The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 16, 1976, 3rd Dimension, Page page 6, Image 18

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    Wednesday, decsmber 15, 1D78
ps3 6
third dimension
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By Terri Uillsoa
A teacher's office is his or her castle.
Here the pursuer and importer of knowledge may dis
play hobbies, interests and family portraits. The plant on
the window sill, the sometimes disorderly array of papers
on the desk, are clues to a teacher's character.
But without even entering the office, a student can
find out much about a teacher from the bulletin board
and door.
Cartoons, news clippings, posters and art work show a
teacher's sense of humor, social and political concerns,
hisher appreciation of the arts and fields of interest.
Have you ever seen these?
Beyond the door of the adjoining offices of Teachers
College Professors James Fejfar, William Sespw and Lois
Erish, classics
On the door of Andrews 1 05, Douglas Street's office, is
a Logos Bookstore bookmark: ."A world of books for
young and old." More of these are on other English pro
fessors' doors.
Charles Stubblefield's door (Room 211) sports an
orange smile face. An old-fashioned, brown photograph
of a 20s flapper at a party decorates a board.
Ralph Grajeda's office door, 324, is covered with a
"Boycott non-UFW grapes and head lettuce and Gallo
wines" poster which pictures a man who looks like Ceasar
Chavez. Next to this is an announcement clipped from
Variety magazine: "Latin American filmmakers are being
jailed and tortured."
L David Allen's "door, 323, invites a student writing
submissions to a magazine called Unearth.
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Johnson, a Peanut's cartoon is taped below the label,
Mathematics Laboratory. Lucy, exasperated from trying
to learn the metric system tells Marcie: "It's those people
on the school board! They always get carried away. Give
them a millimeter and they take a kilometer." To which
Marcie replies: "See! You're catching on, Sir!"
On the bulletin board by Sandra Bone and Gordon
Greene's office is another cartoon. It pictures a frazzled
young man at a hospital admissions desk. A nurse standing
by comments: "He's the fourth student teacher we've
admitted today."
Upstairs in the Personnel Dept. office a poster reads:
"But we've always done it this way."
Illustration by Harry Wilt
Dr. Smock, a comic apparently popular with many
UNL teachers, is displayed on Keith Heller's door, 318.
A young man climbs, to a mountain top to meet the great
wizard for a word of wisdom. -"Iodine," replies the
wizard. The young man slips. "Lots of it," the wizard
yells to the falling man. Someone has scrawled the words
"UNL professor" above the wizard.
One wall of third floor Andrews is covered with car
toons by political satirist David Levine. The pen and ink
reporductions are caricatures of former President Lyndon
Johnson crying tears depicted as crocodiles falling from
his eyes. Another shows a crocodile crying tears that are
miniature Johnsons.
Bruce Erlich's door is a poster of Mary Wollstonecraft
Shelley, author of Frankenstein. The door also displays a
comic strip about a young woman who says she hates
morning, hates riding to work on the bus, hates work and
hates coming home. She says: 41Sometimes I think, what a
relief to escape all this and get. married. And then I re
member, I am married."
Hassan Sharifi's door shows a lung association poster
which reads: "Thank you for not smoking."
Life Sciences
v Richard Boohar's office door, 428 Oldfather, is one of
the few doors observed that is saturated with humor.
There are 23, including 19 comic strips featuring Funky
' Winkerbean, Doonesbury and B.C., three posters and one
One poster reads: "A procrastinator is a person who
takes too long to start to get ready to begin to
commence." Another: "What can you possibly expect
from a day that begins with going to work."" And: "Come
on in, my day was ruined anyway."
Boohar's and J. Rosowski's office door, 414, display
homemade schedule clocks to let students know where
they are and when.
Doonesbury comic strip, also popular with many tea
chers, is on Rosowski's door. In this one a student is ar
guing with a teacher about a grade. "But professor, I need
an A. Medical schools don't take B students, only A."
CSorry, Ben, I won't change your grade," the teacher says.
Ben is so outraged he threatens to burn the professor's
house down. ""Get me tte campus police," the teacher
says into the telephone.
B.B. Nickol's office door, 425, displays color photo
graphs below the words "University of Nebraska Cedar'
Point Biological Station." In one photo, students are play
ing volleyball near a body of water; in another they are in
a classroom.
John Janovy Jr.'s office door, 426, sports a Brownville,
Nebr. Fiddle and Country Music contest poster. Under it
is an application for a graduate program in parasitology at
the University of Georgia.
Other life science teachers have wildlife and camping
pictures displayed on their office doors.
Political Science
The .bulletin board next to E.N. Megay's office, 542,
displays a drawing of a man flushing himself down the
toilet. It reads: "Goodbye cruel world." There are also
postcards of Austria and colored National Geographic
like pictures of the Swiss Alps.
It all makes one wonder what a psychologist would
make of the various displays on teacher's doors.
Susan Welch's bulletin board outside her oil., ZQ6,
has various magazine cartoons, ripped out and tacked to
it In one, an opinion pollster says to the man of the
house: "That's the worst set of opinions I've heard in my
entire life." "
"John G mill's bulletin board shows two intriguing
photographs of sculpturer Duane Hanson's "Man Playing
Solitaire," and "Woman with Shopping Bags."
Beside the names of Arthur Chan, Andrew Cunning
ham and Ben Shomsor on the door of room 532, is a
small cutout of Gov. J. J. Exon. Next door, a cartoon is
taked to the bulletin board. In it are two concession
taped to the bulletin board. In it are two concession
sellers at a football game. One says
Continued on p. 8
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