The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 03, 1976, Page page 12, Image 12
friday, deccmber 3, 1973 P2Q3 12 dslly ncbrssksn want ads . i J! Bozak CMA-2-65 Amp, Crown DC300A Amp, Crown 1C-15D Preamp, TEAC 3300S, 350, A160, SONY TC121A. Miracord 750 Mark 111, Phillips 427 turntables. Call 4S4-B5S4. Bose SQ1 Direct Reflecting speakers, $225pair. Call 475 0262. Robert's 3-Head open reel tape deck, $125. 432-0500 evenings. Natural Sound cordially invite you to hear the new Ampzilla 11, the world's finest amplifier. Hear Thoebe, a sonicaily uncom promised version of the Thaedra, and the Mark Levinson JC-2. Hear the in comparable Fulton Js, Lentek Monitors and the Bevendge full range eiectro static speaker. Preowncd; Tympani les, IMF Studio Monitors, ARC SP3a-1. Stax, Audio General, and OB Systems preamos, Ampzilla, Quad 435 and 303 amplifiers, Thorens TD 125 Mk tl with Decca and SME arms, Connrr' BD2, ERA Mk 6 turiiles, Brsun TG 1000 tape deck. Koss SP3s and Stax SR-5 head phones. Visit Lincoln's audiophile store at 315 South 11th Street or call 475-3325. Ley S WIE Jill jT 1 1 11 II l i I II W Mi l Ik . ... r -, jkL j? Y.'s're cpsn weekends stz'A 3 cf cur tccstbnsl Vet's is ths perfect plass for a Friday dst3, a C-turdsy snack nd a Sunday dinner. So dsn't let ths week end go fcy without enjoying the best pizza in town. . Vslentino'sJ 1 as C?Ztl DAILY 4??M2?Ut : -4. i i 1 1 i I . 1 1 ' J Jp6i Pk juim I 70th & Van Corn (CtoMdTuadty) Csrto. m fomt&n mopmmll AM fer lunch, tool s , ... I i " 0 I ! k STEREO SPECIALS Lowest prices on ail your stereo needs. Call Tim, 475 15353. . FOR SALE: Pair of Atlantis SA speakers. Call 435-2357, ask for twitch. WHY PAY RENT-3 bed room townhouse for sale. 1 baths, finished basement, garage, available immeditely. Call 423-1335 after 6 p.m. 1SS4 Chevy Impaia, auto matic, runs well, $200. 433 4971, after 5. "74 Vol kswsgen, orange, 20,000 miles. Evenings, 433 7933. "75 JEEP RENEGADE, 8 cyl., yellow wb!sck, sport rim, 8,000 miles. Call 435-5378 and make offer. Ski rack locking adjustable 142-581. Holds 4 or. skis. Roof mount. Call 489-4592. 1975 Kawasaki 750, 24C0 miles, 4-stroke, like new. $1400. Call45-7775. For sale: 1974 Strad. Bach, trumpet, excellent condition. Contact Mike Phillips at 414-9502. Gibson Guitars, Les Paul -Standard 74, Custom 73. 435- -3335 after 5:00. BANJOS Special shipment just received for Christmas. Check our low prices. MOSANMUS2CCO. 830 West P 432-9423 Open 1 1 -7 Mon. -4ri. 1 0-5 Sat. Zenith Portable TV for sale. Practically New. Call 475 67SS, ask for someone in Rm. 315. Hotpoint Porta-Dryer. Must sell. Call 475-0603. Smith & Wesson .357 magnum model 19, excellent condition. Call 423-8059. Pinball Mach ins FANTAS TIC money meker. Perfect for a fraternity, call 432-2 1 72. FOR SALE: One full length horse hair coat brown. Very warm, great conversation piece. Call 475-2564 after, 19 p.m. Skis, Oynastar Omeglass, 190 cm. Besser bindings, used twice. Call Tom, 423-7415. FOR SALE: Raichle Ski Coots, men's 10, $55, 433 1S07 after 1:00. for tale: Ladies 2-piece ski suit, jacket and bibs, size 10, excellent condition, worn once. "'244S. 4S3-0735. Ask few Londi. . W i 1 w' - wi 1 FRI. - til 12:C0,AT.I 1A.M 35th&MoWf3i CT.CIStJ I iOsm6 Monday) II 27thwy2 r-n (Qin 7 vl --'i Deluxe, King Size Water Cad. Crushed gold velvet head board and sides. Less than 3 months old. $400, lUlark S heater included. Call Pat KiBinse at 475-6491 or 475 B323. A NATURAL CHRISTMAS C5FT A natural Sheepskin rug (natural white only). Now only $25 (student price). Approximate size 3 x 4. Call for your order -will deliver. Call aftar 4:30 p.m. at 423-1 SS9. Looking for the ideal Christ mas gift? Try turquoise jewelry. 