gcsd dome, - -! nCil3lT3 : ,rr Ihf The came f to water dish is Beg,but deal let that fool you. Cis Is a seren-foot Earmese python sndce that stI3 is growing. She also is for - liar owner, former UNL student Dan ISastsrs, placed an ad in the DzZy Ueb rsskai bit week, but lie saM the response has cot been great. Persons who rerpond are curious, hut don't want to own a 2-year-cli snake, he - One of the reasons they might be turn ed off by the snake could be because the snake is hungry. he hasrt Been fed for zbcJt a month. Maker's wife, Charlene, laid they feed the snake five or six large rats a month. The snake also eats hamsters, gsrhUs and rabbits. Another reason that might deter some one from buying her is her ill health. She caught pneumonia in the cold plane in which she flew to the US. Because of this, her breathing sounds like hissing. The f-Jastsrs are selling the snake to make loom for their baby. The snaked room will be turned into a nursery unless the fvlasters can rcoie into a thrce-ieiroora house. Jdrs. ISastexs said she wouldat sibw the baby to stay in the same room with the snake. Idzstsrs sail the snake has a parsrrty Hbrecl from thsir friends dales. - Gcttirg her to take a bath is so pro Hem. His. liazters sail the snake crjoys fcalLirs. The Idasters ess the bathtub to rasniza scrub the reptile. The snake is nervous around strangers, but after she gets to know people, she is friendly. She slithers to the front of her cre when someone she knows enters her I room. Idasters said, there have been recorded instances cf grown people found inside Burmese pythons. "A full-grown leopard also was found inside one, he added. The snake's musics la ladia have heea Icnown to live outsMe cities and come into town after dark to kH a dog for supper- The -apartment complex where the IZasterses live doesn't allow pets, but who is going to tell her she has to go? Masters said they live next door to the building's assistant manager, who has two pet dogs, so he said he doesn't think he can tell her to go. siressss friendship bs'lwean cultures By f&xine Kublcek Helping students leam from each other is the most important function of International Club, said president EarhKim. - ""International Gab is the unifying body for all the international student organizations at UNLT the senior criminal justice major said." Moss, fen 609 foreign stu dents are enrolled at UNL and represent 79 countries, The individual foreign student groups direct activities toward their particular group, Kim said. International Club tries to include aH students, American smd foreign. "Without International Oub there would be no inter relation between the various organizations and with the American students,- said Lorentz lam, Chinese Student Association president. Lam said learning the American culture is as important as academic education. Foreign students may face pro blems in making friends, he said and Internationa! Ckb 7 H I 1 2HZ2? 15 DISC0U?JT with v LD. includes everything 1 except livestock puzdx jrisr " ! 1 J J v ) ; i 1 1 j IVe will stare cyds z'l wrintsr st tid chsi Full tr.-3Tnty fcr.nnirp n tr.2 pnrrj. j irr3 y:3 r.2.::3 o n I ' 1. , 4 ' ( -5 ' f -ft-,,., - :- k - tries to help ease this difficulty. . AdH&sefitls2U2e ""It is hard for a foreign student to find a friend to talk with in his own language," he said. "Even though students . usually learn English in their own countries, it's almost a different language hereJ" Students without cars also may have trouble with transportation, he said. - Nebraska is a big change for students who come from crowded countries, Sim said. She said a foreign student once told her, "1 get so tired here because you have tD walk. At home you're Just kind of pushed along. lam, a Hong Kong, native, compared the density of tie popula tion there to afooibal Esturday-at lML. A Participation in International Club is open to any student, Kirn said, and the club welcomes American students. The club has a good response of membership, but would like to see more American students involved. - Fessoaslevd ?iost foreign students would like to get to know American students on a more personal level, not just in Hie classroom situation" Kim said. Stu&jUs are more likely to express themselves in formal situations than in the classrooms, she said. Activities to involve students in .International Club are always going est, Kim said. The primary activities are the International Night, which was Nov. 6. : - Individual foreign student organizations were asked to participate in the event, which included Arab singing and dancing, Chinese folk singing, Indian and Japanese dances and a Kung Fu demonstration by Vietnamese students. Both the banquet and International Night draw a good response from the community, Kim said. The club is sponsoring an International Sports Olympics through Nov. 14 and Nov. 19 through 21 in the Tornens Physical Education Bldg Kim said. Although the deadline for entry has passed, spectators are welcome at the Olympics; which will include competition in table tennis, i-oUeybsIl, bowling and basketball. . - mirTi-- -n- " Our busies is the repair of VW wehidesnd the seiitg of j parts and accessories lor Votkswracm ehtcles. t ffDttft Cnd ft ttmtmlKbmt 1m rill it lupwi imwi i Wl tr )Uj Wbi t.I 1) II UMTAEIAIl CHURCH . OF LSCCOLN . A chisrfi Ihsi hssts you to think jbr pstssdf Smdsy, Ifoy. 14' 11 sm Sjxsaal Scnxs: 'Dqpth cf Hdit" A C&teibn of Fslhcrs 'i by Rev. Chsrlss Stqtei 2nd ctfes snJ Csnce by - Dcfi es3 Sua " 2 you nesi transpcslstsn cd 433-2213 or 4S32J7. AH no cover chexgs frW MF-yiA j -- ial OSCAR'S LJrt t.r3 3 dis Cmtsiy s l -mj J r .7 9 0 3 i i ! 1 rrv ? tfl CO KY to yew nwEaf "ttnt. Oar pfoSwpiiM imlreti for ptisar, fcscJanejK'ssi. sdl tb fSrsisa. Ulw ir c;.:-i5 Vim as HI r-J fs n:s!s, . . iff to cc3 k-H JM4Pl if f W - J 11 11 J J - ;