The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 22, 1976, Page page 10, Image 10
f fkz to trr: y4 9 .f :s 3 . t 4 - If '"enwomk-Jj Jp-es-B 'fl 'f. IU f.!;iiils, prcsiicnt of the Nebula listho&ist IIorp;tiJ uxdlal staff, and Dr. Chailes McLaiLIia, mmt medicil center saiery consultant, ssid CMdxena tnovs to ?e&c4ist Ilorplisl would reso2t in better medical care sad wo'sli cstBd dUircns contribution to medical education.. XThat position the regents should take oa ChUircns raoue was one of ths topics discussed during the more than two hours ths regents spent in closed session, accord' iKg to Lincoln Repeat d Sehwartopf. Vsstsxtaoccssat The progress of ths selection of a successor to IJU President D. B. Veraer 20 was discussed, Schwartzkcpf said. I!s said he did sot hold much hope that a successor could be found before Varner resigns Jan. 1 . The regents began their meeting after Nancy Noren berg was sworn in as the new student regent for the University of Nebraska at Omaha (UNO). Norenberg was elected interim student body president, in a special election last week to replace Steve Shovers, who was impeached Nqv. 10. Norenberg will serve until January when John Tdalone, a UNO graduate student; will take office. Maloae was elected UNO student body president during elections last week. He defeated seven other can didates, including Shovers. . A" Ti'iWihwiaiif'iriiTti' 'iiWifiw Jp"-i;l-ir'"-aiii7 .atimaj lm ibm '?a"fi,iWhTiiririi''iii,'''l mr'irr"ti'iTiTiiM"hTr - m m 4 . Every American ought to know what it says. For a copy, write: "Economics? Pueblo, Colorado 81009. (D ED L This ccw need not lock so co Nov. 29. IITy Thssirifcg JSisto fey town tfiglay , ills tuey season. The Dmfy Nebmskan wO est puLIh riia iijl ) ?2t js m&m, inwfc, gwpMh, n sddiS3 InYitsticns 12-B Isn-Fii Sat 3-3 NEH3LEF0INT L T-' T. ' iter ! T CViiU Dssiey Productions I ff '' wct! U I i . f3 rKT Till -A-iv- Ci3T SFfeC EEATllCCMISFCX THE ARQCISHC? Tour choice of ivory, red, or blue binding. Tor each week, a selection from the author of The Prophet with spice for your own thoughts or doinss. $5 I t ! W42a Cather: DEATH CCMCS FDH THE Ail CM 2 IS ii DP A tows ttory sat in New Mexico in the ISOO's. t2A5 WSIa Catfwr: THE PROFESSOR'S HOUSE The setting a Wti-fisstsn university for thts Cory Ebout a prcf essor. Sse tf new ?-b?c3ia Astherf eclkwi Stc-3 the kk4s of o&tsi fJAwirtM. G?sara! Sfei. 1.-1 sin Floor 7he SI0ry only ftortng Stone could wroe com bining tnare inan 00 Oftofos .mciuotoy many rare tott seldom seen locar mti tvsnry. com mentary and detaiiet as cograptnes tr today s 1orino9 rock aintsrs and cntcs sanrangtheeaiMa year of postwar urban tjes to lr Mas trsnot otir7Ds 384 cages pro (use Asraied. 10 78 14 12 S3 95 f ; x n i wwe3roaoiis tour -aur ? lf ror jnm ana gn owpr ii it f!Li S? crtoqrlfs Oia - : lot frank Zanoai Mncay thpReaees fcrw femrgmc W .TxL. . -rTi A i . . in. wiin V2;:a ciuacni i.u. includes everything . Sr " 4 - i "5 - V, j .'.i- Vex u i Lmm he i crtjtxz2 on ""W -'minn J-'iiWirt-T"iinrB,nfiri - n n tm iiiwmhi I r j A 1