p:33 12 d;;y ncbrssksn thursdsy, isnusrv 27, 1977 Lost: White spiu male, vicinity of ICih ft G, lis collar, no t:i (friendly), last teen around Abl Hall, Reonds to rne Coony, Reveard. 477-7532, DICK'S tJATCH SinViCS Hatdi Rapsir SVih Ew2s r.'stdi Csttsries 'A t, S, f fibr, Cti"k' sre S333n,12;! 432-3414 'mmmmmm w ,. . . ; ' mmm - RrSEARCtI PAfCRS Thousands on file. Send $1,G3 for your 132-peue, mail on3ei cctslog, 11322 Idsho Ave, No, 22CH, Los Angeles. Calif. 3025, (213) 477-C474, Vlentino"s personnel office has moved, We art now In C2S Terminal Building, 10th and O St, want ads LOST: Maroon Down Jacket with matching mittens from V.'ihoi Jwn. 17, Rjrmsrd. 474 433, Chuck Clifford, t ' NX 10 minutes from campus. Affordable mobile home com pletely set w, wash-sr, dryer, stove, rtfrlaeretor, air, Uteke offer,434-314. Newly built 1 bedroom, near campus and on busline. Unfurn ished. $ ICO month plus utilities. Available February 1st. 475- New 2 bedroom apartment with fireplace for rent, 454-C323or477-eS74,. 1 bedroom, carpeted, furn ished, utilities paid, 2517 N, EOth, 433324, 433-2764, . "Rsintree Apts, 32nd & 'XT Available now, 1 & 2 BR, dishwasher, disposal, air, pool, no pets. 4354733 or 433 1032, Western Realty Female Roommate: Fum iihed House. 2 blocks from campus, $47,53 wtll, 477 3133, Kale roommate wanted, 5 rooms, upstairs, $75monrh includes utilities and off street parking. 2312 Q St, Call 474 C321, One female roommate to share apartment, three blocks from campus, $33month, all utilities ps'd. Call 477-3313, Female roommsta ncedsd to share really nice 4 bedroom house. Upstairs and down, lots of storage. Gateway area. Own bedroom. $75 per month. Upper classman preferred, CiSl 434-1023, . J t:, V I MUST SELL: 14 x 70 mobile home, 2SDRWI, furnish ed, AC, washer, dryer, big yard, private drive, low, own payment, take over loan, 437 3732, "74 Fist 123, front wheel drive, low milesse, 457-3732. Peugeot, sunroof, good condition, best offer, 4354035, sk for Brian, Set of 4 aluminum meg rims, 13" x S 12 4 12" diameter, $150,472-0734, Technics SL-1400 direct drive turntabie with ortofon M-15 super E. New $250. $300 or best offer, 472-B352, 472J3525. Sony 301 cassette deck AM- FM radio. Ail accessories carrier, Manual included $100, 472-0734, Stereo Specials Discounts on e!l Audio Equipment. Ail National Brands, Call 475-8353, Wholesale ,jJio offers over 150 lines of stereo equipment, 1 won't be undersold on any major brand. Discwashers $9, Koss 4 AA $33. Call Dan 435-3375 or 432-4461. AMFM Sapphire X-1X radio for Volkswagons. $70.00. 477 434. Dual 601 wA15, $225; zip up Frye boots, 9 12 O, $30; both in very good condition, 475-2335. With Student or Faculty ID, 10 discount on tires, 10 speed bikes and stereos, except promotional modsis. Goodyear Store, 1918 0, 432 521. Skiis - Bindings Poles -Soots, size 9-914. Need Cssh $30.4754418. Kneissi WS 125 skits 100k Nevada GP bindings, $100. 433-3400 after 6 pjn. 1 pair ISO cm. skiis $50, G70-140 radial tires $25, 474-1453. T52E SAJSJTtlAP A professional golf shop at 1230 P". All items reduced 230. Ail name brand clubs 3540 off. Clothing, putters, utility dubs, shoes and accessories. Hours 10-5 432-35S3. ISM electric typewriter, moda Btsndard, 25 years old, $25,435-5713. Symphonic band dress, size 12. $13. CsH 472-G223, leave name and number. 7w? AND USHD FUrTUR3: Vmd: Box springs and mattresses $23X0 and up. Chest of drawers, dressers 43.53 and wp. Chairs, hidssassy fc2s $1S3.53 and up. firm: Eax sprigs and mcttres scs C33 and up. CJnrttss, sofas, lows easts, bedroom am. Open -5:30 d.'ly 43 N. 31st - Las Lfenisg FarrJtare 7 1 . 1 dreom, !t utiles csSd, f!es?a far Section 3. 145. 3 fistfreom, 230 aisstricity, 4so Xert'-sn 3. Cs.'l Csilaa or Don, Cir.TlMY 21, Custom Hr-'tv. 432-S335 or evening Unfurnished, near campus, spacious, newly remodeled 3 bedroom apt. Heating paid. No pets. Phone 432-3253. THEGLEHAIRE 1343-50 Q Street, available now, new efficiency with parage, appliances, carpet, drapes, double bed. no pets, $1S3, 47S-eS23, 43S-1 S33, . ' ' COnrIU5XR co-e? 8e part of a group that works together to live econ omically. The CoOop is now accepting applications for 2nd semester. $430 semester, room and board. 