thurdsy, decsxbtr 0, 1973 i lM?nrr rrnrrci cttt- cores iT f -- dHy ncbndcsn i 5 1 ! i ft . 4 1 i I snsg a piece of junk from the jaws of a 1 5-inch-long plastic white shark. Dy Praia Dittrick Electronic pong games are selling faster than Lincoln stores can keep them in stock. Describing them as the "hottest idea of the year," Mark Tate, Montgomery Wards of Gateway s&leman, said customers may choose from a bigger selection of electronic games this year. Customers buy a remote control panel that can be wired to any television set. Various games can be played depending upon the model chosen. Tate called the APF TV Fun, which sells for $79.95, the "best for your money." He said Wards already has sold about 209 of them this Christmas season. Sold out Wards is sold out now, but manufactur ers have promised another shipment before Christmas, Tate said. . Four games can be played with the APF model, which has amateur and professional settings giving the players a choice of ball angle and speed. . Sears at Gateway also sold out of the electronic pong games, sells four telegames ranging from $59 to $99, saleswoman Diane Adkins said. More pongs and super pongs are expected between Dec. 10 through 15. Some 130 games will be shipped and there was a 90-name waiting list last week, another Sears representative said. Brandeis is also expecting a shipment of 30 games and also has a waiting list, said a Brandeis salesclerk. ; Electronic games Adkins said adults are buying the electronic games for their families. The Odyssey 300 is in stock at Penny's. This three-game model sells for $59.88. Another popular family game Is Jaws, which is sold out in all the stores mention ed. Salesclerks said more have been ordered but they added that the understocked manufacturers , are making no promises. Using a boathook, players attempt to Players .are eliminated when the jaws snap shut and the last survivor wins the games. Other popular games are the $6.99 Super Toe and Super Touch, according to J.C. Penny's saleswoman Janet Hanaway. Those also are now sold out. Football gsarses Players hit the plastic football or basket ball depending upon the game. Adult party games are in stock, but most aren't selling well, according to Brandeis stationery department head . Dor thy Benton. She said backgammon is beginning to sell. Brandeis offers various sets costing S8, $20, or $35. Master Mind, a new game, is also start ing to sell, Benton said. Cunning and logic Those playing this game of "cunning and logic" try to break the hidden code in volving different colors and the number of peg board holes. The $10 Master Mind box warns that "unless you have a mpti brain, itnsy be psychologically dangerous to play the Super Master Mind until you have played the simpler version." Nebraska Bookstore also has a selection of adult party games. The DevU Made Me Do It game sells for $6 and is a version of strip poker that may be played one of two ways. Playing pieces are included for the cautious, but the curious are urged to play with pieces of their clothing. Other party warmers include Seduction and Compatibility both selling for $7 as does Chug-A-Lug, the ""drinking party game." ,v ; Mi pi : .. t AN The studious may be quizzed about world records with the $7.95 Guinness Game of World Records. As the box asks, "Can a man pull a train with his teeth?" sod" , . ijTH --' . 1 , i: !- cry - accessories 27 STo.tfck reduced il J)ar-cnd 9 Tske a step forward into the fashion limellglit wearfeg ies with dsisfat m& style. -.-.The hoes picteisd here can fee purchasd t Foota&.sscy, gsdea isvtl cf fi u Complete Unisex Hair Care at K2AD3TOGnHH,1TOi & f? , i Tivo-crn:zn - ; Enjoy lI cur tvzT-zzrvlzzszt ' . I .r h PR 0 i 1 THECENTUPY nid;cr llisa pi am puwisj, more varied tissa a t-pestry, and as er.tsrt2 as a Eroadway Kason. VTicre else would you find such interest and variety asK ipling, Tarkington, Christie, and Capote writing corr.pkte storks; Hoover, Roosevelt and Kennedy on peapl&and politics; Bernhardt, Pavlova, Barry mor and Chaplin on theater, ballet, and films; and color illustrations by Parrish, Rackham, Rockwell, and two Wyeths... and more. It's the best cf a century! S16.95 1 SSSW SV3cndbun&3 tidmawspzpsrs f 1 1 airing-Your Oua w Gifts this. Christmas Va IzTd a, lirp r:l:i:a c cpabics fa pajsts iiaa, " caH:3, ctir sbaH pists AH idlthj sjlia i . V.'; cChrbtais Gift llziz -, - v Haiizais glutei J-:!::ts f) j w ----- -T -grrrj ft I . : ? - 5221 S. 43 i ) 1 2itt:r '-r H:srs lies. - Fxi 10-3 ; ) ij J it till c : f