4753065.466-7802. LINCOLN THRIFT STORE Lowest prices in town on cloth ing, for students. Also furniture, televisions, appliances, bric-a-brac, and alt household items. Support your Disabled American Veterans. 1745 O Street Lincoln, NE. Hours: Monday through Saturday. 9 to 9. For sale: 9 AKC register ed Afglan puppies, S3 15 South Cherry wood Drive. 488-4107. Houses for rent, various locations. LINDA JAS.ES ' 4S4-2745 Gatsway Raslty 423-E:31 . Ext. 54 . . . 2985 Holdrege, 2 bedroom apartment, range and refrigera tor, utilities paid. $175. 423 1421. One bedroom furnished apartment. Nicer than others you may see. fdeal for 1 or 2 people. Close to campus, in a newer 6-plex. Off-street park ing. $165. Call 477-5334 or 475-2347. . One and two bedroom apart ments, close to campus. $135 $210month. Call 477-4102 en 474-1496. 4 bsdrocm house, VA baths, central air. brand new appli ances, prefer singles. Available Dec. 15. 435-P541 after six and weekends. One bedroom, year old 4-plex, north of city campus, tub St shower, $145, 30-day lease. Call 477-3446. THE GLENAIHE 1348 1 Q St., available now. new efficiency with garage, appliances, carpet, drapes, double bed, $150. 475-6523, 46S-1S33. One Year Old Duplex, 2 bedroom, near East Campus, range, refrigerator, dish washer, disposal, off -street park ing, $195 deposit. 423 6157 r ."tin Hsaity Co. 4C3-9361. 1646 E. very large 3 bed room, newly remodeled, shag, off-street parking, laundry, no pets, $235. Call 435-8234 before 2 p.m. week&nds, or 4-6 pjm .weekdays. 1521 D. large 1-2 bedroom, recently remodeled, oak and he 2, laundry, no pets, $175. Ca'i 435S234 before 2 pm. weekends, or 4S pn. wssk days. 1234 So. 15th. very targe 2 besJroom, newly ramedslsd, osk and iheg, earsga, laundry, no pets, $210. Call 435-823 before 2 pm. wsekands, or 4-6 p.m. weekdays. 'Available: 1,2. or 3 bed room apartments, bus tarvica. RUZKIH PLACE APTS. 423-5243 3?v mr' n!s?r.nnJT A i FHEE MEAT Countyshire 4300 Comhusker Hiway, 1 bedroom apartment $175; 2 bedroom townhouse 1 bath $235; 10 minutes from downtown, pool and club house. Manager B-6 Robin Brester, 464-4107, 463-3S79, 437-4531. FHEE HEAT 2222-44 Vine. More space for the dollar. 2 bedroom, 2 bath apartment; base rate $220. Manager No. 102 East Bldg. 435-6383 o4 467-4591 . 32nd & Randolph, 2 bed room brick home, 1 stall garage, all utilities paid, no pets, couples, $250. 423-6157. ERASED NO? 2 Bedroom 4-plex, north of city campus, fireplace, dish washer, tub, and shower. $220. 4773443. Pioneer House Co-op has vacancies for 2nd semester. Room and board $425 semester. Call 474-9015 or visit 1533 Que St. r Ira L HOUSE PARENT ASSISTANT Female college student, junior or senior standing ir. Sehavioral Sciences. Live-in situation. Room, board, & salary. Apply at Youth Service System, 2201 So. 11th. immsdlatly: Wait ress, 11:09-2:00 Wednesday, Thursday, Friday at OSCAR'S, 475-5516. Telephone Solid ton tsn make good money if they are enthusiastic, happy and energetic. Part-time or full-time. Experience preferred. Call 475 2S81. Now taking applications for part-time waitresses and part time cooks. Apply in person. Brannigan's, 1223 P St. Part-time waitresses, even ings and weekends. Call for appointment. ALICE'S RESTAURANT 4013 So. 43th 423-2572 Waiters, waitresses, and dish washer needed.- Evening hours. COUNTRY KETTLE 4947 HoS4resa . - 4SS-1159 Now taking applications for AM andPM positions, bus help and waitresses, full- or part time. Apply in person. VILLAGE v:n 23th &Q 3th 5, Q Synagogue seeks qualified teacher for nursery school, September 19774Way 1973. 477-7593 or 4S3-C31 7. Progressive, growing Heal Estate and Home Building Company wiil soon expand into Iowa and Ksnsss and is $mKm aggressive, dynamic individus!s for ssles and msnagsment positions. Company will provide extensive training. 