The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 03, 1977, Page page 3, Image 3
thursday, february3, 1977 daily nebraskan pc3 3 Uaion343. L ... 4:30 pjn. -Phi Chi Theta, Union 232. 6 p.m.-Fees Alloca tion Board, Union 203. 6 p.m. -Christian Science Organization, Union 222. 6:15 p.m.-Red Cross, Union 337. 6:30 pjn. Residence Hall Association, Union 232. 7 p.m.-Baptist Student Union, Union 242. 7 p.m.-Council on Student Life, Union 202. 7 p.m. Union Pro gram Council Foreign Film Committee Films, Centennial Room. 7:30 p.m. Mexican American Student Associa tion, Union 243. 7:30 p.m.-Math Coun selors. Union 225 B-C. Executive officers selected calendar ' i i Chairpersons for the 14 Union Program Council (UPC) committees Tuesday elected executive officers for the 1977-78 spring and fall semesters. Sophomore Shari Patrick, Lincoln poli tical science major, will serve as the new UPC president. Her executive board will consist of junior Scott Ballentine, vice president, and sophomore Cheryl Benes, Union Advisory Board representative. Ballentine is a business major from Lincoln and Benes, of Raymond, is an undeclared student in the College of Arts and Sciences. UPC's 14 committees, which handle cultural and educational programming for. the Nebraska Union, are accepting new members. Students can contact the UPC Office , Nebraska Uiion i J 5 . 3:30 o.m. rntr fr r " wvtv4 ivi Students and Organizations, "Barrier Free UNL", Union 243. 4 p.m .-Council of American Indian Students, . - i I 't J-j ' i k ! k f I ' : short stuff Deadline for deare an. plications or certificates to be received at the end of the semester is Feb. 10. Apply at the Office of Registra tion and Records, informa : tion window Administra tion Bldg. Office hours are from 8 a.m. to 5 pjn. Monday through Friday. All students who sold books in theASUN Book Exchange must claim cash and unsold books from 1:30 to 4 p.m. this week in the ASUN office. . ' ' ' " ' The Mexican American Student Association will meet tonight in the Union. Room number will be post ed. Phi Chi Theta will meet at 4:30 pjn. today in the Union. Room number will be posted. ) v " Y) ". ' DUALITY Cycles OSyCATEC 5ECCS 1C20' V- ,' 1021 Ct STuZJT .V LISSIKI SEAS'CA' 60S01 .:' - : -: SC;3T EtKCSL .... a. EARN AN ASSOCIATE 332-5315 , - DEGREE IN BUSINESS I PLEASE SEND INFORMATION ON I PROFESS BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION ATTEND 1-2-3- NIGHTS PROFESSIONAL ACCOUNTING per WEEK. I CITY STATE Classes begin Feb. 14th I . ". approved for veteran's education I TELEPHONE , I my a great new tin getapericrmanc itabie at TEAM's special low price and -matched cartridge .for only a penny! B.I.C. SCO Mahiple-Flay Turntable pins Audio Technics AT5313E Stereo Cartridge. Serious listeners will like this belt-drive model that operates beautifully as a single-play manual, or switches to automatic. Lots more great features plus base and dust cover. And get a cartridge that's regularly priced at 554.95 for just a penny. B.I.C. 920 Multiple-Play Turntable plus Audio Technics AT501 IE Stereo Cartridge. This sleek, belt drive model lets you play manually or automatically. Has all the important features like damped cueing, tracking force adjustment, base and dust cover. And get a cartridge that's regularly priced at $44.95 for just a penny. Technics SL-15C3 Single-Kay Turntable plus Audio Technic AT5313E Stereo Cartridge. Save a bundle on this extraordinary automatic with exciting extras like built-in strobe, record size selector, base, dust cover and much more. And get a cartridge that's regularly priced at 164.85 for just a penny. , i . VI ' . : if 1 f