The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 01, 1976, Page page 11, Image 11

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vvcdn:dsy, dcecmbcr 1, 1978
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Asiro-Bluebonrist Bowl
About 10,000 Astro-Bluebonnet Bowl tickets will be
available for Big Red fans, according to Helen Ruth
Wagner, acting UNL Athletic Dept. ticket manager. Game
tickets cost $10.
Student lottery applications will be accepted Dec. 6
and 7 from 9. a.m. to noon and from 1 to 4 pjn' at the
Athletic Dept. ticket office in the South Stadium Office
Eldg., Wagner sdd.
A total of 5 POO lottery tickets will be printed for the
2,000 available game tickets. Winning numbers will be
announced in the Daily Nebraskan and tickets may be
picked up at the ticket office Dec. 9 and 10.
Students are permitted one ticket per student ID card
two if married -and they must present their own ID when
Students wishing to go as a group must be present
together when applying. Groups cannot exceed six,
according to Wagner. Checks or money orders also must
be presented when applying for tickets.
When picking up tickets, a student must sign for his
own ticket. A married student is required to furnish proof
of marriage, she said.
Students and faculty members have first ticket priority
ticket' lottery is next week
followed by those in major contributing organizations,
she said. Season ticket holders, travel agencies and alumni
are next in line.
Wagner said she does not know if all 10,000 tickets
will be sold.
MA lot depends on where people like to go," she ssid.
"I think Houston is a nice place to go.M
If demand is greater than supply, Wagner ssid it would
be up to bowl officials or UNL opponent Texas Tech to
decide if Nebraska gets more tickets.
sports shorts
The UNL women's basketball team Sunday defeated
Wichita State University 5748 to clinch third place in the
annual Turkey Tournament in Springfield, Mo.
The win improved the Huskers record to 6-3. The
team's next action is Thursday at home against the Grand 1
' View College Vikings.
Guard Kathy Hawkins was selected to the 10-player
all-tournament team. Hawkins is the Huskers' second
leading scorer this year, averaging 13 points a game.
Jan Crouch is the team's leading scorer with a 14 3
The Nebraska Union Recreation Dept. will conduct
campus tournaments Dec. 6 through 12 in men's and
women's billiards, tabl soccer doubles, chess and bridge.
The winners of each tournament will qualify for a
Regional Games Tournament sponsored by the Associa
tion of College Unions International (ACU-I).
The regional tournament will be Feb. 10 to 12 at
Southeast Missouri State University in Cape Girardeau,
Mo. Winners on the regional level will advance to a
national tournament.
Pre-registration is - required for the tournament.
Additional information and registration forms are avail
able at the Union Recreation Desk in the lower level of
the Union.
The tournament schedule: women's billiards, Dec. 6
at 6:30 pjn.; men's billiards, Dec. 8 at 5:30 p.m.; foosball
doubles, Dec. 7 at 6:30 pjn.; chess, Dec. 11 at 9 ajn.
and bridge, Dec. 12 at 2 pjn.
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