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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 22, 1976)
: ; -: ; : ' ' 1 " : arcs 'lenteftbki'h ment Lis'Jeosnei to CCSroscoliks drirskiriia ifm ' hydrant By DoossWel Ilave you ever tried to get a drink of water out of a fixe fcydrznt? - Fsbly cot, but this is jast as good a way as any cf dasaSffig the experience cf ILlenkj to fsul Bipsdi, legendary assist cf Eipsehcsa loudspeakers, talk abest Jbl-Cidlly sound lTprcdactaca. Elpsch fcesa Ms work in speaker desfji in 1943. From this research came the Iflipschoiii which most experts (indafe EJpsch) agree is the near-perfect loud-' jester. ' IQipsda made a rare appearance in Omaha Thursday to -lecture about Mh-fi3dity sound reproduction, Khpseh quickly established his colorful perscsaaljry be fore bis prepared lecture. He sat comfortably at ease ia a green canvas studio chair talking freely wilh early arriving guests. - Didst look like a legend The bearded KJjpsch, in his 70s, was dressed in Earth Shoes, casual slacks and a plaid shirt. He wore a string tie with a turquoise slide, and matching turquoise rmg. He didn't look like a man in bis 70s or much like a legend. One of the subjects KEpsch and guests talked about was the future cf quadrophonic sound. Ehpsch explained that one of the problems with quad rophonic sound is that whesrphonqgraph records are used as a fod-chaanel sound sofflce there is a resulting det adoration cf sound. He said this is the result cf trying to cram too much information into the records' yma!) grooves. . . . . " - I listened to a quadrophonic demonstration over rather small speakers at the Audio Engineering Sociery in Los Angeles a couple of years ago," he said. lt was quite spectacular because at one point the female soloist soared from the front to the back cf the -roam?- . 3-peskersysSeia "best SOipseh explained bis alternative lo cadrophonic sound: " ""1 think the best stereo will be had wifhlhxee speakers 5n the front cf the room and forget about any rear out of my head speakers." Xhpsch said to set up three-speaker stereo you have lo set one speaker on the right channel and one on the left as in a conventional two-channel stereo system. lie explained the nertstep was to obtain a second stereo amplifier and another speaker. The extra speaker, according lo IQipsch, is placed between the other two speakers. ' This third speaker is connected to the second stereo amplifier using the positive side of one channel and the negative side of the other. The result three-speaker stereo. In the random 45-minute discussion" the subject of rock music popped vp. . Khpsch smiled and said, ""My bride of six months has ' an expression about jock music She says that it sounds like an wer-arnplifed baby screeming, accompanied by a racoon trying to scratch its way out of a garbage can." ,. - Khpsch even told a story about the sound system in the station of "the new financially-troubled Pennsylvania Rsiiroad. IQipsch while be was in the Permrylvsnia station in 1945 be couldn't help but be impressed with the quality cf the station's sound system. Xbsefsyosrear - . Yoa could tdl precisch what train was leaving on what track at what time because Hie enunciation was just 1975 German film on tonight, Tuesday A 1 975 German Elm, set ia the 1 820s, will be shown at . 7 and 9 tasi and Titssd as a part of the fjfeSn-" psm Council's Foreign Film The film, entitled Every llzn Jar Ilirrsdf erJ God . AgziastAH or The Enigma, cf Keeper Hmtscr. was written and directed by Werner Hexzog. . It ik the story of a .man who appears in ' a small Cermaa Iowa. Be is barely developed above the level of an animal, but the townspeople care for him and teach ln to read and write. Then, for unknown reasons, he is OSz TsvtVL cf the London Times srys; Tie ZsJrza cfZjzpsrlizusrr'vk a isty jrtyirg wcdL J had ret rp to new thoir-hl cf the nerrperary t Girsm sssa as lis Jiome cf cnpik3a,l'-jt then jr;i's drtmEisa hzs been too Isz-y vcZzS by the mM tetl it fer la 23 if tisse is a true renaissance cf the Ct w,7- - ' as dear as if lbs' announcer were standing dose to your ear ETpsca ss'J. Two years later I was there and someone bad scM them a vzly improved system. It sounded a lot Ox insBriaena bmsmlm can tirffffslklf. - - ' "Hsar as'boiy bad the gats to go ia there ml sell taat system and tarn any fool cosild buy it . . . I thlsk tbst was the beginning of the end fear the Pennsylvania Railroad." After listening to the Elscb-desised speakers, paxti cularly the tHxhom model, it is obsess that Elipidi is agenins. . As with most legends, there axe countless storks about EL'psdi. On such story has KEpsch disco verbj; why a farfaiar brand of Lasd-bdd calculator would cot fesctloa at certain temperatares.. , Vthza axd abost the story !?sdi grhasd and ssid, 1 don't even imm hmr cadstois work, lbs only kind of calcdxtta-I knew tsw to run is a slide rule." . "Etpsh Ihosht about the story for a whUs and sail. "That does make a good story and I w&i it were true.' ' X .... V-N V. ; . . , A ' I f 1 4) Si v .... u VAr . If I . L fad Elfpsii, the Iggsaday crtrter f the 55 IssSsa; ss la Ossia Thy 9 t2c xl-vt IJ- Ms The place is Eldritch, Iowa, population 70. This ssl town win be stunned by a bizarre series cf events that result in a murder. The cau$ and reperenssians of fee curier are the subject of the'plsy, lie Rimers cfEUnidh. The pby wI3 be the second show in fie Howell Theatre's season and wIH be performed rrysr.lrg Dec 1 3. Director Eex !lrGr, peesh and Thertre Arts Drpt. chairnrt, chose the flry tsssu it is trry dZir'bj. The actors must master 17 msrvdons rolss arJ a corrlex stcrj'ILte, v-lJIe tie rnsrs the isik cf crcstir 35 dlflrrtnt las'ticrx " - tldkzw cdi l!ie 1 liar, lanf srd 'Ison, is ess cf the most exeifeg yoarg p!r-T2f:ts ia the cesslry. A -rrrrt rrsct in lie p ! ?y is ihst t!'re sn; so lad- iri 13 actors tvc:i ts ca er.Ue, ca 5 Cf lis era srcrLisi pce to tha The cast iadadec Dthra Oiks, Colorado Springs; lita ILHer, lchraa Ciy; Chaily lHar, IJnccb; Dcr ' las Asdcnoa, Tkytss, Ohio; Doilas Slrcrt, lincola;--Isa Esc, liaccla; FelIi Larson, Fckfard. H; Ceerss Hansen, Lincoln; Eric Sorensa, Omaha; Scry Ydtz, Cfesia; QoT EaddifT, Wayacsborgii, Ohio; Steve Ilocsr, Zlenbradc, Tea-; Asry Thdsjdex, laaccla; Fxia Redirer, Cmiha; Joe l!c?Zct!y, Omsha; Shem Bisnstfrry, Des lilacs, fcaad Shssie Eks$, Lfcccln, wi3 be 3d by Jerry Lewis, Settrj wZl s szas by cb Idoni. The stsje E32i5r is Dsn Ffoett and fce asisiasi dksslm is IMcy Lofton. Ccstimisa -3 be csed by Jo HdGbne and Sctfy JT iunr c lltch pc-dcsisa cktes are Das. 13 a- 11 cJ U IS at Thsstze. C li ijse is S px3. Fa irrrriisx, ci3 472-2073.