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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 17, 1976)
wcdnesdsy, novcrr.ber 17, 1978 daily ncbrcsksn pep 15 lore . sports shorts i . i in in?ramurai. program s logging clu Tiyouts for the UNL women's track and field team will begin Nov. 29 at the indoor track in the Sports Complex. For addition! information, contact coach Carol Frost at 799-3543. The women's indoor track and field schedule: Feb. 5-McPherson and Doane colleges at Crete, Nebr.; Feb! 12-Kesrr.ey State College at Kearney; Feb. 19 Big 8 Conference championships at Columbia, Mo.; Feb. 26 Missouri Invitational at Columbia, Mo,; and March 19 Keamey Invitational at Kearney. . A former UNL student, Dennis Katzer, Saturday won the one-hour run sponsored by the Lincoln track Club. Katzer covered 10 rales and 790 yards in an hour. Tom Bowmaster was second with 10 miles and 60 yards. Third place went to Jeffre Cheuvront with 10 miles and 30 yards. ' ''' ...z - Two UNL students, Gndy Dixon (8 miles, 1,140 yards) and Kelly Hiatt (8 miles, 900 yards), were the first , two women finishers.' ' . " - A total of 29 runners competed in the run. - ; The Husker women's volleyball team swept the Univer sity of Nebraska Invitational Saturday. Nebraska's number one team won the tournament and the Huskers' number two squad finished second. NU I breezed to the title by beating the University of "Nebraska at Omaha (UNO) 15-7, 12-15 and 15-8; the Lincoln Volleyball Club, 15-6 and 15-5; NU II, 15-10 and 15-12 and Kansas State University, 15-12 and 15-13. NU IFs route to second -place included wins over the Lincoln Volleyball Club, '-15-10 and 15-8; and Kansas State, 15-6 and 15-6 and losses to NU 1, 10-15 and 12-15 and UNO, 11-15, 15-11 and 7-15. The top players for UNL in the tournament, according to Husker coach Pat Sullivan, were Janice Kruger and Sue Luedtke. The Huskers ire now 42-7. The team's next action will be Thursday through Saturday in the Association of Intercollegiate Athletics for Women (AIAW) Region VI tournament at " the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis. . A ceneral awareness of the t?A to remain rvt-rr fit is Gale Wicdow's reason for the rise in popularity of running and aerobics in the past few years. Wiedow is the coorinator of the program planning intramurals at UNL. "Ever since Cooper's book on aerobics (Aerobics by Dr. Ken Cooper) came out people have associated fitness with jogging," Wisdow said. "People are becoming aware of the need to stay fit." One of intramural's newest programs has been the innovation of the Century dub, which Wiedow described as a motivational device for joggers. The idea behind Century Club is to provide students and members of the club with motivation to help in their running," Wiedow said. - Century Gub also provides T-shirts to members who have achieved certain levels of fitness, he said. This (the T-shirts) too is a motivational device to give members a goal. We give out the shirts to members who have reached the IG0-, 250-, 500- or 1,000- unit level." Wiedow said units may be obtained by members in several different manners. "One unit is awarded if members jog or.s rrils, bike four miles, swim one mile or do one hour of continuous walking," Wiedow said. , . There are currently about 100 members in Century Club, Wiedow said, of which 0 per cent arc students. Half of the 0 per cent are men. The remaining inembers are mostly male