The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 09, 1976, Page page 10, Image 10

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dally ncfarcsken
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(I.1U) center Mihe Thompson led the Golden Gophers to
a 65-53 victory over fee Humeri Wednesday before
8,369 fams at the UNL Sports (implex.
Triompson, a 6 foot 10 inch, 225 lb. junior frora
Nassau, Bahamas, teased in 33 points, including 27 in fee
ascend half.
The Golden Gophers were down by as much as seven
points during the second half when guard Allen Holder
put the Hackers up 34-27 with a six foot jump shot with
1 5 : 1 6 left in the game.
It was the Huskers' ability to force the Golden Gophers
out of their issich-up'zone defense that gave. Nebraska the ;
lead in the second half,
However, the Gophers rallied by shooting 52 per cent
from the field to provide the winning margin.
The center play proved to be important for boa,
m$. !n "skers were d by 6-8 center Carl McPipe.
McFC'a'sthoniore from' Hammond, IncL, pumped in
20 points before fouling out with 2:42 left in the game.
Husker Coach Joe Cipriano said it was the Gophers'
first real test of the basketball season. MU entered the
game with a 3-0 record, averaging 100 points a game.
Poor shooting was the key to the game, Holder said.
"We took a lot of bad shots,1 he said, "We didn't
play smart basketball after 10 minutes left in the game.
We forced them into a man-to-man (defense) and that
should have been to our advantage. We should have won
Small size no problem
for potent KSU cagers
Editor's nets-This is the second in a series examining
By Mike McCarthy
Kansas State "University (KSU) may lack overall exper
ience, sizs and a pivot man, but the Wildcat cagers have
proven early they have a team to contend with.
KSU already has shot down four out of its first five
opponents. Their latest victory was a 103-85 win over
Southern Methodist University last Saturday. KSU lost to
North Texas State University Monday.
KSU coach Jack Hartman, who guided the Wildcats to
a 20-8 record and a National Invitational Tournament
bid last year, may have found some experience and a pivot
man in the first five games.
Both experience and the pivot position come in four,
6 ft. 5 in. frames. So far,-seniors Larry Dassie, Darryl
Winston, Dan Droge and freshman Curtis Redding have
combined for an average of 55 points, 24 rebounds a
game and a shooting percentag of 56 per cent
"Larry (Dassie) is playing with confidence and con
sistency," Hartman said. "I think he has established him
self as a solid player."
the game."
Husker guard Brian Banks said the nan-to-man was
also very important.- ''
"If they would have played us man-to-raan the entire
game, we would have won," said Banks, who pumped in
15 points. Thcy couldn't stay with us."
The loss dropped the Husker to a 33 for the season.
Coach Cipriano's Iluskers have yet to win a game in their
new $15 million sports arena.
Banks said the Huskers are a tetter team than their
record indicates; t
We're not getting breaks tcxard Lie end cf the
game " Banks said. "I thought we could have had illnne
scta tcrit We just made some stupid retakes."
Cipriano w21 take the H'uakers to Champaign, LL to
'take on the University of Illinois Saturday ni-ht The
Iluskers are 0-2 against Big 10 Conference schools so far
this year.
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dty cf Ifisnesa's lllke Thcspsa gs ta tha tzst en-
.. wt2assttheIIuersWei3sy pt'-
But KSUY prized plafer is junior guard Mike Evans.
After a slow start in the Wildcats' first three pmss, he
scored 24 points against SIdU.
Mike (Evans) is one of the best guards in the coun
try," Hartman said. Mike has excellent individual skills
and, at the same time, he has a great appreciation' of team
play. Plus, he's ajlse leader on the floor and off."
scdasLs taZcstwocf he33pcirsfcs
I ony wants accuracy for custcmsrs;
runnsrs not lossrs in gambling game
By Tcis Wegpian '
Cdltcrli b&U-TMm h Ihe secsrJ fc a urks bost
gsmUfc, ia Nebisa and it UNL '
Tony is a runner for a Lincoln bookie. He's had his job
for about a year and a half. Before becoming a runner,
Tony was a bettor like so many other people.
"I was convinced through betting that so many people
J- '1' ' '
1 t t
were lors," ssid Tony (not his real name). "I asw that
and decided togct onhe other side."
For Tony, running bets is almost a full-time job. His
work week starts on Wednesday when the Lincoln bookies
get the point spreads for the upcoming weekend games.
