mcn&y, fcnusry 31, 1377 daily ncbrcucsn tray canines on campus could be cosily for owners By JirsSt Uiterss his dog to ran loose. The maxima fine Canines on campus may soon be con- is $25. talned and their owners fined $50 if UNL "No one was really issuing tickets," approves a proposed city animal retrieval Grams said, "but now we have i specific F&y. . program to take care of that." Dennis Grams, assistant chief of the new He said police wrote a few citations in city Environmental Health Division, said the past but thcir priority was protecting state property is usually exempt from city , the public from criminals." statutes, but if the university approves, the "We would just as soon not issue cita- newh organized Animal Control Center tions," Gram said. Repeat offenders will be will assign someone to go to the campus the main concern, he added, and pick up stray dogs, Del Weed, environmentalist in the UNL Stray dogs could cost their masters as Environmental Health Dept. said UNL does much as $50 in pound and citation fees not have written policies concerning dogs oi if the dog is picked up.for creating a nui- campus other than those used by the city, sance and does not have a license. If a serious problem developed, he said The center began operating Jan. 1. rules would be written. . It handles licensing of dogs and cats and Teople usually don't react unless there picks up stray animals. Any dog. kept in is a crisis," he said. He said he didnH be- Lincbln more than 30 days, including those lieve there was any problem with dogs owned by UNL students, must be licensed running loose on campus, with the city, Grams said. "We dont want to become bureaucra- He said the center operates 10 hours a tic above and beyond what we are," he day, seven days a week. Any stray, licensed said. "We don't make rules unless we have dog is returned to the owner for a $5 to." delivery fee, he explained. Unlicensed dogs , Weed said UNL did not have an "en are taken to the Humane Society where forceable policy" restricting dogs from they are held for 72 hours. classrooms, but he recommended that dogs If they are not claimed by that time, not go into buildings because of the custo Grams said, the animals are either put dial problems they might leave ffehind, up for adoption or disposed of. Dogs are restricted from food service Besides paying pound fees ranging from production areas and from where food is $10 to $25 to release his dog the owner served, such as residence halls and the Neb also can be issued a citation for allowing raska Union, he added. . i I .am.-J Y Daily Ndirecsn photo Ttis dog and other' canine campus visitors soon may have to be on the run from Animal Control Center officers if UNL approves a city animal retrieval proposal. TJ;e stock in America Buy US.. Savings Donds. r Fish Q i t a I f &S& All you can eat 1.99 onday-Tuasday nghts C2 INMit&COLN HILTON. HA i H i - 1 J TM crvisd. GllfJo. 27th H1.474-2CC3 I I I I 1 I I I a a i I s 1 3 . a 1 I Hambiarger, Fries, & Coke . I 7e qj) at Hogon's Ctmfe 27th & O st. Free Parking South Lot 125 So. 27di . 1 I I 1 i ow thru . Feb. ,14th'' ' i nrz 1 t y 7 IT IT K . r r 1 ' 1 r- Vjf eJT k JL. J L Jl f T nnrn III Y R 13 C3LJJ VJ CJ i if r nnnn.nn wLJUOLJLJ.U uMi -- 2tertaS t 4 , ... . vv .-;--v- " v o. a!l,!j li!j!ni1!;3 j;- hx2iZM 1--&aW 4dJ kS -,-,hm AaMdl M - ' )M Mjdiio : il tri Jail ', i ' f f a :1 i 1 i i iiy if4i 1 J 4 ois o yuibiJiiyMi V O o o - W 1