msndry, ncvt:r,bcr.15, 1373 I 1 m 1 if ( n Jiii i J s 5 i I GccJ VldL Ct Tlzrs. . ' 1 1 a i I s Sa5f t9rvisMrs& dryers. Or hm our cmndwft da It lor vow. ftrofetsatHMl dry e4ns J"t CO ei a rv,n'1. "1 Srl the r r. .'. J1 3 Titters. "2r The First Collect ion off Humor by Women. $7X5 A warm, witty, and won derful guide for grand mothers in a world of flux. $7 J5 The Hits Report. , A Nationwide Study of Female Sexuality ... an explicit and revolutionary view of fe male sexuality. $12X3 OpsL A magics), poetic and true sissy of an orphan in the 1 CCD's. C3.D5 Ceaoi-S, By f irry Jo Kill V,'ii!in three weeks, administrators from UNL w21 meet wiih mergers of the academic communities of four other states to dixuss a proposed regional veterinary science school to be buIH Li Lined.!, A project of the C!J West Regional Comjnisdon, the proposed school would serve students from the Dakotas, Montana, Nebraska, and Wyoming, The meeting will gjve educators from the five states a chance to learn more about, the proposed school and discuss ths advantages and disadvantages of the proposal, Eugene feigcid, a member of the Oil West Regional Commission, ssid. The date and location of the meeting have not been decided yet, In gold said, but it will take place within the next three weeks. The Old West Regional Commission comprises the governors of the five states. At a Nov. 6 meeting in Lincoln, the governors voted to have the conference, according to Don Nelson, alternate to the commission for Nebraska Gov. J. James Exon. Expenses for the confer ence, including traveling costs for the educators, will be paid by the commission, Nelson said. The conference is the only action that has been taken on the regional vet school following completion of a feasibility study last spring, Nelson said. The study, done by Prof. Clarence Cole of Ohio State University, ex plored the need for a regional veterinary science school and offered proposals concerning curriculum, budgeting and construction. One of the proposals recommended the UNL East Campus as the school site. UNL offers definite advantages as the site for the school, UNL Prof. Ucwsxi Gttcsoa sdd. A recently com pleted $8 m-Iica complex on JjliX Campus serves the UNL Veterinary Science Dept. Primarily taed for diagnos tic and research work, the buildings xlzo have seme ckss room space, Ottcson said. Construction of a regional veterinary school at UNL would eliminate building dupli cation, he added. , Nebraska is the big state" as far as the use of the pro posed school is concerned, according to Ottcson. Nebras ka students would account for 40 per cent of the total enrollment in the five-state school, he said. Also, more than 40 per cent of the livestock needed by the school would come from Nebraska. . Cole's proposal recommended that the regional veter inary school be located near a medical college as well as a graduate college. UNL fulfills those requirements with its graduate school on campus and the University of Nebraska Medical Center in Omaha. UNL educators who most likely w21 be attending the upcoming meeting support the proposed UNL location. UNL Chancellor Roy Young said it would be an advan tage to the livestock industry and to the university in general to have a regional veterinary school on campus. Martin Massesgale, vice chancellor for the UNL Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources, said UNL will play a greater part in the regional veterinary school program because of the proposed site. - :: .' ;- CsMIises-J a p. 7 1 f-m $iW g SOONER! Escxspo tho four yesr col'sga rut iuxcui sa:coL 07 COfitmCE - 1821 K St. 4-5315 9-12-18 month courses In Business - Accounng - Secrotcrbl Lags! Assistsnc - Word Processing fl -a-j. I. ftTI FREE DOWNHILL SKI GLiriC TONIGHT 70 and B20 1 235 Q Gunny's ,- r- -m- ' -- . ....ym... mmmmm-mmmmmmmmmmmmm--- ' .aKyaitf limMMiiimwi nil mm mm -I r--r wiiiidiniiiiMMV- wmiiwwHfflWliBUii aiwitiiiilrtM Wm umiiI ni m VTtmmwmtrmnmmrFm ,fr . i ' i hrrit immmmmm .himj.i aw n wa.rnubmi. irmktmH i i ii mi' -ii ill iii ri i iTiiiri iiiniirmifnMftnyii 4 i 5 Sansui Fsctcry Sponsored Sale on their entire line of Recehers-Turntables-Speakers Amps-Tapss-Tuners-etc. II ; . . ' Crff AO F i I ..ja-j- . -- ., - , sggr-- ! 1 PN Turntable Belt Drive, S-curva single suspension Tone Aim. r r i - v ) U' cry It ii : i X rf "f (iff"" ji ' P"" g fff fa '" S )7d Systenrss (2 cr mon) prccca) Ycu Ccnrt Buy Rr Less Wcnsy ft U ij