thursdsy, dccorsbcr 9, 1978 pr-2 5 tradition v," rsssrvss o)d-1Bmefidd!iiig By Deb Boddxhn Put 50 fiddlers ia a five-room house where they're forced to practice anywhere from the front porch to the edjs eft bathtub and what have you get? Why, th American Old-Ttee Fiddlers Association, of course. According to DeLores Dellyke, association president, the first fiddlers organization in the UJS. wu estshlihed in Lincoln in 1946. DeRyke wis the founder of the association. She invited fiddlers from the Lincoln area into her home to "preserve the fiddlfeg tradition." Dellyke has become an expert in fiddlirs since die has founded the Lincoln, Nebra&a and American Cld-Tcne Fiddlers' Associations, which has 5,000 in its international membership. Besides being president of all three associa tions, she publishes an international newsletter, gives private fiddle lessons and instructs fiddling at Southeast Community Collets. - In her efforts to promote fiddlin Dellyke said she has written more than 1,000 letters to libraries, governors and museums to collect any information available about fiddlers, but said her efforts only left her with a few news- 'it " 7 - --n.iiiii.n mi im - ' " : ' ' Photo by Scott Swobod j These medekns areat hrt frdz srcKEdb They're tasmhm of theTkhrada GSd-Tfee FiddMs Association, a pes? dedicated to presenEi the c!d-t2se Cdd-z tradltssx Eack'row: J. Crsndl and association founder paper clips. Not even the library of Congress had anything on it besides 'a dip about eiht fiddlers in California," she said. 1Iow can you preserve something without information? " Finding nothing in the libraries, Dellyke said she has. been collecting information from fiddlers since 1946. She has accumulated 33 file drawers full of music and tapes on fiddling. . "I've got more information than anyone else on the subject, she said. Dellyke is a source of information for many institu tions. She gets calls regularly from the Smithsonian In stitute, National Geographic Magazine, the New York Times and the Detroit Free Press for information on fiddling contests across the country. The Smithsonian Institute sends a representative to Lincoln annually to find out about fiddling developments from DeRyke. Although her group has formed the largest fiddling organization; DeRyke 's efforts to promote fiddling hasn't stopped there, she also has helped other fiddling associations to form. ,T don't care if they join my group or not, I only, want to preserve the tradition,"sfae said. The Nebraska Old-Time Fiddlers Association has 150 members and meets twice a year for "fiddling get-togethers. Members ages range from four to 102. The only communication she has with the international members are occasional visits to the Lincoln office and through the American Fiddlers News that she publishes from her home office. The quarterly newsletter contains record and book reviews. Fiddling interest has increased, according to DeRyke. She said she has started more than 100 beginner fiddlers this year. She also has written her own textbook for beginning fiddlers-that is the only one ever written except for a few advanced books. Although DeRyke only teaches students the traditional Nebraska old-time fiddling, students may go in any direc tion from there after learning the basics, she said. Her students have gone into western, blue grass and tradition ,; al fiddling. The interest is here," she said, but the problem is there aren't enough fiddles in the Lincoln area. - We have people who want to learn and no instru ments, she said. crossword puzzle g3 tj TEH. tE3 5 1 Sour 9 Shsdfasthcrs . 13 Eati23 tt 14 Louisiana tlrX 13 Love, to t CatuHas ' .13 Sea&rd 17 Scotland Yard items 13 Data, for short 13 Force . S3 like acme jcSses 23 IJishway: AUbr. 24 Speed 23 Landscape debris 23 Mythical cods blood 21 Friday 23 Flower part 27 Cattle of old 23 Cosssiosi - interjection 3 Shakespeare Ilatharlna . 42 Obstacle 43 Cooked 41 Juniper - 3 Numbered cube 47 Ice-cream and baking 43 Facial d&cor 51 Livingston, SeussetaJ. 23 Southern power org. 24 Annoyance CI Stylish C3 idstrcpcSlisa cr dis-stcr. -4 Shi-msst gear 3 Profanity C3 Sincere 7 Yjz-t?.s town Acker's aim O This, in i.!adrid 73 Scereeard entries 1 Essie 2 CilYcf Cvlbes&ti 3 Kessrded 4 Doatmea 3 In5 lsy 5 fliSd of man cr cfdsr 7 Prefix with present cr bus 3 nitah'ify 13 n-c' stives cf - 11 Jail tcct 12 Travelers rest 13 Work wiih type 21 French parents 22 After Jr. 23 Go!! relatives 23 "Gulliver . 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