.... .... -J VWji W.J M U Qaesliomalres about programming for the new Nebra&i East Union w21 be distribised on East Campus, said Cra:3 Hertel, a member of the task force responsible for program suggestions for the new Union. "We're super interested in what students want, so we're going to try to do anything that's feasible," Hertel said. The 2,500 surveys will be distributed to faculty members and students. Questions on the three-pae form were drawn from responses in East Campus suggestion boxes. "When we put out the boxes, we were getting a lot of structural recommendations, but that's something we can't do anything about," Hertel said. The task force is not responsible for space allocation in the new Union. He mentioned dances, rock concerts and foreign films as programs that are under consideration. One facility that will be in the Union is the BurriFedde food service. It will begin operation the week after Thanksgiving vacation, Hertel said. The new Union also will offer East Campus students a location for speakers and meeting, a student services office and pcs&ly nurse, according to llertel. A student organisational suite in which clubs can get together and coordinate" wCl also be in the Union, he said. He said he hopes communication will be increased as a result of this new proximity of organizations. Hertel said he also hopes that by Involving students in the programming decisions for the new Union, they will feel more a part of it and will use it more often. . East Campus is "more like a community because it s not so bi?,," he said. , . . - 4 . r ' . "They'll support us if we get their interest at Iirst, Hertel said. , Dec. 8 is the deadline for returning the question naires that will be distributed in classrooms. Hertel said this distribution plan was decided upon by the task force "because we didn't want to exclude any groups from responding." After the surveys have been collected, they will be analyzed by a computer, he said. Computer results should be avfl&lc in January, and a report will be mzis to the ftosrim Council in February, he added. Decisions made from the survey probably will not go into operation until next year. Birth defects ere forever Unto you help. THIS ! CONTlUTCD V TMC PU.LISMCW V iff - Lsu ' 1 t - S vAH vvj V ml icmenn 1 .jteiw hs core M. i ,M jf, 4 The poetic vision that created "Wild fire,,and"Blue Sky Might Thunder," now on a brand-new album called "Rowing Free Forever." On Epic Records and Tapes. C7 TwhJ amt -I it it 11 1cr:.rrrcr.v:j fi gateway -ixxoln CCriESTOSA f.!ALL - GHAD ISLA Pre-Than!csgiving Come Gobble Up The BARGAINS! Coats... Leathers... Pants Shifts... Ore Gauchos Values up to U A ll ' ' id. Wilt r ' Gills If ycu CTJ-ity, ycu csi trp fcr fisvy Flight Traninj v.fi3 ycu'ra $ti:i in cc!lsp end bs scared cf tin program you wsnt'Oar AOC prorcni (if you wrrst to a pHot) or cur fiFOC prcT2m (if yea wzit to to a fiiit officer) ccn ycJ inta t.s firy s!cy fcr cn exciting chtSsnnj As 9, frcshmsn cr scphcniOT, 1 you ci trrrvs a pJesa in tl;d cv:Jn bsfsra . yea ' crcd lists b partisipzthj L; Shs Avbtiui Rrv3 Offer Ccndidt3 AVnCC) prc-rm. If yca'ra eitrcitl in hssrln rncra lGut 3 CTC&rSSlfCu3 CT-'.- ' b fJrd r.'inicrj, tea uj en rr$ thrjxji December 2. I. -- - i i u j -J I 1 7y TCIIS Of I Sards And