faculty members, according to Wiedow. "Century Club has no set plans, so to speak,' Wiedow said. The only competition we stress is competition with yourself to realize your goals." Students and Faculty interested in the club should contact Wiedow at 472-3467. C? CruUO fciijlM Uci Hg?. II j ii ImlatiM I i In i i,r. ikmmammm a1,- 'II - ri i if . -j-, n , i ' - - - i i m mm&aa - - f ' 1 H TT TTTTT TimiK kaolin Entries for volleyball and co-rec volleyball are due todays-5- pjn. at the Recreation Office "at 1740 Vine St. ;.-' ' For additional information, contact Gale Wiedow, coordinator of program planning-intramurals at 472-3467. HO Winston GhnrcMll's j- Concert Door -Prise Danci Special THRUST . Nov. 20 Sat. 9:GD - 12:00 at Nebraska Union Centennial Room $2.0 HE BIccli Activities Across 1 Guevara 4 Buenos- 3 Card-filing Tdd 12 Molten to:!;- 14 Oil source 15 O. Henry's gift givers 16 Guinness 17 Novelist Walter IS Neat as 19 Fersonal green crossword puzzle 22 Iron locale 23 Name for an -N.C.O. 24 Balzac . 23 "lift that 1 31 Ike's specialty 22 Yes, indeed, in Spain 33 Impertinence 37 Took no sides 43 Part of N.E-A Abbr. 41 Quasi-dairy product . 42 Cabaret 43 Quest of M9 44 Morally base 45 "... lived in 11 Carousing party 13 Chemical prefix IS Offenses, in law 23 Temple gateway 21 Compass point. 24 ScarlVttor .' -.' Jchn O' 25 Cheers 23 Filches 27 Old Japanese coin 23 Waited 23 Donkey, in Spain S3 Fib 22 Bear's brder 23 Safekeeping: Abbr. 34 Unimaginative 35 Egyptian goddess 25 Eskimo transit 33 Mind: Prefix 33 German sea denizen 43 Coagulate 44 Fits partners 45 Saying 45 Animal bodies 47 Dromedaries' assets 43 Orchestra unit 43 Press or secret 51 Periods 52 Alaskan cape 53 "Did you ! 54 Feminine suffix 55 of tears 55 Cry of revelry 57 Prophet in . ...... . o - ' TP0 M IP f 1 A j P E L ) E r"l C A j T" r:rv;rjs iMo el!c e rb' Ttfts" KSL- P'Irw,IjAt sjuP ' , V 0 1 1 ijHlQ I 10, ,jZj e 1 p 1 mT.1 A IE If I f wTETtTiG I S AjN0SEjlT lEj lT jhTt f tt D;E sir jwji is;, ;e ie A fi eIaHh 0 B R E sjcjlW T - 1 Kr- 'Hp e sflTs i c El 5 1 P i Y l 't S IE T lj S TW, 43 53 standstill -Archie Bunker specialties Gun fodder Name for a dog Church part Yawn Catkin Bitter drug Curve 5 Spanish painter and fami!y CS Poetic word 5S 23 3 1 2 C3 4 1 Thunderous sound 2 Heavenly wear 3 Holiday tirncs 4 Yearn 5 "not yet begun to fight Evaluate 7 Hebrew letter 8 Withered - Swinelike animal 13 Cheese-making process 12 16 19 13 114 sir 24 31 'AO 25 22 ,15 ,:8 2I ,23 28 23 133 41 53 45 J-S8 47 43 ii 64 32 130 10 11 33 .44 51 :;5 34 35 o mmmtkae&r X- ,r "r -iff iiirin mmm m m ma ......... , - . , i i-l Ll wJ Lu vr 1 o Thursday evening, November 18, Mr. Paul Klipsch, the man behind the renowned Klipschoni loudspeaker will be at Audio Systems and Design in Omaha. 'He is CDming to talk to you about the desgn and performance characterisdes of loudspeakers. One of the major figures in loudspeaker designs, Mr. Klipsch has a good deal to say on this subject. This is an excellent cppcmmiiy to talk to and learn from one of the most respected men in the audio field. If you are at all serious about your stereo system, you should pkn to take advsntzge cf Mr. Klipsdi's visit, which will begin at 7 pjrn. Youll find the atmosphere relaxed, tlic CDmT!5iricn edging and the knou ledgc you gala valuable. . . f We hope youll plan to stop and share some music, a cup cf coffee and some conversation with us. -5 L$ 7 ( Tl I ' I i Onaha 44 D3 Capita Avcm 556-755,