apply, said Lee De Jonge, director of teacher placement.
"This is an opportunity for the school administrators
to visit the teacher candidates, and for the candidates to
gather information about the various schools" De Jonge
said. '
Last year's Interview Fair was "quite successful" in
spite of bad weather, De Jonge said, and there was a 499
per cent approval by everyone" that the fair should be
sponsored again this year. He said there will "very
definitely" be an increase in attendance. .
Representatives from about five businesses also will be
invited to the Interview Fair. DeJonge said the idea of
inviting them is new to the program, and they will be rep
resenting government agencies, business and industry.
He said about one-fourth of all Teachers College
graduates want to go into areas other than teaching,
and the business representatives would accommodate
those persons.
On March 11, the Department of Educational Admin
istration will sponsor a luncheon for the representatives.
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South Africa: I reject the implication that South Africa
is dragging its feet in reaching a solution to the problems
caused by apartheid. . . (Yields to the U.S.)
U.S.: The U.S. is very worried about iliis resolution as
it reflects the balance of power in the world. . . . Also, the
word republic usually is spelled republic, NOT rebublic
(referring to message on overhead projector). . . I would
like to ask each delegation to consider the real issues
Brazil: I move for the question.
Chairwoman: This is out of order.
U.S.: The U.S. yields to Zambia.
Zambia: An economic embargo is necessary. The only
other way change would come about is by revolution.
Politics wont work, it hasnt worked. They've still got
their swimming pools and their servants. ...
Chairwoman: Delegate, your time is up.
South Africa: Discrimination exists elsewhere. What
about the UJS.S.R. and religious discrimination? What
about..,. I ' ...
Ukranian S.S.R.: Point of order. That's an internal
Chairwoman: That's the point the delegate is trying to
South Africa: South Africa shouldn't be singled. . . .
Chairwoman: Excuse me again. This time wont count
against you, South Africa. Germany, what's your
Germany: Point of order. ...
U.S.: I think Germany's out of order.
Chairwoman: Thank you. You have five minutes left,
South Africa. (South Africa has nothing more to say,
yields to U.S. U.S. runs in from hallway.)
Chariwoman: Please be caretul. The floors are slippery.
U.S.: Yes, I have a thing about slipping on floors.
Excuse me. I was caucusing with reporters in the hallway.
The U.S. has put a good deal of pressure on South Africa
to get relief from these apartheid policies. But it is
hypocrisy to make one country the scapegoat of the U.N.
If my country thought for one moment. ...
Chairwoman: Nigeria?
Nigeria: How much time docs the U.S. have left?
Chairwoman: Three seconds.
(Chairwoman prepares for the vote. She asks pages to
man doors so no one can come in during the vote. Speaker
notes that there are a few typographical and other errors
in the resolution. For example, Union of South Africa
should be changed to Republic of South Africa in the
copy of the resolution. Unidentified speaker objects to
changing this error without proper procedure).
Chairwoman: The head legal aid said this correction
could and should be made by the staff.
Speaker:. .'.Whereas South Africa's apartheid policy is
against the United Nation's policy on human rights and
world peace, be it resolved that members of the UN
commit themselves to an economic and arms embargo of
South Africa.
Chairwoman: Afghanistan. . .Afghanistan votes yes.
Australia. . .Australia votes yes. Austria. . .Austria votes
yes. . . .You cannot pass notes during a vote, delegate.
. . .Poland . . .Poland? Poland passes. (All states either .
vote yes, abstain or pass). Is their anyone who didnt get
to vote? (Sierra Leone raises name placard).
Chairwoman (consulting papers): Did you check in at.
the chair? '
- Sierra Leone: Yes. By note.
Chairwoman: By note? I'm sorry." I don't have it. I
cant allow you to vote, but youll be counted as present
from now on.
(The' Model
United Nations continues through
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Written. PTixJucwi and Directed by liilMTi EZfLLliJl
Music Oimpused and Gntductt-d bvjj,7jy TT J Jff
Pniduced by Bakshi Productions, Inc
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