The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 29, 1976, Page page 11, Image 11
f f" 1 t wm Wt: H T1 sjiifjuc.. G3-iIFO i n i :. k "V ,4 m m ' nm n m ugh fsdy s w 13 1 b! i i uy A unique rcdio station soon will be operating out of Omaha cat a temporary basis, replacing silenced KOIL .and KEFM-FM, following action by ' the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Wednesday. The FCC has . decided to tllow Omaha businessman Nathan Novak to operate the stations on a charity basis until a permanent license for the stations is granted. Although other groups applied for temporary rights to operate the recently banned stations, Novak's Beneficial Broadcasting Co. was the only one that also did not apply for a permanent license. Novak had said he would give all proceeds from the stations to Creighton University, but the FCC stipulated last week that only 50 per cent of the proceeds could go to Creighton while the other half must be given to "other charities," Novak agreed and will begin operation of his stations as soon as possible. He must advise the FCC when he does. Although Novak has agreed to give half the benefits from his non-profit stations to charities, he has not publicly named them yet. His station will be the only non-profit radio in Omaha and will operate only until the FCC concludes hearings on a permanent license holder. An FCC official in Kansas City has said these hearings should be concluded sometime in the early spring of next year. ,, Numerous groups have sought rights to operate the Omaha -stations from the FCC. Those who sought both temporary and and permanent authority for KOIL are: Viking Omaha Inc. as KOIL Radio Co., Nebraska Iowa Broadcasting Corp., and Omaha Broadcasting Service Co. Those who sought temporary and permanent authority for KEFM-FM are Nebraska-Iowa Broadcasting Corp., Viking Omaha Inc. as KEFM Radio Co., Omaha Broad casting Service Co., Nebraska Communications Corp. and Kyle Broadcasting Co. Inc. Shaker Corp. and Webster-Baker Broadcasting Co. also have applied for KOIL rights on a permanent basis. Webster also made a permanent application for KEFM. i ! I t lauty xrea'tmsn'is lasted five' months' Photo courtesy of University Information Technicians reinstall Ceres, - the transparent woman who gives electronic snatomicd lessons la fkt University of Nebraska Ste .Ieseksi. The automated model is ei gsvfeg prepress fslbw- -' kj recent iiiodlTicatica. Ceres, the transparent model of a woman used in the Nebraska State Museum for anatomical demon strations, returns this week after a five-month overhaul in Chicago. The model had the first updating of her electrical system after being given to the museum in 1960. The model contains more than 30,000 feet of wiring to display the positions and functions of the body's organs. The model is a life-size representation of a woman and through the use of recording tape, talks to visitors and explains the way the body works. The refurbished Ceres is the first stage in the construction of a new $450,000 health science gallery being built in Morrill Hall it the museum, 14th and U streets. s Alan Griesemer, coordinator of educational activities at the museum, said Ceres has been used mostly by visiting school groups in the past, but he said he hopes that will change. He said the improve ments should help make her more attractive to college classes. ""One of the things we can do now is program several tapes for her which allows us to vary the pre sentations, depending on the .age and specific interest cf the group listening," he said. She is much more flexible now,'" he added, saying she can be placed in different locations throughout the new gallery to change her emphasis. l-j - 5 -JT' Free Parking j j Complete Unisex Hair Care at HEADS TOGETHER. 17th & R TOO-OETBBi -Thst's tha way St is st Hcsda Tcssthsr Our supsr-styHrts est it tssth"f. Hsslthy bsir, cut tha way ycu il!t3 it. Enjoy ci I cur supsr-esrvicss fit - . For Appointment Call 475-4302 4 j ASM "' - . 3 f Hililriili! iiuirnwaiMi dm v Hi!- - cr..y N J V. , -,,.,-.-MJ - til, II tl T1H J kill II II J 1 - - II,-Ml Vl- J' -I - ..- " f- .... . I 11 ..... 1 - ' - V i r 1 : . I 1 j - - .1 i I -s. j "-v j: i : - . :-r, - .J :J K SSS Style 320 V 1 I - - ijL-.w . .ui....-Jn mi m . it : f 1 . j m-w I? . I v. ........ ( f 4 I I- . Style 300 navy, natural Reg. $3830 1 I : ; v X.. v3 Style 320 sand suede , dark v -1 j. crown sueue Reg. $35.00 S4 I IViS v Style 400 X dark brown, pumpkin, black red, green Reg.$29J0 X Style 800 ... camel . Keg. $3150 3 ITIS3 4u ' "X. (Limitsd to Supplies on Iland) ' Fr1-!,l f"5! Pm" m -we OnMr niwid toy Dc 15. 1578 mm to Cwtl bta' CSwffiSmaa. - -- Mm l.tiJowa (). rascit mar e- e 10 STYLS WmaiM 1 mtfft 1011 Hf ! C-y&WTJTY hstHwCa)liOExr4 OBr gaa aantewnW USAata 1 ij tit .,4 - J I in Bfc J d fe kj30t -iquu. 4tt KP' HI ' XT' ' 1" a ; Lcv;:r Level Girnns .2 ilU. V 4