'Sary and bozut ?nd resume to: XitstifGGdi f ismzs Ins. . 2313 Hiwsy 2 Bath Aide needed, part time, fifonday-Friday mornings 8-12, every weekend off. Apply in person. HomsstaaJ Nursing Homa, 433-0377. An Equal Opportunity Employer WANTED: Cocktail wait resses for evening shift. Apply mi person after 10 a.m. at the Clayton House lyitotel. 10th & O. Counter t1p needed. different shifts: 6-9 a.m. Tues, Weds, Fri; 11:30 2:30 p.m. Mon-Fri; 7-11 Won, 6-11 p,m. Thurs, p.m. Fri. DIPPY DONUT 1227 R Waitress for days, noon hour. 10:30-2:30. Also need daytime bus boys. Apply in p rson. - - LINCOLN ELKS LODGE 15th & P 477-C341 ..V ,;ii$si Bowl bound, have motor home, wanted 5 students. For details call 423-9107 after 6. Students interested in sign ing up for the newly formed UNL Scuba Club may call 472 C323 for further information and sign up; ask for Rob. 3 r Won, a.m.- I 4-10 , - ,- . . s Need rkSe to Tucson, Arizona over Christmas. Will share expenses. Bob Maher. 472-3578. Need female roommate to share apartment near east campus for second semester. Own bedroom. Call 472-9225. Roommate nesdad: Own . room, $53momh. 475-8207 after 6.-00. FE?1ALE ROOaSTJlATE WANTED. CALL 423-5273. Roommate wanted, own room, fireplace, $54 month share utilities, 466-6203. Female wanted: Share house near East Campus. $50month utilities. 454-5122. r-- ElCXfMTCH SERVICE Wttsh Repair vytch Bands . Watch Batteries h blk. S. dnimar. Book- 223 N. 12th . 432-3414 EETTEil TYPI0 does helpresumes, term papers, theses, dissertations expert, fast, but not expensive. Call Elaine Buliard anytime: 435-5379-432-2S43. SsxocndbuncEa 1 UNITARIAN CHURCH I OF LINCOLN j A chudi tk chgengzt you to thfrik for'yom Sunday, Dec. 5 11 sa -' j Cid Cuiiisss CsjSSst 'y ff 600 A Street ct3 RESEARCH PAPERS Thousands on file. Ssnd $1.00 for your 192-page, mail order catalog. 11322 Idaho Ave, No. JOSH, Los AnqaSes, Calif. 0025.(213) 4774474. GUITAR IKSTRUCTIOrJ Ztger Studio now taking limit ed number of additional students. Beginning or advanc ed. Private lessons for dedicat ed students only. $3.25 par lesson. 433-1621. 8 Need a rids somewhere ovsr Christmas vecetion? Or riders to share expenses? Place an ad in the Dally Nebraskan! Come down to Rm. 34 of the Union or call 472-1761 and ask about our fecial rates for Christmas ride ads. Rick, Happy Birthday and many more! Birthright offers a choice, we understand the needs of you and your baby. 477-S021. To the dancing German at Fanny's on 11-24. Meet me there-1 2-4. 8 p.m. Your Partner. 3rd Dimension is looking for anyone having experience with black listing in the "50's for an article in the magazine. Contact Nancy Stohs or Rich Tillson at 472-1 764 or 435-2049. Are you shy? Just have trouble meeting people? You can overcome this. Free details. AC5CO. Dept. UWSL. P.O. Box 80753, Lincoln, NE CS501. IS FORESIGHT BETTER THAN MINDSIGHT? Find out about unfulfilled Biblical Pro phecy from Dr. Robert Culver, 7:33 pjm. tonight Rm. no. posted in the Union Inter Varsity Christian Fellowship. r i LCEIEHS CRUr.13TtCIC RESTAURANT now open Completely remodeled & ready for businessl 547 No. 48th ECKANKAR: Ancient Science of Soui Travel presents Film & Lecture. Fri. Dec 3, 70.333N.14. RliVARD Lost Keys 11-22. between Basey-Lyman. Call 472-2720 8:30-4:30. I lost a billfold in or arourid the coiisaum. If you found it and don't give it back, may an entire division of Asian cooties invads your Princely Pest's. On the other hand, if you find it and call me, you get a fast fi bucks. Call 472-2503 and leave message for Greg Lindberg (my name).- "7 V oif nsivspsosrs I ri t 4)w -MHt a.a-- i! :.T2T3 or c:cco7. ' rr ' 1 ''" " ll-ilT.-ia;-i'i--'ii-i iiii