733 N 23rd. 47S-67S3, ask for bouse officer. College men: Room, board, utilities, $11Smo. (Good time included). Hurry it's not too late, inquire evenings 432-2533 (Srown Palace Co-op. 1500 8 St.1 Lincoln YMCA is now taking applications for summer day camp counselors located in Lincoln. If intereted M 422- 23?9 information. Ctcyton House tOlh & 0 Now taking applications for cocktail waitress. See Ardeth or Doug. H0U3EPARENTS Married couples to live-in house parents for adolescent girls. Apply at Youth Service System, 2201 S.11th. Downtown newaper delivery 45 minday. $50 every 4 weeks. Scott. 473-7341 . F PA!T-Trs2r.'cn Good Pay $33wek Car Necessary - Local Company 433-1227 OVERSEAS JOES-tummer, year-round. Europe, S. America, Australia. Asia, etc. Alt fields, $33Q-$1233 monthly. Expenses paid, sightseeing. Free info V4rha: International Jca Center, Dept. NA, Box 4430, Ca-fce'ey, CAS4734. Jantsd teacher for craft classes and adult education classes, interested in all areas. Call Lind Carey, YWCA-432- Sorority needs noon hour bus boys. Call 432-C333 for interview, morning or evening. r f4sed rkfe to Chicago this weekend. VJill pay $23X3 e-h wy; Call Steve Boyd, 432 C303, 47231 SI. Leave message. p " ' " 1 473-233. mof!.i, own tzrcom. fwiiy furnLied, 2 blocks eff csmpus; c.'l 474-3323 after 5 pjn. Eat Well and Lose Weight with the Shakiee Diet Plan, Call 475442, - PILOTS ONLY two cpeninss for guaranteed PILOT training left. If you are a Senior or Graduate and want to fly. call the VSHiC .Officer Selection Team, collect in Omsfca at 1432) 34S-5322. If you Ye lonely, you don't have to be! You uould be spend ing this weekend in the company f some tcvsnp con cerned people who have found the answer to loneliness in Christ. Coma celebrate with them st Cs!eferation Vraekl To certeiaj graduate "Vwjmen" of Seiieck who are, once asaln. sollcitina all comers; The deficiencies of which you speak are in the eyes land other portions) of the bahoider. EaiJoon Benny . NEED A REASON TO CELEBRATE? ITS ANNE OF ER1TTANYS SOOTH B1RTH- " DAY! (See Love L&rary.) Birth right offers free preg . nancy tests, confidential undar- standing help, 477-C321 . Guitar Project, Centennial College. Interested persons needed In all levels of advance ment. Dsn 475-2543, even ings 435-3454. ) Female Selleck grad "students . graduate male responding. Call Gourmet. 475-64S3, CFF-CAMPUS STUDENTS if you didn't receive a free copy of this semester's coupon book, go to the Nebraska Union, Rm. 345 and pick one up. No. S5-Lick Me CELESRATION fEE9C ' tVHEN: Friday-Saturday -Sun-day. January 23-30, 7 p.m. . WHERE: Friday and Saturday The Wesley House 40 N. ISth; Sunday ' Capitol City Christian Church, 7300 Hold rege f.HO: Jerry GSxton Cam pus l!inister. Univer sity of Illinois. Music by the. Ambassadors r Guitar Instruction Zager Studio now taking limit ed number of additional students. $325 per lesson. Beginning or advanced. 433-1321. rnicjous a rr.T ltd A unl-jye coS'sctlon of recycl ed and antique clothing. 343 M. 27th, 4754457 Tussdsy throush Saturday, 1 to S:33 pjm Thursday till 8. LmJLW iwUtl Graduate Student Associa tion will - mm Thursday, Jan. 27 at 7:33 pxn, at the East Campus Union, A: 6dO5iJo;s Ces3 Rsmctoaa TODAY Cl f)TCHL 11 -IWIM iiiAili1 " TiVEN ' TRAINING GROUP Wcu!d ycu Ceo tD'Commijafusi&a your . thought end feiSip tmro cffectivily VT'lh cthsis? Thb giup vl help ycu to b3cont3 inoK3 C-Tccl end honest vvh!!3 rccpctrJng Iho nrto cf c'Jirns. Wo will mcd for 0 vvcc! on Hondap" rem 1) to 3:S0 end rati3r gioiip from 35 to 5:15, beginning Fcbnjeiy T. If you're cntcrceled, txll the Qu reeling Catta ct 47231. tmnm - rirn"rnivvvMVOTrvvvvvvrwWuwxnj s-ii .Ms emim iWem or niatdi'em 7 7vS)C I u u Cplus dspoS) - i H if 1 A ' VVifNllValS 1020 H Slfeet (in ftonctels) t n r 7 - ' ) ) y J C v J "4 7 12C3 a mon. & thur. 10-0 tuz3, wed, fnr O set 10-3 J (5 i I l J