The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 29, 1976, Page page 3, Image 3
mbnday, novemher 23, 1370 dally ncbrsskan pep 3 short stuff The International Educa tion Service is sponsoring a Planning European Travel workshop from 4 to 5 p.m. today in the Nebraska Union. The Nov. 30 work shop will be about "Once You're There". Room numbers will be posted, Eta Sigma Gamma, national health science honorary, will tour Lincoln Memorial Park Funeral Home and Crematory on Wednesday. Members must sign up in the health educa tion office in the 501 Bldg. Tour is limited to 15. The Modern Language Dept. is sponsoring a German sing at 7 p.m. Tuesday in the Union. Check activities board for room number. Health education majors who are interested in joining Eta Sigma Gamma, national honorary in health science are asked to contact Mr. Guthmann, 501 Bldg. 128. Prospective members must have a 2.75 CPA and have taken a minimum of two semesters of health scfence courses. The Baha'i Association will meet tonight in the Union at 7. Room number will be posted. ' The : College -; Career . Christian Fellowship organ ization will meet tonigh. in the Union. Room number will be posted. The ASUN Government liaison Committee will meet at 7 pjn. Tuesday in the Union. The committee lobbies for student interests on local, state and national levels of government. . The UNL Gay Action Group will meet from 8 to 10 p.m. Tuesday in the living room of UMHE Commonplace, 333 N. 14th St. The UNL Tolkien Fellowship will meet today at 5:30 pjn. in ths Union. , Interviews for the 1977 East Union Program Council (EUPC) executive positions, committee chairpersons, and committee member ships will be Dec. 5 in the old East Union. Committee chairmanships include: Art Programs Committee, Films Programs Committee, Academic Programs Committee, Dances and Concerts Committee and Professional, Family and Minority Programs Committee. Applications are due Dec. 3 and are available at the old East Union, Nebraska Union 220 or from any Program Council members. For more information contact Steve Chilvers at 472-0802 or Tony Warner at 472-2181. izzarcl kit can ease the winie UUiM I XJAJi 1 1 AT MID-TERM. CONTINUE AT! Lincoln School 8-12-18 month courses in: Accounting : Business -Administration Secretarial Legal Acs'stant Word Processing THE 0 a You may be able to breath easier during blizzard sea ,. son if you have a "blizzard kit" in your, car, truck or pick up. Blizzard season in the Midwest can run from October to April. Drivers should be prepared for the unexpected during blizzard season and be responsible for all persons in the vehicle. " Unless the individuals caught in a blizzard can see their destination clearly, they should stay in the car. It usually will provide enough protection. However, carbon mono xide, a colorless, odorless, tasteless, poisonous gas can be a problem. When stalled in a blizzard, check to see if the tail pipe is clogged before starting the engine. Have one person stay awake in the car at all times. Open the windows complete ly every 20 minutes to get fresh air into the car. Dont run the radio except at specific times. Stretch the gas supply. Blizzards usually strike in late winter. Travelers often have used the mild March days to clean the car, including the trunk, and many think the blizzard season is past. Cars that run out of gas also can strand motorists in open country, leaving passengers uncomfortable even on comparatively mild days. To blizzard-proof your car, keep the following items in your trunk: sleeping bag, overshoes, snowshovel, addition al warm clothing and a blizzard kit. Keep a fire extinguish er, ice scraper and flashlight in your car. Suggestions for the blizzard kit include a blanket, tissues, tow rope, radio, gloves and scarf, first aid kit with first aid book and blizzard pamphlet. Don't forget your stomach. Keep supplies of crackers, tea, instant breakfast, instant milk, turkey noodle soup, candy, instant coffee, dried nuts and canned beef stew in the car. Be sure to provide a can opener, tumblers for drinking, spoons, matches and a bottle opener. The empty can of stew may be converted to a stove for later use by punching holes around the can with the bottle opener. Include in your kit canned heat for fuel for your stove. A small coffee can and candles also should be packed. The can then may be used for the candle heat method and for cooking. A large coffee can with a lid will serve adequately for toilet facilities and another large coffee can will be useful for cooking, melting snow and other purposes. Other items for your blizzard kit include gravel for friction around tires, flares, collapsible spade and rope. You might dsc include playing cards for entertainment during a long, weary wait. 1001 If QV. H 432-5315 u1 Cesses ctsrt in Jcnuzrv 1977 IVttS- CPW life' rrf ' a . I IJfir "" r ' ' "" If i ' .jA Vu U 0 ' M " - "" k 1 Ia 1 sTS :C an" ' 1 J3T1 S-- ?'.. . l v - I Snow- Time is Time for New Trem 9 r r You won't slip snd s!k2a this winter, if you choosa boots end shoes l.'ka thsss! Greet for conpus end sport wssi. I!!ustrstcd, Hlgi Pirsa's boot, with tpzzd buckb, wood bottom cr.d rubber tira trcsd sob, Puff Dcot by Rota, cf brthrr with quHwd rtd (Lb3 crd dyn-o-rnlta szls, $37; Puff Coot by Rc;:ta. witi rod lining zd moiid tsli, C37.