The national betting line conies from Las Vess, and
net Jimmy the Greek, contrary to popular opinion. Tcny
said the point spreads typicaHy will vary among regions.
d by two to three points more than they are cn the
However, Tony said this year he has "never been
paying, jmt collecting."
This year has been exceptionally good (for runners
and bookies). He said he collects from about 35 bettors
Tony said disagreements between bettors and runners
on the amount owed are rare. He said to guarantee
accuracy, he always rrpests the bets back to the bettor
when they are phoned in., "
Sometimes people who lose a large sum, such as
S1JD00 to $2,000, may have trouble paying the runner
immediately, according to Terry. Then a payment plan
is worked out, where the better pays a predetermined
amount weekly and does not have the Fringe to bet
What if he stO does not pry?
"That guy's name is floating around town like dirt,"
Tony said. lie refused to elaborate.
The bet-taking system works like a totem pole. When
Tony gsts his bets, he phones tisra in to the "man
above him," v. ho, ia turn, passes them cn until they reach
the bockis. Tory said he wasn't mzt hew many people
his tats went through tsfore the bockie.
Tony there are about 15 to 23 bookies in Lincoln,
each with four to seven runnars. lie ard he has about
zymnmm carrying an
dospitQ fevi members -
By JsaKsy :
One thing Judy Schalk should not have to worry about
this year is running short of uniforms for her women's
gymnastics team members.
Schalk is the head coach for the five-member UNL
women's gymnastics team.
I need six girls to fill all the sports," she said. "And I
need six girls who can perform in the aB-srousd events.
Only three of the five ghis now on the team are working
all-around and m have a fourth who has never done it,
before they try it at our incoming meet"
The meet wiU bs the gymnasts only home megt cf the
semester. The meet will include Drake University and
Central Missouri State University and - begins at 2 pjel
Saturday at the UNL Women's PJE. Eldg. .
Despite the small squad, Schalk said she wasn't
shopping for gymnasts to fill her program.
"I cleaned house when I first came here and started
building iny own program. I cleared out the ones uiio
couldn't cut it" .
' She added that she had a sixth gymnast who world be
joining the team at the beginning cf nest Bmetter. .
The team consists of Kathi Ruddkk, Cxicry Rot hson,
Tammy DriacolL Pey Liddick and Sandy CzspiL
Although it is sO early ia the sean, Schalk said, the
team appears to be strong h the vaulting and floor
exercise events. She a! said the arfa most iackir r.-as
the team members confidence in themsalves.
Thry need to find ccnHdrxe and a Utile cr-e:;:.nre,
eecially in events Lie the balance beam whr
rcuan.caijgobgtoccyca,"Schilkaid. -
The ennasts epesei their taasoa a m-eek tz wiih a
$ 1500.20,CC3 in bets paas thror him waLIy, aiding trianlS meet victSTc
Thursday aftemooa and cveni-g Tony distxlbutes
til ahssts to his various contacts thrcciout Lincoln
an A preparss for the -weekend cr,v-':t cf phone calls
from bettors.
that about S2dZ3 is btt tlircvi cash bookie ia Lincola
cn I Ionian n:;.t foothill pmes.
This writer did s?r rcv'i calculations. If Lincola
has 15 toclks l-i five rnnrrs cash, and each runner
4f t.
nds half cf Saturday, all d:y Sunday
rs Mondsy rJ.rnt on the rher.e, jettirr?
j from his ccnt:ts and psiing csa cf the t:ts to
Li.5 li-ilVM-.J
Tony ccllecti frcm the
c'y c:.:h, and than pays the vlnn;rs cn
Has iiDjuvV cci usevga iua weciy, taoui zi.i isijca
is bet wc:L'y in Lincoh. IZtcp in mind, that is a very
rotr h firire.
Kchrziia is a l'z betii-g state, mainly because cf
Big Red fcc&a3t"Tcry raid.
- Tcmorrow, a look at why Iicbra;ki is rach a "big
state " as Tory talk ahcut who bets, why they
t:t and wbit they bet cn.
"I knew we were buZdl- f? to hchar scores," r;hk
swd pebbly fcund 114. So I was pld to ite us hit
Il became its a big h:!? czily n the s-Tn."
Jchalk said the team must score 118 points in five
Cerent meets this year to qualify for the friend
tournament b March.
Scturdry's meet t 2 be the last for the pmnasti urJ
Jan. 21, but tchalk rJd she plans to t'he thrcs n-niits
13 C"lSrX Tcx- fcr 1 dicic Clz the