The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 17, 1976, Page page 9, Image 9
Wednesday, navsmbar T7, 197G d'y ncbrciltcn p3 9 Student Affairs. ... . Cofitisued from p. 7 . ! The health center also, has a 14-bed hospital unit that costs $30 a day. That is two to three times cheaper than the Lincoln hospitals, Hubble said. The health center staff does not perform any major surgery or blood transfusions, but can conduct minor surgery such as sewing cuts or removing moles. Qraics offered The health center offers specialty clinics in the follow ing areas: allergy, ear, nose and throat, gynecology, . internal medicine, neurology, ophthalmology, orthoped ics, psychiatry, surgery and urology. Appointments must . bemade to see a specialist in these clinics. In case of emergency, UHC provides a 24-hour emer gency service. The emergency entrance is on the east side and a there is a fee for service. - UHC also provides students with services through the dental, dermatology and mental health clinics. li A A The mental health clinic is staffed by three full-time psychiatrists, a clinical psychologist, a psychiatric social worker,- two resident psychologists and a graduate student, psychologist. . "Some students have difficulty adjusting to college life and experience emotional problems. The mental health clinic is geared towards those students' needs," Hubble said. Strict confidentiality is maintained by the mental health clinic staff. Mental health records are kept separate from the medical clinic records. Besides personal consultation, group therapy also is offered. Outreach, a personal intervention service, also is spon sored at UHC. Outreach is staffed by trained students and the mental health clinic staff. Students may walk-in or phone , the Outreach office. Outreach also provides pro ' grams on topics such as male and female sexuality, stress in college life and the grieving process of death and dying. oaemida The Fees Allocation Board will meet today at. 7:30 pjn.'in the Nebraska Union 203. The agenda includes: 1. Approval of minutes. 2. Recreation renovation of handballpaddleball courts. 3. ASUN letter: executive salaries. 4. Major fee users review procedure. ' 5. Audit and revised budget procedure. 6. Bylaws-criteria and procedure review. ,., 7. Announcements. ' -. 1 . Child care project extension. 2. Business college audit class projects. 3. Nebraska University Information Research Group. iJ -y .-. r, . u A Quarter pound of best, pickles, ketchup, onions, fresh tomato, crisp lettuce, special sauce end a tangy slice of cheese, all on a golden grilled sesame seed bun. . . it's the Super Shef. Add an order of crisp golden fries, and you've got a satisfying, super mesl from Curpr Chef. 13th fit P (dewntan) 841 No. 4Sth 27th & Hwy. 2 (next to Treasure City) aunot cm nuoeiuuw w oogckocif jwif wt. we conrmnm m ununcHcrsirsTfwt mc t 4 - i U I ' I I Ifl l Mi v t r 9 - J V 1 If. II L f. -a rr n r. rrT A n ! ' IMi ' i 1 t . I'll Prc-rciiter n:;v Freshmen: If you didn't take Army ROTC during your first semester, it's not too late. You can still add Army -EOTC to your program and add excitement to your campus life. Veterans: If you are wondering how to take advantage of your service time, we can help you. As a veteran you can complete Army ROTC in two years and earn a commission as an . Army officer. Add an extra dimension to your education. . For full details, contact: Jim NIxdorff or John Ke!!or room 110, MBU Building 14th and Vina Streets phorc 472-2463 . A Br iff Pfifflf1 rri onrm M 1 O WE'VE GOT A LOT FOR YOU TO LIKE Large selections of the newest sk'rvvear and equipment, brand names famous for quality, certified ski advisors and mechanics, modern repair facilities, and good deals on downhill or cross country rentals-we're Lincoln's most complete shop for skiers. Come in for a professional fitting. , r v - . 1 ?t w ' Xo Vil -art Ms?) ft i '.Kfcif) .-. ft,. V- li ' ;' 7 It ft I f 1 $ ; Open 9:23-5:23, Thurs. 9:33-9:09, dosed Sun. Open 13-C, Tucj. & Thurs. 10-9, Sun. 1 14 f 1