The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 16, 1976, Page page 2, Image 2
thursdsy, december 1G, 1976 D2afJ3 2 daily mbrccksn v Cooks on to five hot dogs in jus CO seconds Cocking begins immediately no watar . to boil Submersible for quick, easy cleaning ' 'Dishwasher safe Attractive, space-saving ft design .. 4' Ideal for. busy iwAars , , an-agers, parties, college .udcnts ' No. HOTD-1 n .Mi Pfgtssd At SMteitf Holiday twin Pad- i A J lwLu The perfect stocking stuff er, but we'll make it even better. ' Buy one twin pack for the tennis buff on your list, and well give you 10 off our already low prices on any Wilson tennis racket in stock. r :i - M Thus; V Three V Tennn I tennis p. Brtls M Balls J ; Cstel va 13' ' Modest price, small size, big performance 23-channel C3 two way radio features tne latest tecnnoiogtcaJ advancM ineludina V ... s Phase Lock Loop (PLL) circuitry. NO.3-5C03 Kfl OB Fr!::d at vd C:ldT3 5111C3 . -7 - r 'Dries with bonnet, blow dries, spot curls. Spot curl attachment for quick touch -tips. Hir drying wand holds air host for spot drying. Sonnst with reach-in top fits over large roSors. 3 heat posftions plus -coor. No. HD-2A Phono c alls give ASUN quorum In an effort to obt&in a quorum, the ASUN Senate ' Wednesday appointed four new senators after calling po tential senate candidates and asking them to attend the senate meeting. The candidates were contacted during the meeting when it was discovered that there were not enough sena tors present to constitute a quorum. A recent Student Court decision ruled that two-thirds (24) of the 35 possible senators must attend the meeting to make a ... quorum. Twenty senators of 26 positions currently filled were present at Wednesday's meeting. First-Vice President Tony Williams ruled that although there was not a voting quorum, the constitution did not forbid those present from appointing new senators. However, the senate voted to table Organic Acts two and three, which called for rewriting the ASUN constl tution, after a quorum had been reached. Sen. Scott Cook from Arts and Sciences moved to table the acts because the, newly-appointed senators had not been able to review them and therefore could not vote objectively. The senate failed to pass a resolution asking the UNL administration to consider appropriating $20,000 per year to the Sheldon Film Theatre and passed a resolution to contact state and national officials stating ASUN's oppo sition to the proposed building of Norden Dam on the Niobrara River. calendar 7 a.m. - NUPIRG, Neb raska Union 216. 7:30 ajn. - Baha'i Asso ciation, Union 337. 8:30 a.m. - Student Affairs staff, TUnion 243. 11:50 a.nv - Emeriti Association, Union Pewter Room. Noon - Chancellor's off ice, luncheon, Union 242. Noon - West Point School, Union North Con ference Room. 1 :30 p.m. - Career Ac tion Commission, Union 21t. 2 p.m. - Health Educa tion staff, Union 232. 3:30 p.m. - Army ROTC awards day, Union 202-202A. 3:30 p.m. - Council of American Indian Students (CAIS), Union 343. 4 p.m. - CAIS board of directors, Union 343. 4:30 p.m. - Phi Chi Theta initiation, Union 242 243. 6 p.m. - Christian Science Organization, Union 232. 6:30 p.m- Phi Upsil on Omicron, Union 222. 7 pjn. - Baptist Student Union, Union South Con ference Room. 7:30 p.m. - Math coun selors, Union 225 B-C. daily nebraskan ' Z ' EdJtor-Sn-cfcief: Theiesa Foreman. Mantling Editor: Rtndal Blauvelt. News Editor: Sandy Mohr. Associate News Editors: Ron Ruggless and Rex Seline. Layout Editor: Liz Beard. Entertainment Editor: Michael Zahgari. Sports Editor: Pete Wegman. .Third Dimension Editor; Nancy Stohs. Night News Editor: Kim Shepherd. Photography Editor: Steve Boerner.- Photography Chief : Ted Kirk. . Copy Editors: Onuck Beck, Nancy Clark, Pete Mason, Gail Smith and Randy Wright. Business Manager: Jerri Haussler. Advertising Manager: Gregg Wurdsmsn. Assistant Advertising Manager: Bruce McMorris. Production Manesar: Kitty Policky. The Daily Nebraskan is published by the UNL Publications Committee on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday during the fall and spring semesters, except during vacations. Address: The Daily Nebraskan, Nebraska Union 34, 14th and R Streets, Lincoln, Neb. 68408. Telephone (402) 472-2538. Copyright 1976. the Daily N&rsskan. Material may be reprinted without permission if attributed to the Daily Nebraskan, except material covered by another copyright. Second class postage paid at Lincoln, Neb. 63501. . ' """'r'"iMapi.. ii . " mi . .... ' ii X. i-. ' I'. !'". rmr- v ? - " r .. ITT" E2 lid: mfm f m-Aif J W T s NORMAN ROCKWELL ILLUSTRATOR. 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